Dear Mother Type Person
I can't believe that you have once again forced me to bring to light in front of the entire cat blogosphere your horrific treatment of me. Here are your failings, just for this week alone!
- NO morning skritches on Monday
- NOT getting that little orange rat away from me when I'm trying to sleep. We had this issue with Miles too when he was Billy's age. Did you NOT learn anything?
- You did NOT leave your arm up long enough on Monday night when I was sleeping. I really do not care that your shoulder hurts in the morning when you sleep with your arm straight out. My comfort is all that matters.
- The horrific lateness of reading my beautiful Abby's blog on Tuesday. You know that I have to look and see if there are any beautiful pictures before you get ready to leave the house. Making me wait 2 more minutes until 5:17am is unacceptable.
- no hamstring rubs last night. you KNOW i need my hamstring rubs.
I could go on and on but the blogosphere will start to think that I am a whiney baby andn I'm really not. I just need what I need when I need it. You KNOW this. We haf talked about this several times before. Is your brain full of holes like swiss cheese? Just what is your problem with not remembering stuff?
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
careful sammy, i seem to remember something about a lamp??? just sayin'...
smiles, auntie bee
Sammy, is this the reason that Mr. Google says that you need a passport?
Sammy ... We fully understand.
Sammy, this is just horrible. Horrible I tell you--that you have to put up with this. We really need to have a consciousness raising for our humans so that they can serve us better...
hahaha-yoo tell hur sammy. Swiss cheeze brane lady--hehehe
Oh My, I think all these things but have never said them to Momma, I know who feeds me :(
Sammy, I know what you are speaking of. This is a travesty!
Sammy, maybe your Mom lady person needs some Auntie Bee's fish oil pills. Just saying.
Wood yoo like me to comes ofur and gives yoo sum snuggles? Dis is juss not rite...Momma hasta to knoo da roolz!
*wavin paws*
Bye Miles
Bye Billy
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezeman...
purrs and nosekisses
Your adorin tiny tuxie princess
Sammy we know you are not whiney, but if you were, we wouldn't blame you. You have so much to put up with.
You tell her Sammy!!!!! Ya gotta respect the cat!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh we understand your troubles all too well Sammy! It seems you suffer nearly as badly as our dear friend Yao-lin.... :( We too have suffered lately with lack of access to the computer while Mummy was off looking at eer professional boyfriends for me! It is only for this fact that I have decided to forgive her and not put the bitey on her toes big time! ;)
It's important to provide performance evaluations on a regular basis -- how else will people learn?!
You should be a bit more tolerant - don't forget they're only human. FAZ
Maybe she has Oldtimer's, Sammy. And like Faz said, they're only human. Maybe you should get a second human to fill in the Swiss cheese holes.
your bud Pepi
Miles, It's cool and rainy here today. Will yoo come snuggle wif me on the rainporch? My kitty cup there is big enuff for bof of us.
Purrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Sammy - You do have so much to put up with!! Maybe if you came to visit us in Hotlanta for a while, your Mom would miss you and treat you better!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Hai, I is Jake! You get all that done alls the time?? OHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOY!!
I'd like that too! Mmmmk, I gotta eat.
I is Jake!
She is cruisin' for some whappin'....
Honestly Sammy, I don't know how you tolerate living there! (tsk) Such shabby treatment is unacceptable for a mancat of your stature.
We think the swiss cheese theory is a distinct possibility. All the symptoms are there.
count your blessings buster, just count em!
Oh Sammy!!!! The horrors you have to put up with!!!
hee hee hee, aren't beans hard to train!
Purrs, KC
Your mommy loves you.Humans can't help themselves sometimes.
Sammy, sometimes you just haf to review da rools wif da mom person, cause they do get a bit slack and needs reminders.
Mindy & Moe
Sammy...come to Switzerland and we will give you shots of tequila!
We feel yoor pain Sammy...we just give mom gentle reminder, like sitting our poo hiney right on her face! Really, our mom's should know better!
i don't think you are whining. i think you are just telling it like it is!
you must demand more attention from your mommy right now!
Schmaybe yoo could scream at her some more like I did to dat evil introoder cat at mine house. It seems to werk for gettin more attenshun.
You are not being whiny. You are merely stating facts. Very disturbing facts.
Hmmm, I think maybe you need to have a little heart to heart talk with your mother about her failings in this area. Perhaps she is not getting enough chocolate?
Sammy, you sure are tough on your mom! She can't catch a break with you!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
I feel your pain, brother. I will NOT list for you the endless mistreatments I have suffered, 'cause I'm not a whiney baby either..and the lamp has nothing to do with anything, does it?
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