The Mom Lady Person says that ME is getting a "Squishy belly" When ME asked Miles and Sammy what that meaned, they both laffed and hollered "YOU'RE GETTING FAT"
OH NO, now no girlcats will efur want to be a girlfriendcat to me.
Mommie ML and Auntie Deb- ME loves you lots and ME wants you to get all better.
SAMMY AND MILES: HEY!! We loves Mommy ML and Auntie Deb too! Please get better

You are getting a bit chunky, Billy. You might want to ramp up your running.
YOu are cute though. chubby is nice.
Keep playing, that helps the squishy belly syndrome.
You don't look fat to us at all!!
Your belly is perfect! I hope your beans get better soon.
Billy, I have a squishy belly and it's perfectly fine. I'm not fat and my mom loves to rub my belly and even kiss it sometimes!
Billy - we all agree that you are very handsome & your belly is quite cute.
Jade, Ghost & BG
Billy! We love you fat, skinny, whatever!!! Zoey says you are still a handsome mancat!!!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Yes, I hope Mommy ML and Auntie Deb feel better soon!
I think your tummy is just right!
Hmm, yoo don't look fat to us. Gerls like a little bit of fluff to snuggle wif...
You are too cute to be fat Billy!
Fat??? Not you.
Skittles, The Huntress
hummm with 3 fat kitties, I don't think it's your fault Billy. I think your mommy likes her kitties big.
1. I are vary small and ornj and I also yoost to live owtsyd AND I ALSO GOT SKWISHY AFTER I MOOVED IN WITH THE NYCE LAYDEE!!!!!
ok let me know what yoo think!!!!!! I are VARY acited!!
p.s. I are yoozing my bruther's akkownt so do not be afyoozed!!!
All grown boy kitties have a floppy belly thingy. In humans, this is called a Beer Belly. In cats, this is called Mancat Love Handle. This attracts female kitties, so no worries. It'll GET you a girlfriend when you're ready!
Hi my Billy SweetFeets! I don't think you are getting fat! I think you are purrfect!! I thought I was your girlfriend! Oh well, Sassy & Spats think you are just too cute!!! I am feeling much better.
Love, Auntie Deb
Billy, you might be just a little tiny bit squishy. We do not think you need to worry about the Ladycats not liking you.
I fink yoo already has one ladykitty interested...and a ginger gurl too. Wowza dat is sumfing! Yoo has a nice belly -- be furry proud! Swing it mancatedly!
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy Sweet Feets
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman....
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little tuxie princess
You are perfect! Squishy belly just means you're turning into a Man Cat.
Billy-boy, don'tchoo worry 'bout a thing. Ladycats lerrrrrve a little furchin on a fine mancat. They do!
I have a bit of a squooshy belly and I'm not chubby at all. It's a mancat thang.
You should definitely talk to Kismet's sister. She's pretty cute.
What a chiseled mancat you are Billy ~ we don't fink you iz getting fat at all ~ it's just an optical illusion in that piktur...
SnowForest's human here ~ thanks so much for your comforting words following the loss of our dear Forest ~ we greatly value your kindness and are sending many regards and well wishes to you as well as Mommy ML and Auntie Deb...
Everyone's tummy looks squishy when you lay curled up like that. You'll always be cute, even if you get squishy.
Oh Billy, lotsa girlcats purfur a mancat with squishy belly, so yoo'll be fine!
Miles, Can I come ofur and snuggle pleez? purrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
All ManCats need a little belly wobble - it very ManCatly, don't worry. Plus Mommy says she likes a ManCat with a bit of meat on his bones (I think that's a bit scary, but she says it's good).
See Billy, there is already a girl kitty who wants you! How could any girl kitty resist your cute personality....and your stripes!!??
You doing your growings, Billy. All nootered mancats get that swingy belly at your age. Don't let your brothers taunt you & make you feel sad.
BILLY! Don't worry because I think you are CUTECUTECUTE and squishy bellies are nice and anyway I RUN and PLAY ALL DAY and my mommy still says I am SOLID which is probably a lot like SQUISHY and of course all the lovely ladycats will love MY BILLY!!!
Billy, I have a squishy-belly, too. And I weigh only 6 pounds!
Don't worry Billy,I don't think you are too fat. You PLAY,PLAY,PLAY a lot ,so that will keep it in check ;)
The girlcats will still want you
Purrs Mickey
We think if you PLAY, PLAY, PLAY all the time, you will be fine, and it looks like you have lots of admirers anyway, so don't worry about your squishy belly.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Billy... you are one adorable boy and i am sure lots of girls love you.
Sending healing purrs to all.
Hey Billy,
My Meowmy posted a picture of ME and said I had belly fat! I am so embarrassed!!!
ps - the girly cats seem to like me so I guess it's ok to have a squishy belly sometimes!
Billy, You are still handsome.
At least you have those slimming stripes!
Abby Normal
Billy, most kittys gets a fat belly after being an out door kitty. I has a small one now too. It just means you are eatting really well!
Billy ... All of the best mancats have squishy tummies. It makes 'em all the more appealing.
Squishy tums are better to snorgle anyways...
That is just a growing belly for a growing kitty. We are sure it will change as you get older. We think you are cute no matter what.
Roxy & Lucky
Oh, Billy Sweetfeets, you are one handsome little mancat.
Little Faith Boomerang thinks you are just the cutest thing around. And so do I :: blushes ::.
Mommie ML is resting, we all had to sit on her yesterday. Furrst we had ta pull hers off tha computer, Missy pulled tha plug out wif her tooths. Then we all sat on her and she slept so nicely. When she realized no choice was involved. Hee hee.
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