Monday, November 10, 2008

bad noos

we has some bad noos - our daddy was sick all week last week and when he wented back to work today they tolded him that he hadded missed too much werk and he doesn't haf a jobbie anymore. he can maybe go back in december or january when they have their next training class, but he has nothing until then. we doesn't know what we is gonna do, mommy is furry upset about "bill" (but not Billy) and not being able to pay him. we is furry upset right now.


Chrissie said...

I'm so sorry, guys. I really am. That just sucks. I'm purrin' for you, not that that will help with "bill", but at least it might help a little with your hearts.

Everycat said...

I'm sorry this has happened. Maybe with Christmouse coming your Daddy can get some seasonal work to tide you over?

Sending rumbly purrs

Whicky Wuudler

Chesney Cats said...

Oh that is just sooo wrong!!! I guess those stupid people from your daddy's jobbie place have never been sick. We are so sorry to hear this. Is there anyway your daddy could fight this??
We are purring as hard as we can that your daddy finds a new & better jobbie real soon.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

This makes us very extra mad at them peoples at your daddy's work. We are so sorry and will be saying prayers for you and your family. Try not to worry, 'kay? Sometimes things happen for the's just hard to see it when you're goin' through it. We just know your daddy is gonna find an even betterer job.

We are sendin' prayers and headbutts,

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

LZ said...

Oh no we are so sorry!!! We know your humans will work it out somehow but we are sending purrs for the stress of everything.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! We have already started purring for a new job to find your Daddy right away!

Java's Coffee House said...

Wows that is no funs. I is vera sorry about your daddy's jobbie, that doesn't sound like a vera nice company. I hopes he finds new jobbie soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sorry to hear this bad news. What's the matter with those people? Isn't your dad allowed to be sick? We are sending purrrs and hoping he will get another job really soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea that bill bean is not a gud one to has fer a friend. The mom hears from him at least once or twice a day ... *sigh*

We hopes dat yer daddy is able to has sum gud luck!

Maggie May said...

That is really really unfair to your daddy. We are furry sorry and we is purring very hard for him and all of your family. We hope he is able to find an even better job very soon. We are sending good vibes your way!!
~The Creek Cats and The Beans~


OH NOOOOOS we is so upset at yur Daddie jobbie dat wuz relly mean we is soo sorry to hear bout this...we hopes maybes he can find sumfing dat will helps out until he can git what he relly wants...

{{{HUGS and PURRS}}}

The Island Cats said...

Oh that seems so unfair! We are purring for you guys!

Daisy said...

That seems very Wrong of them! I hope your dad will find a job he likes even better. And where they are nicer.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is terrible! How dare they!? We are sending poots im there general direction.

We will purr and purr for another GREAT job for your Daddy!

Kellykat said...

We are so sorry for your daddy. It seems like way too many mom's and dad's are in the same position. Our Meowmy has been without a job for over a year now and it has been more and more difficult the longer it gets. We hope that your daddy finds something really soon.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

jenianddean said...

I am so sorry to hear that awful news. November is a short month, and mostly over, so hopefully things will come around in December and all will right itself. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh that is just wrong!!! We are so sorry to hear this and we will purr and purray that your Dad get's a better job with better people!
Your FL furiends,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so sorry. We hate that you all are still having job problems and hope that things work out better soon.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

We are sorry, we think that your daddy's work is not very fair, I mean, it's not like he wanted to get sick at that time, right??

Anyways, we dunno how to help but to purr hard for you....oh, and we can put the bitey on your daddy's work! That'll teach them a lesson!

~Casey, Donny and Marie, in attack mode

Niko and Cloud said...

We iz so sorry. We think Whicky is right though, maybe your Dadbean can do some seasonal work until then?

Omnibabe said...

Hugs and prayers. Things WILL work out. You'll see.

The Furry Kids said...

Oh no! This is terrible news. We are purring and purraying for him to find another jobbie that is way nicer and funner than that mean jobbie.

The Lee County Clowder said...

That really seems a bit unfair. Did your daddy see a doctor when he was sick? If so, maybe a note from the the doc would help.

Has your daddy checked into temp agencies in the area? Places like Manpower, Workquest, Accutemp and the like often can place people quickly. It is usually lousey work for minimum wage or just a bit more, but it is a paycheck, and you can quit anytime once you find something better.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We are so sad for your dad and mom. But we are crossing all our paws and purring like crazy for something better to come up for your dad.

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh no. this stinks so bad! maybe if a bean VET writes him a note?? they can't just let him go like that can they? can he get unemployment???

we will purrrrrrr and pray hard for him to find a jobbie soon. this so sucks.

Anonymous said...

This is horrible news.. and just seems so wrong.. I do not know ifs you guys has them here but we have an unfair dismissal laws, and I think it sounds VERY unfair for your dadda work to dismiss himz for being sick!!
though, maybe it happened for a reason and your daddas new perfect job is just around the corner, One door closes another usually opens, just make sure your Dadda is looking for those open doors :))


Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

That really well...I heard dayhunting is really bad for a lot of the humans right now.

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear about this. Apparently Bill is a big, bad guy. We hope something great happens and you don't have to worry about him anymore.

Forty Paws said...

Oh good grief. This is so wrong of those mean ol' job people to do this to your Dad. This sux da reeely big one. We're sending tons of purrs and purrayers to you guys and your beans.


Margaret Cloud said...

Sorry to hear about this, hope something comes your way soon.

Just Ducky said...

Goodness, do they think people never get sick. Would they have preferred that he showed up and given his sickness to EVERYONE in the office?

Purrs that things work out!

Karen said...

We are so sorry this happened. People can be mean. I hopes he gets a new job soon

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That is horrible news. Perhaps a temporary agency could be a possibility for the next few weeks? Mom was a Kelly Girl about twenty years ago ... Maybe your daddy could do computer works for them?

The Devil Dog said...

We are so sorry to hear about this. What stupid people. We wish there were some way to help, but mom says she knows about "bill" too.


Anonymous said...

We're also sorry to hear the bad news about your human dad. We understand because our human dad was supposed to be on a temp job that would go permanent, only it turned out to be very temporary.

All of us are hanging in there and have hope for '09... and hope that something good happens for your humans soon.

Cory said...

Oh no! we are so sorry to hear about your upsetting. We are all purring and praying that he finds a better job soon.

Karen Jo said...

That just seems so very unfair. I hope that your Daddy can find some new work very soon.

Parker said...

This is awful news! We wil start purring and praying that this closed door will open a wonderful new job window for him!

cheryl said...

dangcreepincrudbucket! pfui!
ohyeahanddidwemention POOP?!

what boogerheads those FORMER employers are; they don't deserve yer daddy!! we will purr an' purr an' purray for him to find a MUCH better jobbie wif somebody who preciates him (an' realizes that he's a bean, not a machine).

we loves you all an' sends hugs an' snuggles--

the meowers & mom & dad

Lux said...

We're so sorry to read about this. We'll be picturing positive things for your family - all goodness!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I am so sorry that I missed this post yesterday. I hope things get better for your daddy soon.

Deb Cushman said...

Oh, no! This is terrible news! Just tell that "bill" that he will have to wait until you have the money!

Skeezix the Cat said...

That is vary vary bad nooz. We feel reely bad fer yer famly. The Food Lady got lade off (wich is not the same as gitting lade) on Halloween, and we're werried we won't git any more Temtayshuns. Life can be sukky sumtimes. We'll be purraying fur yoo.

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh no, we completely missed this! We're so sorry those people were so creepy to your daddy. We'll be keeping our paws crossed that something better comes along very soon.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...