Hello Efurryone. It's ME!!! Billy SweetFeets Norton Gingersnap
ME is mad at Mommy.
Mom Lady Person callded me WIDE.
Mom Lady Person saided that ME cannot share her dinner wif her anymore.
or eat Sammy and Miles' break-fests
Does she not unnerstand that ME lived on the streets for 6 monfs and ME need to be reassured that ME can get foods whenefur ME wants?
She does not unnerstand that ME is 'fraid that ME might not gets foods.
Me 'taked her ice cream.
That will show her.
Mom Lady Person says that ME can give out our awards!
This award is from my new Eskie woofie furriend Princess Isis!! Haf you bisited her? She's beautiful!

Me also wants to gif this to KC, and Faith-Boo and Missy - all beautiful girlcats
Me also wants to gif this to FAGIN!
Me wants to gif this to Vampy Victor too
and my Ginger Hero Derby

Me wants to give this to more of my Ginger Heroes - Eric and Flynn
and also Fat Eric
And me also wants to give this to Jan's Funny Farm!
Last, ME wants to give this to efurryone else, 'acause ME loves efurryone!
um, BYE!
::runs off to steal Sammy break-fest::
me is wide too billy. it's not so bad... har har
smiles, auntie bee
Thank you Billy! How very nice of you to give me this.
Yeah, I thinks you will always want extra foods. You are not sure where your next meal is coming from, even when there is lots of foods.
Plus, if you eat it all, the the Meezers will be all skinny and slinky!
Wide is rude. But humans are rude in general so I guess its not so shocking. Don't worry Billy- you are entitled to as much food as you can take!
Congratulations on your awards!!
Cats and wide are an oxymoron...
Congratulations on your awards. You did a fine job of passing them out!
WIDE? I think not!
Us former ferals haf a fing abouts food, don't we Billy. Me an Faith Boo an Missy are all tha same way. We's not wide, just healthy. And satisfied.
The boys here -- Sol, Smokey & BJ -- were born indoors an haf never known being a stray or feral, so they's more relaxed about food.
Fanks fur tha lovely award fur us gals, Love & Purrs, KC
Take a look at Sammy & Miles...you won't starve in that house...worst case you can just eat them. ;)
but you better let Miles & Sammy have their breakfasts or they'll conspire to eat YOU!
How dare your Mom lady person call you wide!
BILLY!! I can't believe your Momma says you is too wide?!?!?
It sounds so bad, but really it is just coz she is caring about you.. it must not really be a bad thing coz my MOmma says it every times she looks into the mirror and you don't says bad stuff to yourself does you? :)
oohh Thankyou so much for the awardie too!! But congrats even more for yours! :))
PES: You should not eat your siblings meals, coz you want them to be on YOUR side whens you get into trouble :P
Wide is good. That means there's more of you to love. Truly.
Billy, I am the same way about food. I have been with my family for over 6 years and I am still worried that I will not get enough food to eat, even though it's always there.
It is a feral thing...
Mom cut our stinky goodness in half, Billy! HALF! Our foods - in HALF. We weren't even eating Mom's foods. It's all Gandalf's fault. He's a food snarfer. He's such a brat! -Grayson
Billy dear, everyone who's called Isis is exceptionally beautiful it just goes without saying! ;)
Thank you Billy,
That is such a lovely gift.
You are not wide Billy - you are just taking after me, the original one eyed Ginger kitty! Tell your Mommy "Great Pumpkin" kitites are the best!! - Dante
Assistant Quarter Master Billy!! HAHAHAHA!! I hads to use yer NEW TITLE! Do you like it? ME likes it!! Fanks you for my award!! ME likes it too!! Now, let's PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY!!! YAY!! - Fagin
Billy, Harley cannot get enough foods, either! He eats and eats and eats, then he eats my food, then he tries to eat Mommie's food. How much do you weigh? Harley is already 8 pounds, and the vet thinks he will be about 16 pounds when he is full grown!
Mini is like dat, Billy and she nefur gotted ofur it.
Miles, do yoo wanna go wif me to Baci and Dolce's party? I hopes so! Zippy, Sadie and Speedy broughted HAM!
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Wide? We can't imagine how could your sleek physique by mistaken for that..good thing you stoled the ice cream..
It took us almost 7 years to figger out dat der would always be food. Speedy is only 3 so he don't get it yet and Zippy teases him about haffing a big butt, really, he's wide in da rear and everytime der is anything to eat he hasta stick his noze in just to make sure it's not something he might want. It's da living out thing, never knowing where yoor next meal would come from.
Oh Billy! We can't believe that your mom called you wide!!! There's just more of you to love!!
Congrats on all your awards! They are well deserved!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You is not wide Billy, just an ample mancat.
I feel your pain Billy! I get called chubby...and stinky butt! It isn't MY fault that my tummy doesn't take to the food sometimes!
I get called wide to Billy.
Just turn a deaf ear to it. Moms don't know much.
Congratulations on your awards. Just think when you get to be a 15 year old senior mancat, the vet will say that he would rather see a little meat on your bones than be skinny like our vet said about Tiki and Tavi.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Congrats on your awards!
Billy, I think you should get whatever foods you want.
Concats on your awards Billy, and thanks for thinking of us.
We don't think you are wide, but just think, if you were wide, you could have the blog to yourself on Wednesdays. I (Eric) used to get Widebody Wednesday to myself until mum went Wordless on us.
Purrs Eric and Flynn
Wide Billy Sweetfeets. That doesn't sound too bad ;) I like ice cream!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Great awards you got Billy!! You gave them to cool cats too !!
Purrs Mickey
Wonnerful Wide Billy Sweetfeets. WWBS. Hmmmmm. Sounds pretty kewl to us.
Billy, 3 of us here are wide too and we never lived on the street, we just like to eat. Misty isn't wide, but she doesn't eat as much as the rest of us.
Oh hey, we almost forgots. Congratz on your awards!
Congratulations on your awards.
Billy - your mom is just looking out for you!
Concatulations on yer awardies!
We dont blame ya fer wantin to make sure yoo always has food. Put the bitey down and say yoo MUST has it when yoo wants it!
Dear Billy, your mom understands that about you, but she also wants you to be healthy and live a long and happy life. You can't do that if you are too wide. Your mom is just proving how much she loves you.
~ Lucky
Grab some steak for me, willya?
Excellent job, Billy ... An' I don't blame you for eatin' your momma's ice cream.
Great Awards, Billy! (And you just keep stealing that food until you feel you don't have to anymore!)
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