Thursday, October 09, 2008

ME is thankful that ME gotted to visit my daddy.
ME is thankful that the Mom Lady Person unnerstands that ME wants to be a daddy's boy. But ME will still live with Mom Lady Person 'acause ME makes Daddy sneeze and cough and not breathe.
This is ME being a little sad that ME has to leave Daddy's house.


Jimmy Joe said...

Aw, Billy, I bet your daddy is gonna be sad when you leave, too. You'll have to think of some extra fun games to play so that your momma lady will have good stories to tell him.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Devil Dog said...

We are sorry you make your daddy sneeze, Billy. But we are sure he loves you very much.


Chrissie said...

AAAwww, I'm awful sorry, Billy, that you have to leave him. And double sorry that you make him sneeze and stuff. But, I'm sure glad you love him so!

Max said...

Sorry you can't stay with your Dad, little doood. But think about it this way: you get to stay with Sammy and Miles and learn all kinds of ways to annoy the Mom! That's always good!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It is hard to leave a favorite place. I am sorry Billy.

Anonymous said...

Daddas always love you even when they is not there :))
Your Dadda must really love you very much to still visits you when he sounds so bad :))


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi Billy,
Wanna come play?
I hid a whole roll of paper towels underneath the bathroom sink!
Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday.
Faith Boomerang

Anonymous said...

Aw, Billy, we are sorry you are sad about leaving your Daddy. We forgot he was allergic. That is no fun!

Parker said...

Awww Billy. You are right, Daddies rock. Even when they sneeze on you!

Ramses said...

Awww... poor Billy boy... My Daddy takes up too much of the bed, so make the most of it! ;)

The Island Cats said...

It's too bad that you make your daddy sneeze...but at least you can spend a little time with him!

Deb Cushman said...

It was very nice that you got to go visit your dad. We bet you'll get to go back again sometime!

Meanwhile, keep up with the good work of keeping your mom on her toes!


Billy SweetFeets
All gingers are Daddy's boy...dat is what Ping is a Daddy's boy.

*woo hoo*
And he still lubs Mom too, but I dont let him too near her..

*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles

*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman

Purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess

jenianddean said...

Too bad your Dad has allergies. It seems we always want to be with the people who can't be with us. At least you had a good visit.

Diane G. said...

Love your Daddy anyway you can, even if if is from far away.


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

I bets yore Daddy is sad he's got allergics too. But yoo can visit hims anyways, I's sure. Miles n Sammy have furever.

Miles, do yoo wanna come ofur and snuggle in the kitty cup in the sunroom? It's not furry sunny but snugglin would be nise. Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

The Crew said...

Oh Billy, we feel bad for you. The only way our Dad can be around the 4 of us is 'cause he takes a pill called Singulair that helps with his allergies.

The Furry Kids said...

We're glad you liked you dad so much. I hope he didn't blow nose goo on you when he sneezed.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Even though he is allergic to you Billy we bet he adores you and misses you when you are gone.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Awwwww Billy...Meowm says this just makes her want to hug you all that much more.

Daisy said...

I think playing real, real hard will take your mind off your sadness.

Tybalt said...

BILLY! Don't be SAD! Let's DANCEDANCEDANCE those blues away!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww Billy we is sorry yoo had to leave yer dads. I bet next time will be just as fun!!

Tesla and Hansel said...

Why does yoor daddeh not lif wif yoor mommeh?


I haf ta ask yoo bout questions oh great meezers an bill.

I know whapping iz great fing.

Wat bout... when yoo eet a hole in mommeh's carpets acaz yoo canna stand her bein aways... dat ok?

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You've gotta figure out a way to see your dad more often, Mr. Sweetfeets! I'll bet that he's missin' you an' the Meezers already.

Mickey's Musings said...

Even if ya make your Dad sneeze,I bet he will miss you too.
Maybe you can visit more ;)
Purrs Mickey

Motor Home Cats said...

Billy, we are glad that you love your daddy so much and are sorry that your daddy is allergic to you. But your mommy would be sad if you left her to go live with your daddy.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Chesney Cats said...

Billy, we're glad that you got to visit your daddy & that you love him so much. And we're sad for you that your daddy has allergies & you can't stay there. We bet the Mom Lady Person would be even more sad if you didn't stay with her, though.
Try not to be too sad, OK?

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy. Festus & Emma

Whimpurr said...

Aww, sweet Billy! It's not your fault and you know your Daddy loves you furry much even if you make him sneeze! Gentle hugs to you! ~ Purrs, Whimpurr~

Lux said...

Billy, my dad's allergic to Silky, too so we know what you mean. As long as she doesn't sleep in the bedroom at night, he's pretty much okay, though.

I'm sorry you have to leave your dad's house, but you can start looking forward to the next visit!

Curly said...

Billy, my daddy takes Zyrtec and it really helps! (Costco just started carrying a genetic version that is the same thing but costs only half as much.) Maybe your daddy can try that...It's the only thing that has controlled my daddy's sneezing when I want some Daddy Time. Hugs, and good luck!

Forty Paws said...

Goodness. Not much fun to make your Dad sneeze. You'll get to see him again, very soon!

Luf, Us

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...