Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Meezer Rule and Whapping Wednesday


always make shur to comfort your mom when it's thundering out.
do this by burrowing down in the blankies in the bed.
it should make her feel really good.


Whappage for this week:

- kitty grass pot

- cell phone

- regular phone

- the mom's lunch bag

- eleventy squillion pens (mom's note: the same pen eleventy squillion times)

- tv remote

- clock radio

- lamp (it's broken anyway)

- bottles of loshun

- toothbrush left out on sink counter

- tv table with papers on it

- bowl of crunchies off the table.

Remember fellow whappers, sometimes whapping the obvious is fun too!
UPDATE:: Please join us in purring for our furriend Felix


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sarge beat me at cards so i am gonna' whap him a good one!!!

smiles, auntie bee

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Sammy, you sure do a lot of whapping! Nothing is safe at your house, is it? Hee hee! I myself sometimes like to chew on any sort of paper that Momma and Daddy leave sitting around that is new and different and interesting. I got into Momma's coupons last night, but only chewed off a couple of corners!
Purrs and headbutts,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We done a lot of whapping dis week...and we empty our toy box all over da liffing room and den dragged stuff all over.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

My human is mad at her cell phone and would love it to be whapped...

Motor Home Cats said...

Miles, that sounds like a very good rule.

Sammy, very good job on the whappage. We love to whap pens, especially when mom is trying to write with them. It is really great when you make them make weird squiggles all over the paper.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Wendy Hoke said...

It sounds as if you are headed to the Whapping Olympics. My bet's on you Sammy.

Skittles, The Huntress

Max said...

Sammy needs a collar that says KING OF WHAP on it. Heh.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I liked them all, but the lamp one was real good. I broked the bed lamp on The Big Thing's head once.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a great rule, Miles! Of course, the two of us burrow anytime, it doesn't matter why or when. :)

Anonymous said...

Sammy, Mom has lots of little papers with scribble notes for her haiku that she keeps on the desk where I help her blog. I whap them so good sometimes that it takes her weeks to find them!


Millie said...

Haven't your beans learned that you are the World's Best Whapper? Gosh, you'd think they'd know better by now and celebrate your wonderfulness.

Beans sure are weird.

Congrats, Sammy!

Parker said...

I have been eyeing Mommy's make-up brush - I think I'll go give it a whap!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Miles, you are such a sweetie to comfort your Mommy during the storm!

Sammy: GREAT usual

Billy: Hi my SweetFeets! How are you doing? I hope that you have a great day. Why don't you teleport over and spend it with me. We can snuggle!!!

Love, Auntie Deb

Rosie & Cheeto said...

a vary bizzie, yet prowduktive, day sammy. Were impressed!!!


I whapped Mr. Jinx this morning to get him to move off of my table and then I chased Ping and whapped him on da bum and I tried to chase Boo and whap her, but Momma stopped me. Why won't Momma let me have my fun with Boo?

*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles

and Gracie

*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome kind cocoa puff whappanator meezerman

Purrs and Nosekisses
Your teeny tiny princess Tuxie

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Miles dat's a good rool. Except when I get under da covers, Grandma's feet pick on me. So I attacks thems. I guess that's distraktin tho hehehe Let's telerport ofur to visit Felix today and cheer him up. Then we can come bak here and snuggle.
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

Sammy, I'm going right now to start whapping some stuff on the list. Great list!
your protege Pepi

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a terrific list!!! The whappage is so good at your house you should be featured on the news or somethin'!
Miles, what a good thing to do to comfort your mom when she's shuddering and afraid of that thunder.

jenianddean said...

Whapping really is good fun. Knocking the pens off the desk is one of my favorites, too.

LZ said...

Great whapping this week. If I whapped the Tall Man's cell phone....well I don't know what would happen because he keeps it locked away so I can't get to it. I am still deciding what to whap while the humans are away.

Thanks for offering to do Meezer Monday. I really wish some other meezers might like to get involved but I'm happy you guys can fill in. Thanks! Actually I can still probably do this Monday, but if you would do next monday (18th) that would be cool.


Earl Grey said...

Miles, it's very good of you to protect your mom like that.

Sammy, I am continually amazed by your whapping skills.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You guys have been BUSY! We're envious.

We don't know whether Bill SweetFeets has won an award yet, but we gave him one. No offense guys. We love you two too!

Our ac is out today so we're trying not to move. Typing is moving. Bye.

Tybalt said...


Oh YESYESYESYESYES I will be your NOMS friend! OH! I am SO excited that you asked ME! I hope I am not too late!





Purrageous Pirates said...

Thanks for leaving advice to help Mommy feel better. She has some witch hazel at home and will try it as soon as she comes back from day hunting!!

BILLY! I have a box and we can play in it! It's fun! Come and PLAYPLAYPLAY. Bring Dana too - PLAY!! - Fagin

PB 'n J said...

So many things to whap - so little time!

Colby and Cheddar said...

Sammy, you make us ashamed, cause you have done so much whapping! We are going to try to do better this week.

We likes to whap pens, too. You know what Colby has discovered? Straws! He loves to whap them.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Miles-Meowm comforts us when loud noises happen. You are very brave to comfort your Mom.

Sammy-Your Grand Whappishness-I am constantly amazed at your talent for whapping.

Daisy said...

It sounds like it has been an excellent week for whapping!

The Devil Dog said...

Those are excellent whapping ideas, Sammy. Thank you for your advice. Good job comforting your mom, Miles.


Lux said...

Sammy, you're the Whapping King, no doubt about it! :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mum was telling me how good I was cuz I haven't whapped anything today, (that she's seen)I just got on the compooter to visit my furrends and she wuz sat there eating a bar of choklit, so I whapped it on the floor and ran away with the paper. Hehe.

Mickey's Musings said...

You guys are too good to comfort your Mom!!!!
Sammy that is a great list!!! You have been busy!!!!! Pawesome :)
We have been sending lots of purrs to Felix.My sisfurs like him too :)
I hope he gets better !!
Purrs Mickey

MaoMao said...

AWww, you fellers are such good kitties! And I'm laffin at alla the whappin. I love whappin, too. Have you efur heard of the Harley Davidson logo "Ride to live and live to ride?" Well, my motto is "whap to live and live to whap!"

Us Ballicai are purrin and purrin fur Felix!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Clover said...

Hello Sammy, Miles and Billy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are all so cute and funny; I hope it's ok for me to come back and visit more!
I saw Billy being called Billiam in an earlier post. Guess what?! I am called Billiam sometimes too! (It's a long story.)
Love Clover xo

meemsnyc said...

When it's storming out we definitely cuddle with the beans.

The Island Cats said...

Sammy, that's quite a list of things to whap! Today I whapped Wally's medication off of the kitchen counter! I was very proud of myself!


(Wally and Zoey say hi!)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

If only whapping could stimulate the economy ... It would then be PERFECT. Whap on, doods!

iamfelix said...

You certainly have a patient Mom, Sammy -- All that stuff (eleventy-squillion PENS!) means a lot of up-picking for her. She might send you to whapping rehab, like the CO kitties have to go to boxhab!

Forty Paws said...

You three are more work than 10 of us here!

Luf, Us

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...