Lately, ME has been sleeping on the couch 'ahind the mom lady person's head. And whenever the mom lady person gets up, ME has to follow her where ever she goes. ME even lets her huggle on me more and ME doesn't ask to be putted down so fast. AND ::GASP:: ME HAS PURRRRRRRED when she holded me. OH, and mommy wented out yesterday and when she camed back, ME ranned to the door. When she saided HI ME ranned away.
WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME???? It's 'afusing ME lots.
i think you are growing up billy sweetfeet!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh Billy the same thing happened to me. When I first came to live with Mom I was a wild feral cat and now I let Mom rub my tummy. And I like it! And I come to her for scratches.
It is just what happens when you find your forever home. It is a good thing.
~ Madness
Oah super super sweet heartwarming fellow~!!!!
You are falling in love with the mom lady! I didn't purr for the longest time either or sit on mum's lap. Now I do!
Oh Billy, it happens to all of us when we find our furever home and discover love...feels purrty good doesn't it.
Billy, it means you are in the right place for you.....your forever home. Enjoy being 'at home'and keep up with the purring and greeting at the door - the beans love this.
Mindy & Moe
You will get used to all that you are doing then you will mellow out and you won't be confused anymore. Cleo likes to lay behind my Mom's head on the couch too. She likes to lick her hair. Guess she thinks she is giving her a bath.
Purrrhaps yourrr mom lady perrrson should have spoken to you in cattongue like my Cat Chat Girrrl does--then you might not have rrrun away when she spoke people speak.
Oh, Billy ... You're doin' all the right stuff 'cuz you're supposed to let your momma love on you an' you're supposed to be all excited when she comes home from her job ... oh, an' you're supposed to purr lots an' lots 'cuz that's how you get Temptations!
That what we kitties do when we knoew we is loved and haf a furefur home!! So don't afused or a'scared.
~Meeko & Kiara
Billy, it means you are happy because you have a forever home!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You are slowly truly becoming a member of the Meezer household. Just wait, better things are waiting to happen for you!
Billy Sweet Feets, you love the mom lady person! Now you have to stay there and be happy forever!!
You're just establishing ownership over her. Don't worry. Once you have her trained to be all Oooooh Yer So Cute then you can ignore her when you want to, only preying on her OYSC genes when YOU feel like gettign some attentuon.
Billy, we think that's wonderful! :) We both love to follow our humans around, and we LOVE to curl up in their laps and purr. :) We are so happy you are loving and trusting your mom! :)
That iz what happinz when u get a furever home, u get a bean, or maybe tu of them, to luv.
You're OK Billy. You're just becoming a lover kitty.
It's love Billy Boy. And ain't it grand?
Don't be confoosed Billy, you're doing everything right. Now you know you have a wunnerful furrever home it is making you happy and you want to show it. The running away when your mum sez Hi is okay too cuz you haf to keep sumfing in reserve. You'll soon furrget that though and run to meet her without running away again.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Your Mommy loves you, you love her AND....I LOVE YOU!!
My Billy SweetFeets, I mailed your prized packge to you yesterday!!!
Just go with it, Billy, it's a good thing. Really.
All of us do stuff like that and it hasn't hurt any of us. Well, as long as we're sure to step out of the way when the door opens. So just besure to step out of the way when the door opens so you don't get whapped with the door and you'll be fine.
Boni Maroni
Miles, yoo wanna come ofur and sunbathe in da sun room? I gots towels for us to snuggle on.
Purrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Pee Ess. I would come runnin to da door if yoo walked in da door (insteada telerportin).
You is in love sammy. I am just begining to wealise that I LOVE being bwushed !! I purrs lots then.
BILLY! You are starting to LOVELOVELOVE your MOMMY like I love MY MOMMY!!!! You can start JUMPING on her and KISSING her like I do and get her good and SLOBBERY because that is how you are supposed to love your mommy and make sure you jump super high and hard so that she finds BRUISES all over herself and doesn't remember how she got them and OH WAIT Tybalt says that isn't how kitties love their mommies but who says you can't love your mommy like I love MY MOMMY, huh?!?!?!?!
Silly Billy, you're falling in love with your Mom just like all good mancats too! In fact we tend to love them so much we do daft stuff, take it from me this is totally normal! :) Just take my advice and avoid getting so excited that you jump in the shower and get all wet! :(
L-O-V-E LOOOOOOOOVE! I do dat to my mommy cat too!!!!!! I's in love!! :")
Oh, Billy, you are bonding with your sweet mommy. It's a wonderful, wonderful thing.
Don't be confused, just go with it.
I love you, too, sweet Billy SweetFeets.
Mommy ML
pee ess: Your package is on it's way as of yesterday morning, priority. Should be there tomorrow. Yay.
I think you are in love with your mommmmmie
Billy loves his mommie
Billy loves his mommie
Billy loves his mommie
Billy loves his mommie
Billy loves his mommie
I know she loves you too!
You just love your mom. Don't have to be confused about that. Its normal, just go with it.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Love and trust are wonderful things, Billy! We are very happy to hear that both are becoming part of you. YEA!!!!
You are enjoying your human slave. There is nothing wrong with this. I have been known to follow mine from place to place...
Ah, you falled in love with your mom!
Billy Sweet Feets
Dat is sumfing dat happens to all of us when we fall in lub wif our Mommies and our forever home...
Dat means yoo is a fourever kitty...
*wavin paws*
Bye Sweet Billy
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome kind floofy cocoa puffs meezerman.
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little tuxie sweetie
It only keeps getting better sweet feets!
Sounds like you didn't quite recognize her right away ... or you're turning into a teenager.
Billy you are wonderful, and so is your mom!
Abby Normal
Little dude, you love your mom. Purring is good - mom types eat that up. Just remember to give her a little bitey every once in a while to keep her guessing. It works like a charm.
I agree with most of the others...you are falling in love with your Mom...and that is a good thing!
What a sweet loving boy!!!!!
These things happen and you can have little control. I suggest the insanity defense and just confuse her.
Love love love
love love love
all you need is LOVE!
Thank you for all the healing purrs you have sebt our way.
It's a good thing, Billy. Don't fight it. Mom says it is what makes the world go round.
You are falling in love with your mom lady person. You are both very lucky.
Billy, that sounds scary. Come TRASH here and not think about it. PLAYPLAYPLAY!! TRASH and PLAY!! - Fagin
Billy,you are just getting comfy in your home and are happy enough to show it!! I bet your Mom is really happy :)
Purrs Mickey
I think you're just getting your gingersnappishness, Billy!
Billy you are so cute! That is so cool that you sit by the Mom lady and purrr! Aw................!!!!
Your FL furiends,
Oh Billy, don't be worried about this. It's natural to purr and greet your Mom. It means you're at your forever home and everyone there loves you!
Your friend
Yup, yoo got a case of the big L.
And all that purring? That's jes yur pleasure reeleese valve doin its job. If yoo keep it inside yoo kood 'splode from happyniss.
Love, my young padewan. Love!
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