Ok, so I wented to the v-e-t yesterday and they maded me sleepy to do some tests. But not 'afore I peed on the v-e-t and a assistant. So after the tests I was groggy for a while. Then mommy camed and she talked to the v-e-t. He thinks that the mri shows that I haf a small polyp that's making me dizzy. he will haf the head v-e-t double check and let mommy know in the morning. They could operate or wait a couple of weeks to see if I gets better. The v-e-t thinks that i could get better 'acuase my eyes is not moving as much as they was. i gotted some new med-i-cines to make me less sick to my stomach. but then mommy gived me CRAB for dinner. So i might forgive her for making me go there all day.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, December 19, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
We have been waiting for an update on Miles! We pray that the polyp either goes away on its own or that it can easily be removed. We pray that the new medicine makes his tummy feel better so he can eat again. Tucker is sure enjoying eating again, especially with the help of the steroids! He has the NOM NOMS big time! ;o) We pray that Miles will be able to enjoy doing some catch-up pigging out soon too!
We are so happy you might forgive your mom. We've never had crab for dinner, so she must really be sucking up to you.
We hope you will get better without the operation. Hang in there, Miles.
Miles, I's not sure what a polyp is, but it sounds like better mews than FIP or anyfing idiotic... idiopic... of cause unknown.
Still purrin,
~ Victor
Wow, you got crab?!?! They must really want to make it up to you that you had to spend the day at the v-e-t. We'll think major disappearing thoughts for the polyp.
Miles, it sounds like you have a case of kitty vertigo. Would any human medications help you? Having an operation isn't fun but I bet your mommy's glad it isn't anything worse!!
How' Bily- Boy
My maid's Dad had polyps and they removed them and he was fine. I wonder if that was the same....
We purr that that polyp goes back into the ocean and leaves you alone!!!!
You got CRAB for going to the vet! I wish my person was half as nice!
We are still purring that you get all better Miles.
Well, Monday I might get rid of a polyp myself. In a most unpleasant way.
And no one will give me crab afterward.
Get well, cat, and stay well.
Miles (and Sammy and Billy) it was nice chatting with you last night. We are glad it isn't anything worse. Take care of yourself, and we will be purring that the whateveritis goes away.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Wow, Miles. We have never, ever gotten CRAB before! We hope the polyp goes away all by itself so you won't have to have surgery.
Crab is verry good, I have had t once, but I remember how nommable it was! We are gonna' pray that you get all better and that you don't have to have an operation!
We is happee dat it isn't FIP...whew in fact we is downrite reeelieved! Momma suffers with hooman verteego so she knows how yoo must be feelin. WE sure hopes dat dee head VETter looks at dem pixchurs dey took of yoo and says dat med-dee-sends will help and dat yoo don't hafta have no opurrashun. We is purrin and purrin and purrin furrs yoo.
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy (how ya feelin?)
Bye Miles
Boo,Gracie,Ping, and Jinx
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
WOOO! we are so relieved that you don't have that FIP! Now a polyp, that's not too bad, and it might go away by itself. I hope the head vet gets a good look at your scan and the new medicines really help you feel better
Rumbly purrs
Whicky Wuudler
We is hoping that your pollyup goes away by itself!
Crab sound yummy. HEY MOM!
We hope they can fix you, Miles! And what's this about getting crab?? We never get crab...just a crabby mom sometimes!
I's gonna stay wif yoo til yoo feels all way better Miles. I'll check on Grandma Cat and Mommy sumtimes, but I wanna be wif yoo. I'll hold yore paw and help yoo stand up rite if yoo's reely dizzy.
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
While we don't want you to be sick at all, we are glad it is possibly just a polyp. We will keep up the purring! And we are jealous! CRAB!!!!
We are purring and purraying so hard that the polyp goes away on its own, Miles!!! The crab dinner sounds awfully nice! Nom nom nom!
Yeah, no FIP!!! We hope the polyp will go away by itself and that the new medicines help you feel much, much better.
Ms. P and Cinza
Miles, we are so glad that you got fairly good news!! We are purraying that nasty old polyp just disappears all on its own so you can be healthy again!!
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Crab? We've heard of crab, but we've never experienced it. Whoa! Was it as nommylicious as we dream it is?
We're happy the vet said things that aren't so bad. We hope some meddysin and some waiting and lots more crab will make you all better! Purrrrrs!
Hooray for CRAB!!!
Is he the Head Vet, or the vet that looks at heads? I'm glad you are feeling better and I hope that silly polyp will go away soon.
We are relieved but still worried if you know what I mean! We are hoping that polyp goes away on its own and you don't need the surgery, if waiting is what your mom decides to do.
Hope the new meddy-sin is gentler on your tummy.
I hope they can make your head all better without too much poking and prodding, buddy. I'm glad you got crab to make up for all of your suffering!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh noz, dat is crappy nooz about beein at the vet. But the crab I bet made yoo feel bedder. Or at leest furgit the indignitee of yur visit. I hopes yoo is okay. Bet yur Mommy is reely worried too.
Miles....please get better really soon so you can get in trouble with us. We will purr really hard for you .
sending lots of healing purrs.
I'm sorry you had to go to the icky VET all day. I hope you don't have to have surgeree. That doesn't sound fun.
Maybe you're mommy can give you crab meat every day until you feel better? That would make you a little happy anyway!
I'm sorry we couldn't come to your party. The typist was working uber late and was laz, "tired" when she got home. We thought of you tho!
We're so relieved it isn't FIP! We're purring hard for you and Billy to feel better and for your Dad to get agood job.
Mum fell asleep, so we didn't make the party... hope everyone had a good time!
Oh Miles, we are sorry to hear about your small polyp. We hope that it goes away and that you feel much much better. We will purr and think about you. Get better sweet kitty.
Crab sounds pretty delicious. We are purring and purraying that you don't have to have surgery. We hope you guys have a great weekend!
Hey Miles!!!!!!!!!! That almost sounds positive!! We will purr that the medicine works and you do ot need an operation!!!!
Crab ?!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!! That's a proper way to be spoiled for a day at the Vet!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We hope that your Polly Lips goes away on it's own Miles and that you don't need an operation.We're still purring. Can you hear us?
oh Miles this sounds like good news no? :)) We sure hopes it goes away on it's own, it is sounding like it :)
Oooo crab sounds so yummy!! I thinks I must make Momma get me some! :)
I hope the polyp goes away really soon without the surgery.
So what did the official picture reading bean say? Purrs, have a good weekend.
Miles we are sending many purss your way, we purrs you get better very soon. Did you say crab????
DOOOOD! I hope it's a polyp that will go away! Operations just aren't any fun...remember when you got nootered? I think it's less fun than that, except for the drugs. And the post-surgical sympathy.
Good job on the peeing! AWESOME!
I am glad that the news is mostly good. I hope that the polyp goes away on its own and you do not need an operation. Crab is really yummy. Tell your Mom that you are sure that more crab will make you get well. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
That sounds like good news. We hope the polyps goes away on his own. After you get more crab, of course.
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