My rule for today: Baths STINK!!!!! (but prolly not as much as falling into the litterbox).
Whappage for this week: 2 tables full of chrissymouse cards and presents- totally cleaned off. We need a tree.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh, Miles. We started to laugh until we realized why you fell into the litterbox. Get well soon, Miles. And Billy too.
And Sammy, you haven't been forgotten. We're glad you're healthy.
Miles, we are sorry that you fell in the litterbox. That wasn't very fun, and then to have to have a bath on top of it. We are purring for you.
Sammy, when is your momma going to get you a tree so you can do some more whapping?
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Miles, I am so sorry you fell into the litterbox. I hope you are doing better really soon.
Sammy, I like to whap cards off of the sofa!
miles baby, we are so sorry yoo are not feeling well, we are purring fur yoo
Ah Sammy, no tree here either...thanks to Speedy the Krissmouse tree climbing cat! Miles, falling into da litterbox stinks, getting a baf sucks.
Miles--I am so sad that that happened to you. How ignoble. I'll be glad when you feel better and you can stuff like that on purpose.
Baths are horrible! We hate them!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
Miles, I am so sorry that you fell in the litterbox and then had to get a bath on top of it. I hope you feel better soon. Sammy, are you running out of things to whap? You did a great job on the tables.
Doood, isn't it too cold for a bath? I hope your warm air blowing thingy is on full force...
Hang in there, Miles. We are purring and purring that this passes quickly!
Sammy, it sounds like you're up to your same old stuff! Carry on, Dude!
Has anyone checked to see if you are missing a couple of wiskers on one side? I know that can make us kitties dizzy.
Awwww Miles, That's awful! You guys are still in our prayers!
Poor Miles, not just dizzy but a bath too! We are purring for you and Billy.
You know you're having a bad day when you fall in your litter box and then forced against your will to have a bath.
We hope your humans rewarded you after with a special treat because you deserve it.
We're still purring for you and Billy.
Ms. P and Cinza
Oh Miles, I have never had one, but I am certain that baths are very, very terrible. I hope after tomorrow you will be all fixed up!
Sorry about the bath Miles :( But at least ya smell nice.
Great whappage tree here either :o
Purrs Mickey
Miles - ME used to haf baths when ME was little - Me not like!!
Sammy- ME found ultimate whappage - Crissmas Tree!!! YAY!!! WHAPWHAPWHAP!!!
BILLY!! PLAY!! NOW!! Come ofur, WE can WHAPWHAPWHAP the Crissmas tree!! YAY!!! PLAY!!!!!!
Baths are no good. Sammy, I'm digging your whapping this week. heh heh
Hehe, it does sound like you need a tree!!
I so agree, Miles - baths DO stink!!!
Love Clover xo
Miles honey we is sooo sorry dat yoo fell in da litterbox...we sure do hopes da yoo will be all better tomorrow. WE is purrin reeellly hard furr yoo. Sammy I have sum chrissmousey twees, wanna come ofur and whap dem wif me?
*wavin paws*
Bye ya'll!
Boo,Gracie,Ping, and Mr.Jinx
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy whappinmeister
Purrs and nosekisses
your tiny tuxie princess
Exactly why Mom doesn't put up a tree at our house any more, Sammy!
Oh I knows bafs stink, Miles. While I'm ofur staying wif yoo I will keep yoo from fallin ofur and needin more bafs.
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Oh poor Miles, we hope tomorrow goes well for you and they fix you up and you feel much better.
Billy, that's some top quality whappage. We are purring for you too sweetie
Whicky Wuudler
Sammy...a tree wouldn't last long with you around...Miles...we hope you don't have to get any more baths...we hope they can figure out how to make you stop being dizzy...
Miles, you have the right of it. Bath's suck. So does falling into the litter box.
Hey Miles, because I think you have GREAT Catittude (and Billy too), I have given the both of yous an award! w00t! Stop on by my humble little blog to pick it up!
Dear Sammy, Miles, and Bill,
Sorry I haven't been around much. But I want to wish you all a happy holidays!
I also wanted to thank you for the comment on my new website. But for some reason, Wordpress keeps rejecting it. Weird!
Skittles, The Huntress
Miles....get better soon!
Miles, it depends, was the litterbox full? If so, the bath probably didn't stink, but you most definitely did. hahaha
Sammy, fine job. Maybe thats why you don't have a tree.
Miles, it depends, was the litterbox full? If so, the bath probably didn't stink, but you most definitely did. hahaha
Sammy, fine job. Maybe thats why you don't have a tree.
Holy Smokes Sammy!!!!!!!!!
Miles-we are so sorry you fell in the litterbox. We is purring and purring for you and Billy!
We are sending gentle headbutts and snuggles to all of you!
Great whappage, Sammy! We's doin' dat on Mama's table too!
Poor Miles. Bafs are yucky. We hope you and Billy get better super quick!
the Cafe Cats
Oh Miles, we're so sorry! purrrrrs!!!
Hey Sammy - there's this pile of papers on the desk, covered by an upside-down box lid and a towel (to hide the fact that whappables are underneath). I cleared the desk of box lid, towel, and the entire pile of papers...TWICE!
pee ess - and then I whapped open the printer cover and removed all the paper!
Hahah Miles I only get baths when I is naughty in the Summer,, Momma sees it as punishment haha
Sammy.. woah! hat is major whappage!
uh oh, why are you in the litterbox again?? and where is your tree?
Well-whapped, Sammy!
Sending more fair and balanced vibes to you, Miles, and uncongested ones to Billy...
Sammy, I got busted big time. Mum caught me on the flashy box whapping the snow guys! Come by and see.
Cleaning all of that stuff off the tables is a lotta work!
Luf, Us
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