Meezer Rules for today:
1. Voting in the Fall Contest and maybe leaving a donation for kitties in need to add to ours is a good thing.
2. bladder jumping at 4am is not a good thing. bladder jumping at 3am is better - at least then the mom mumbles "well 2 more hours to sleep is ok".
So, let's talk about the best thing you ever whapped!! The best (and most fun) thing I ever whapped was the beepy thing in the bedroom. I whapped it right into the bed one night. That was lots of fun! Tell me what the best thing you ever whapped was!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
I wapped a bottle of human nip (Bud Light). I tested it ferst to see how hard I would haf to wap it to get it off of the coffetable. I gotted it to flip twice AND didn't spill a drop. That wuz my personal best.
I don't ushually whap stuff. I just attack any papers that end up on the floor.
I whapped the male... he he he.
When I was very little, I whapped some unmentionables on the Man. I didn't know he would squeal so much...
We usually only whap each other. Although once, I whapped my mom on her face. She was not happy, and to be honest, neither was I!
Abby Normal
Gandalf was whapping and shaking his paw and whapping and shaking his paw... he had a Rude Lilzard who decided to give Gandalf's paw the Big Bitey and that little sucker wouldn't give up. Hahaha!
Miles, great rules! We can't believe our typist was too busy to help us enter the contest. :(
Sammy, nice whapping! Hmm, we'll have to think about the best things we've ever whapped!
I gotta' say, whapping a Cicadia was the most fun. Then I ate it! :)
My favorite thing to whap are pens...whenever the beans leave on out on a table, counter, wherever, I immediately whap it off! Mom says I have pen-radar...
We whap everything we can get our paws on, including each other. Our favorite whapping trick is when Grete dog whaps us in the face with her big tail and she doesn't even know she's doing it! Then she turns around and says "what's that"???
Ummm eiffer whapping Daddy or Boo is da bestest fing I efur whapped...
:::Kitty giggles::::
Daddy tries to git me to whap him, so that in end-ten-chew-all.
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs whappin meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Bladder jumping -- hee, hee!
Freckles is still working on her whapping technique. She's much better at ripping and tearing cardboard.
I liked to whap Mom's sewing things (scizzors,pins) off the table when she sewed!! Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
I admits I am not a good whapper unless its Shadows nosie. I am more of a snap those plastic blinds out of the windows and bury them in my litter box for Mommie to find later kind of dude.
I honestly can't remember that last thing I whapped! Must be the catnip.
I whapped a full container of milk onto the floor yesterday morning. Before Mama even had her coffee. That rocked!
I wood lub lub lub to be in a halloweenie picture wif yoo....oooo dat wood be grate...purrrssss,Abby
Hmm...I think my eggshell whapping was cool. I got it under the bookshelf and it was stinky. Oh, and yesterday I whapped two large tennis balls from the table. Humans can't find them. haha!
Well, do you mean besides the woofie? If I can't count George, then the best thing is lolly-pops, my Daddy gets them when he goes to the bank and they are so much fun to whap off the table, or down the hall, pretty much anywhere!
Hmm, we will have to think about that. But I know I jumped on dad once, those unmentionables part got the lower feet. Mom says I went airborne, but whether it wa because of dad or my own accute sense of self preservation, we'll never know.
We like to whap anything that is up high and make it not so up-high.
Unfortunately, this makes the beans grumpy.
one night i whapped nancy (mr. whiskers imaginary spider) off sarge's forehead. he woke up and said "hey!" just like that. that was pretty fun!
smiles, auntie bee
My absolute favorite thing to whap is those shiny things that Mommy and Daddy hang from a tree each year. They are sparkly and oh so whapable! They go soaring and sometimes they break which gets me put in time out but is SO worth it!
1. We voted!
2. Neither one of us bladder jumps, but Orion tummy walks.
Junior-I mostly whap Meowm or I would have to say I have whapped Meowm real good more than a few times....and the claws of death were out.
Orion-I don't do much whapping...I usually bite since I don't have any claws of death.
I iz not heavy enough to get the bladder jumping yet.. I do not know why coz a eat a ton.
I love love love to whap things off things.. my favorite and most done is to knock Mommas perfume bottles off the bathroom bench onto the tile floor.. I try and try to smash them,but have failed thus far ( which Momma is very happy about ) ;)
oh great meezers, i've come with questions.
1. Is hissing at mommy while she's cleaning my feets ok?
2. Is the big bath thing safe? I've not been in this yet, and am unsure about it. Mom keeps saying something about a bath this weekend cuz i smell like outsides. Should i hide?
3. Is kicking Tesla out of her bed and taking over ok? How about stealing her food bowl? How about treats? Can i steal anything hers?
Scout: I whapped mom & dads new frame for their wedding picture off the counter before they got a chance to switch the picture into it. I had to run & disappear for awhile after that one.
Full glasses of water. It was pawesome.
Mum's Gallileo thermometer! I broked in in many pieces and made the carpet get all wonky.
And it was the middle of the night!
I like to whap Meowmies impurrant papers when they come out of the fax machine....RicoLoco
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