The Miles Report for today:
The What the heck did you do to my eye report: Mommy was trimming my claws of doom yesterday and one piece of my nail wented FLYING at WARP SPEED into my right eye!!!
The I Told you I am scairt of anything resembling medical treatment report: So then she tried to look in my eye to see where it was - in the corner near my nose. Then she looked like she was trying to stick her finger in my eye.
The I'm sorry I peed on your leg report: Remember that I pee on you and the v-e-t whenever anyone tries to do something to me? I'm very sorry and 'barassed that I peed on your leg. I gotted scairt that you was going to poke me and hert me.
The Oh No You're NOT going to take me to the 'mergency v-e-t report: Know why? you can't FIND me.
The weather report - by Sammy
Thunder!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOTS OF THUNDERS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH. I'll be making shur that Miles doesn't pee on anything again.
The Foods Report: So, I gotted HAM for my eye issues. We hadded home made sausages for brekfest too. they was good.
That is the Meezer Monday Miles Report
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
I think it is ok to pee on the mom if she is trying to rip your eye out.
Oh Miles! Maybe you should let your mommy take you to the VET if your eyeball is hurtin' is absotootly a-okay to pee on your mommy inna sichewation like this.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Miles dood you are so brave, even with the pee thing going on. You were within your cat rights to let it flow. Our mom is used to getting peed on, the guinea pigs do it all the time. They have teeny bladders.
I agree with DK & the Fluffies!
At least you got ham out of it.
We hope you are okay, Miles. That must have been scary. Perhaps you won't have to go to the vet?
Oh NO! Ouchies! I iz lucky Momma does not trim our nails, coz the falls off anyways, like shark teefs they are :)
My Momma is always poking in the corner of our eyes, she is always checking for eye boogers she hates them hehe
I am glad that it turned out ok and did not hurt you :)
Homemade sausages nnnnmmmmnnnn
Oh Miles that sounds horrible. Good for you for not being found though--that's my best advice.
Miles, doood, peeing was entirely justified! Be proud! And I hope your eye is ok. If you HAVE to go to the stabby place, pooping is all right, too...
Oh Noes! Poor Miles! I hope your eye is OK now!
That sounds painful. Hope your eye is alright. Peeing is alright too, in that situation.
Purrs Goldie and Shade
Look at the bright side, Miles. Now you have the Eye of Doom!
OH NO! Yoo gots an OWIE in yur eye! Dat hurts. I hope da HAM made up for it.
I'm glad your Mom didn't poke your eye out tryin' to fix it!!!! Heehee
Purrs Mickey
oh my! you deserve a LOT of ham! that was scary...
smiles, auntie bee
Miles is yur eye fing OK?
I knoo hows yoo feels bout them sharp claws of Mom comin at yur eye, Mom did dat to me yessterday to git dis black junk outta my eye. I has to eat it when she does dat dough.
We hopes dat yoo is OK at least yoo got sum gud foods.
*wavin paws*
Bye Miles
Bye Billy
Boo,Ping,Jinx,and Gracie
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring tiny tuxie princess
oh, sweetie miles--how is yer eyeball now?? we hopes the hams made it all better! we nefur believed in that "put a steak on yer eye when you get socked"; foods work much better when applied internally!!
love & purrs,
the meowers
"Oh" Poor Miles(Hug).I peed on the vet once too yet he started it :)
Hope your eye is all better now Miles!! We don't blame you for peeing!
~The Creek Cats~
Don't feel bad, Miles. Sometimes a mancat just has to pee, and being afraid that you are going to be hurted is a great reason to let the bladder go.
BILLY!!!!!!!! DISCOFEVER!!!!!!!
OH NO! Are you ok Miles????
I'm coming RITE OFUR!
Um, that was Sanjee of course. We all hope your eye is ok now, Miles. Btw, peeing on anyone sticking fingers in your eye is just the right thing to do. Sammy, just avoid the thunders eh, unless it's thundering herds of elephants.
your bud Pepi
Hi Sammy n Miles
Tanks so much for repurrtin bout Spunky goin to da Rainbow Bridge. Mawmee was too sads to say much bout his passin...
Now she's got tears of joy frum all da kitties n beans dat left comments.
Tank u!
Katie Too
Oh traumatic! I wouldn't apologize for the peeing....sounds like to me it was well deserved!
Miles, we sure hope your eye will be okay, and the peeing incident, well that was just unavoidable considering the circumstances. But at least you got ham to make you feel better ... yay!!!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Miles, I might have done the same thing in your situation. At least you got ham.
Sammy, we got lots of rain, but no thunder.
Happy Monday to you guys!
Whoa! We're glad that you at least got some ham and sausages for all the trouble you went through with the eye thing.
This is more proof that you should NEVER get your clawrs trimmed!
Excellent report as always!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Excellent report as always!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Ooh that was scary Miles - any kitty would've done the same - hope you are well now..sending healing purrs..
Poor Sammy, we hope your eye is all better, and that the ham helped to make up for it. We hope that you don't have to go to the scary V-E-T.
Miles - what's thunders? We don't get that often enough out here to know.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Miles, we're pretty sure that a little pee is a totally fair trade for your Mom trying to pluck you eyeballs out or taking you to the emergency v-e-t!
Sounds like yoo hadded a craptacular weekend. We agree, it's acceptable to pee on anyone trying to rip yoor eyeballs out!
Wow, that sounds like a bunch of no fun! We understand about your peeing on your mom (and the vet). We hope your mom wasn't too upset with you. We are glad you got ham. Did your mom get the nail out of your eye?
Oh no! We hope you have a better tuesday.
What a terrible day, what a terrible week-end!
I think peeeing on your mom was well deserved. I hope tomorrow is a much better day
Is your eye okay? What a bad weekend you had! I am sure your mom can forgive you for the peeing incident in this situation.
hope your eye is better!
- one time i pooped on mommeh acaz i waz so scairt of loud grass sucky machines outside!-
U could works for CNN.
We're glad you at least got ham for all of your misery! (And homemade sausages as well!)
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