BILLY: HEY MOM LADY PERSON!!! Can you come here and talk to ME?
Mom Lady Person (MLP): Of course little man, what do you want to talk about?
BILLY: Well, how comes we can't open the secret paws presents that we gotted:
MLP: Well, we is waiting for all of them to arrive, and we have to send out the ones that YOU are sending out
BILLY: WHY hasn't YOU sented them out?
MLP: Well, there's about a foot of snow and the roads have not been plowed and I was sick and........
BILLY: 'SKUSES!!! ME does not want to hear 'SKUSES!!
MLP: Billy, that's not very nice. Remember, Santy Paws is coming in 2 days
BILLY: Who is Santy Paws?
MLP: Santy Paws is.............. well, he's..............
SAMMY: I'll answer this one mother. Santy Paws is a fat old man who gets stuck in chimneys, smells like vishus deer and jiggles like jello. And he brings nip toys to good kitties.
BILLY: MLP?? Has ME been a good kitty? ME tries to be a good kitty.
MLP: Yes Billy, you have been a good kitty. you lived on your own and had your own rules for half your life and then you came here to live and have to live by our rules and you try very hard. You can't help it if you have a slip up now and then. Plus, you have medical problems and Santy Paws takes that into account to.
BILLY: Does Santy Paws bring pressies for mommies and daddies too?
MLP: Yes he brings pressies to all mommies and daddies who love their kitties and do their very best to always be good to their kitties.
BILLY: MLP, can ME write a letter to Santy Paws??
MLP: Sure you can honey. You tell me what to write:
BILLY: OK, Dear Santy Paws who stinks like deer and jiggles like jello. ME has been a good boy this year since I camed here to live. Please bring me some nip toys to hide and some stuff for my brofurs too. Oh, and please keep all of my furriends safe and warm ('speshully Jeter) and bring them lots of ham and turkey and roast beast and real live dead shrimp ('speshully Max). Oh and please bring the mommies and daddies lots of cool stuff too. Oh, and please bring my furriends at the v-e-t lots of cool stuff 'acuase they love me and I love them. Oh, and lots of cool stuff for mine daddy too. Oh, bring lots of nice stuff for everycat and efurry woofie!!!! Thank you - your furriend Billy SweetFeets Norton Gingersnap
SAMMY: ::Whispers to Billy::
BILLY: OH, and PEE ESS: Please bring somefing for the Mom Lady Person. She's not so bad. She lets me eat her dinner.
MLP: That was very nice Billy. Is there anything else?
BILLY: Nope, you can go away now........................ oh, FANKS!!!!! ::runs over and gives MLP a headbutt and whispers:: ME finks me loves you MLP
MLP: It's a chrissymouse miracle!!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
That's a great letter to Santa Paws. We hope you get all your wished for especially fun nip toys.
That's a wonderful letter to Santa Paws, Billy. It sounds like you are feeling better.
That's a good letter, Billy! I'm glad you think you love your mom lady person. Mommies are Good Things.
Wanna play?
Thank you for your purrs and good thoughts! They worked! Dr Tara called and said my bloods and pees were perfect!
I hope you feel better soon too, Miles. We've been purring hard for you as well, and we're sorry we didn't come by to tell you so. We hope your mom feels better too!
Good letter, Billy. You've been telling everyone else on the web you love them. We didn't know you hadn't told MLP yet. Shouldn't she have been the first one you told?
Billy, that was a very nice letter for Santy Paws! I'm glad you were reminded of your MLP by Sammy because all of our moms love us very much!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Wow, Billy, that was a very nice letter and it was awesome of you to remember some of your kitty friends (especially since you asked Santa to remember ME! Heh.) I really do hope Jeter comes inside and stays there, and that will make it a very merry Christmas indeed.
No worries for you,,,Santa surely thinks you're too cute to not leave a toy for...
Dat was a furry nice letter Billy, it was furry nice dat yoo amembered to include others, Sandy Claws will surely see dat yoo are a sweet boy and bring yoo something good. We is glad yoo finally told da Mom Lady Person dat yoo love her, whe prolly already knew it but it's always good to be told.
Billy, I hope you get everything you asked for!
Billy, that was a very nice letter. We hope that everything on your list comes true.
We are glad you are admitting your love to your Mom.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You wrote a very nice letter to Santy Paws, Billy. I think it's great that you told you Mom that you love her. I hope that your Mom isn't being barfy anymore.
Billy, We're very impressed with your letter to Santy Paws. It was very nice of you to include other kittes in your letter, and especially nice of you to tell the MLP that you love her. Purrs to you and your family,
Gypsy & Tasha
Billy, I think you just gave your MLP the best Christmas gift of all!
awwww, that was really really nice billy. i am sure santy claws will be good to you.
smiles, auntie bee
Awww Billy you sure is a charmer :)) Momma wants to love in on you much!@ :)
I hope you get what you want!
Meowy Christmas and a purrfect new year!
Oh, Billy...that was a furry nice letter you wrote Santy Paws...and we 'specially like that you remembered your MLP...
Santy Paws is gonna be good to you, we just know it!
Billy, that was such a sweet letter you wrote and we're glad you remembered your MLP.
Hope your Mom is feeling much better.
Ms. P and Cinza
We loved your letter to Santy Paws. We hope you get everything you wish for!
what a furry nice letter! you ARE a good kitty, billy--like yer mom pointed out, you hadda learn a whole new set of rules, and that's a lotta work for a kitty who'd been on his own. we finks youse all's gonna get lotsa nice stuff from sandy paws! if we could, we'd send ya each a whole boodle of good health, but instead what we sends is bestest wishes for a happy christmas wif yer fambly, an' a better new year for all!
love & purrs,
the meower fambly
we hope you have a purrfect Christmas with your humans. See yous next year.
Billy SweetFeets
Gracie Grace is puttin her furrs all ofur our compoodle screen and walkin in front of it so Momma can't see and now her comes Miss Boo up on the compoodle desk. We all thought dat wuz a furry nice letter yoo wrote to Santa Paws. WE fink he will leave yoo a furry nice christmas stocking, and we hopes boff yoo and Miles (and yur Mommie) is feeling better.
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy and Miles
Boo, Gracie, Ping and Jinx
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess angel
That is a very good letter, I'm sure he will listen as you have been very good.
Good letter, Billy.
Now lets
... snugglesnugglesnuggle...
tee hee...
Faith Boomerang
Billy what a loving and generous kitty you are! Your Mom Lady Person loves you very much and we are glad you went into her arms that day in the parking lot!
What a great letter to Santa you wrote, Billy. We hope everything on your list comes true.
Awwwww dat's so sweet Billy. I hope Santy Paws brings yoo lotsa goodies.
Miles, do yoo want me to get the leopard snuggle ofur today for us to snuggle under? Or on top of. I gotta chek in on Mommy n Grandma Cat so I can git it.
Purrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Excellent Christmaus letter, Billy. You are as sweet as your name!
That's a very sweet Santa letter, Billy. I'm sure he didn't see any of the naughty things you, Sammy or Miles maybe did this year, if you did anything at all, and everyone will get presents from him.
Merry Christmas to you all and to your family too.
The Crew
Billy, you done real good!
Hi Billy!!
What a sweet letter to Santa Paws!! I hope you get everything you wish for.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Hope MLP is feeling better now!
A Chrissymouse Miracle! Whoo hoo!
Oh, we putz money in yur Paypal thingee frum owr Snowman Ham-Mick raffles. It's $36 times 2 fur Billy Sweetfeets and Miles.
Luf, Us
Billy,Santy Paws is sure to leave you lots of nice purrezents when he reads your letter. He will know what a good boy you are.
Awwww Billy we is sure Sandy Paws will leave yoo lots of stuff!
Love your letter to Santa Paws...Have a very Merry Christmas :)
Billy that is a furry good letter to Santa Pawa. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
That was a great letter, Billy. We are glad that you really love your Mom. She's a great person for loving you. (And Sammy and Miles!)
Moe and Carmela
That was a very sincere and sweet letter to Santy Paws! I'm sure he'll really like it!
Freckles and Deb
PS - We think you do love your Mom Lady Person and that she loves you, too!
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