Here is the weekly Meezer Monday Miles Report
The Foods Report
Last week we hadded: steak, pork, ice cream, eggs and pancakes yesterday morning. We also hadded, but didn't eat: squash, salad, hot sausage, green beans, and beets.
The Billy Report:
Billy is feeling some better. He has not been to the v-e-t yet as green papers are short right now, but he is not coughing anymore and his wheezing is almost gone. the v-e-t saided when Billy saw him the ferst time that he would haf these prollems prolly for his whole life. But he's feeling better.
Here is Sammy with another exciting Alien Report:
SAMMY: Ok, so not only has the alien disguised as a woofie named Dutchess EATEN the man that used to live in their house next-door-behind-us, but i think that she has terrorized the people that live next-door-next-door to us move. There was a big metal monster with wheels in the backyard today and they were throwing everything from their house into it. at least they didn't get eated.
Back to you Miles
The Award Report
Ok, we have beaten the mom up enought to post our awards. We gotted an award from Princess-Isis but we can't seem to get it off her bloggie. But we gotted this one from her too!

well the foods sound pretty good but no HAM??? my my...
any whapping going on there?
smiles, auntie bee
It's good that efurrything is good.
Yeah I am glad that Billy is doing better...
An the aliens?! They have EATEN someone?! Wow.
Billy, You've got a good thing going there. Whining seems to work.
Congrats on the awards!
Aliens? Wow. I'm impressed that you are so brave to even keep track of what's going on. I would probably hide under the bed.
Skittles, The Huntress
Green beans? You got GREEN BEANS and didn't eat it? Green beans are YUMMY. Not as yummy as broccoli, but still!
We are happy Billy is feeling better, and sorry about your aliens next door. That's a bummer. Mom knows about being short green paper.
Man, it is just whirlwind excitement with you guys.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Sounds like you've had some good eatin' and I fink that Billy has manflu just like my Dad...
Yum, the food report was good! Except for the no HAM! part...
Sammy, Miles and Billy, you three always get to eat such good foods, we are jealous! Concatulations on your awardies ... you certainly deserve them!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
The food report sounded pretty tasty, even with the no ham part, but we do have a suggestion. We don't normally take to people foods, but we LOVE Whipped Cream. You should try some. It's even better than ice cream!
Oops, we forgot to tell Billy that we hope he feels better really soon!
Good news report! Sounds like you had a bunch of foods to try ;O
A lot of bean food is not very tasty. What kitty really likes veggies ? heehee
Purrs Mickey
Congrats on the awards!
Also, I gave Billy an award on my blog today. Tell him to come by and get it when he gets the chance, ok?
BILLY!!!! You have an AWARD from my brother!!!! That's because you are the BESTEST KITTY EVER!!!!!
heh heh! Billy yoo and woofie Jake would be great together. Jake gotdid an award last week and the mom hasn't posted it for him either.
~ Shadow ~
Hi Meezers! YOu gotta start eating more of your vegetables, guys!
Wally & Ernie
pee ess. glad Billy is feeling better...
Guess what I eated yessterday? Momma gave me some boar's head ham...oink oink yep I had sum pig! Gracie was gobbling it down so I figgured it must be gud so I hadda me sum too. I liked it but I diddant like the pumpkin Momma tried to gives me. YUCKO!
Sammy be furry kareful wif dem aliens yoo nefur knoos it might be like dat Xfiles....
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezer man...
purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Yuk, we wouldn't want to eat the vegetables either.The rest sounds good though. We're glad Billy is getting better.
Hope Billy gets feeling better. I wish Dad shared ice cream with us this weekend but he hogged it all.
Get well soon Billy!
Sammy: you must keep an eye on the alien! Your very lives may depend on it.
That is an excellent food report... but no tequila?
Be careful of those aliens and we hope lots of those green papers humans love will appear in your mailbox soon.
I've been readin' youse guys archives..all the way back! You got lots more HAM back then, did you know that? I think you need to get on to the mom and get your ham quotient back up!
I had BACON!!!!!!!! I'm the only ham lover in our house. Weird huh?
No ham? We had ham and bacon! Today we is gonna haf roasted beast...we feel bad fur Billy, coffing and weezing is not fun.
miles & sammy--we allus enjoy yer monday reports! we nefur gets nuthin' but crunchies. our beans has the brass hoo-hahs to eat LONG JOHN SILVER'S FISH right in fronta us, an' nefur gif us a taste! (mom: that's a miserable lie; they got some, just not all they wanted)
billy, we's glad you's feelin' better. when you's all perky again, we're sure fagin will wanna PLAYPLAYPLAY. even if he's a purser now, he's still a kit, an' nuthin' keeps kits from frolickin'. we's glad you sailed wif us, an' hopes you'll come along next year. chow yung fatcat is already pricing ships . . .
I do not blame you for not eating the beets. Yuck!
Billy, I hope you get all better soon!
HUGS~ The Ernie's Voice Gang
You had a pretty nice weekend. Sorry about the beets, though. We're glad Billy's feeling better.
That is a very clear, concise report. Good Job! We got chick-hen this weekend. We are getting new treats that are freeze dried meats. We even got vishus deer, but we didn't like it, so Mom gave it to Camie.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Wow, good stuffs ta eat and awardies too! Ya hadda great week...
Congrats on your awards, you all are so deserving of these high honors. Glad to hear that Billy is doing better. Take care of him.
We just LOVE your updates they are great. Sorry for the man who got eaten by the alien. That can't have been fun for him.
Your blog is just too fun to read! always one of the first ones we read!
btw--- thanks for mentioning the girls walk a thon!
Congratulations on the awards! I'm sorry to hear Billy is not feeling well. I bet if he'd eaten some squash and beets he'd be better (ha ha ha).
Holey Moley you guyz get some yummy goodness!
I thinkz That I might send my Momma there t6o learn a thing or two!
I iz very glad that they did not get eat-ed but they must be some scary neighbors to make some peoplez move?
Can youz not get rid of them?
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