Here is my Meezer Monday Miles Report - post holiday edishun
The Secret Paws Report - the Lazy Woman finally gotted the pikshurs off her blasted flashy box, so we will post our secret paws pikshurs on Wednesday. Fank you to our wonderful secret paws and we are so sorry that it's taken the Lazy Woman so long to get her butt in gear .
The Foods Report - bacon, ham, roast beast, fried bologna. OH. MY. CAT. Fried bologna is PAWSOME.
The Paranormal Report, by Sammy Meezer - Ghosts in the dungeon, aliens in the backyard, it's a freaking x-files dream here. I'm so exhausted with trying to keep an eye on all the ghosts and aliens. And I'm getting a sore throat from hollering at all of them. I need a nap. - Back to you Miles
The Tilted World Report - Yep, my world is still tilted. I'm not as wobbly as I was and sometimes my head doesn't tilt that much, but sometimes it's really really tilted almost all the way over. I'm terrified of the v-e-t. Mommy can't get me in until at least Saturday 'acuase they're all booked up, and the v-e-t that I has to see might not be in next weekend. We doesn't want to go to another v-e-t 'acause they will want to do all of the tests over again, and mommy says that it's too much torchur for me to go to a strange place and get all nervous.
The New Year Resolution Report - This year, I resolve to.............. um................ to.............. er.................. be more snuggly with my girlfriendcat Sanjee. Yeah, that's the mostest important resolution. Oh, and to better train the Lazy Woman/Mom Lady Person. We've let her slip last year but this year, boy. we is gonna crack that whip.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Miles and Sammy, we love your meezer report. Sammy, it sounds like you have your paws full with ghosts and aliens.
Miles, we hope that your world stops tilting soon. We can't wait to see the pictures of your secret paws.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jad
We hope your head tilt gets better. It's very common for buns to get head tilt after a bacterial infection of the ears.
Your Food Report makes it sound like you eat better than Nana and Grampy and Mom, and Nana is a cookin' crazy woman!
Poor Tilt-a-whirl Miles. We hope your head gets un-tilted soon.
Sammy, you need to relax buddy.
I remember getting fried bologna at the dorm in college. You like it a lot more than I did. Miles, I hope that your world stops tilting soon. Sammy, I hope you can get the ghosts and aliens under control soon.
fried bologna sounds yummy, but since I am on a diet, just about anything sounds yummy!
Miles, I really hope your tilt goes away!
Those are some good resolutions! :)
Your post made our mom get hungry!
Abby & Stygia
Fried bologna! Wow! Momma says that brings back memories of her childhood, although we wonder if she can really remember that far back ;)
Miles, we sure hope that you start feeling less wobbly and tilted, we worry about you so much!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh, I can help with that resolution, Miles! Yoo's so snuggly yoo don't got to werk too hard on dat one. hehehe I'll try to help yoo train the Mom Lady Purrson, but I's bout crazy tryin to train the beans here, so I dunno if I can help lots wif dat.
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Good reepurrt, Meezers. Sounds like yours paws be full, too.
We's got to gets our Mommie to take tha pickshures off tha camera and put them on tha bloggie, she's still wishing effurryone a Happy New Year. That's old old old noos now.
Love & Purrs,
Hi Billy....
It's Monday Funday...
and they sang "It's Monday that Funday"
:: blushing ::
...Faith Boo
sarge says fried bologna is totally tits!! he even ordered it (and GOT it) in a restaurant once!
smiles, auntie bee
Thanks for the update of what's going on in Meezer world! Fried bologna?? We gotta try that!
Miles, we hope your head gets better real soon...
Miles I hope you get that head tilted up right again. Sheesh. It must be hard getting the ham eaten like that...
What a very informative report! We are jealous of all the foods you guys had. We didn't get squat this weekend. We hope your head stops tilting like ASAP.
Miles and Sammy
Dat wuz a furry gud meezer reeport and Miles we sure do hopes yoo feel less tilted furry soon. Sammy yoo keep huntin dos aliens cuz yoo is a grate alien meezer hunter!!
*wavin paws*
Bye Miles
Bye Billy
Boo,Ping,Gracie and Jinx
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome super duper alien hunting cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Fried bologna... wow! That does sound good. I hope the world straightens up for you. Dad some chiropractors work on cats, and that might help, if nothing else seems to. Good luck!
oops. That should read: "Dad said some". That might make more sense.
Sending more purrs and purrayers for you, Miles! Tucker is still seeing the world at the same tilted angle as you are! ;o)
Billy, Pierro say he can run faster than you, he claims he leaves skid marks on his turns....
This is a fabbie update meezer boys
Miles, I hope the torture place is good to you, scream extra loud, it makes them feel horrible and guilty like they should for that needless abuse!
re food: ham please, heaping plates please, with a dollop of mayo on the side as well thanks
purrrs and love, Prin
Fried bologna? The mom's mouth is waterin at the sound of dat so it must be gud!
We hopes the tilt goes away, it must be askeery wif the world sideways?
It sounds like you had great food....yummy!!
Miles-we will continue purring for your head tilt to go completely away!!
Junior, Orion and Meowm
We hope your world soon turns the right way up again Miles. You don't think it's anything to do with Sammy's aliens do you?
Fried balogna sounds pawsome! Miles, we hope your head tilt gets better. We don't like the V-E-T either.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You boys really do need to get your Mom Lady Person whipped back into shape..I haven't seen new pictures of you in, oh, FOR-EV-ER!!!
Mom got some Similisan drops for when she had an ear infection. Perhaps you could ask your v-e-t if those drops work for cats?
Grandad an' Uncle James eat those fried bolognas with peanut butter on 'em. Yuck.
Thank you for coming by our blog and leaving nice words for us about Bandit.
~ The Bunch, minus one
I will take your word on fried bologna. As for the aliens nd the ghosts, if they don't bother you, maybe you should ignore them?
Sorry about your tilty head, hope you finally get an answer (that's good.)
Sending you best wishes on the Tilted World, Miles.
That food you mention sounds just awesome! :)
Oh my! Maw hasn't had fried bologna in like, forever! That sounds yummy! Sorry about your head tilt. We hope that it all works itself back to normal very soon for you!
Luf, Us
We hope the head tilt gets better. That seems like it would be annoying. Congrats on the blogging anniversary as well. I don't think mom even knew what blogging was 3 years ago and certainly couldn't have guessed she would help some cats blog.
-Patches and Nemo
Thanks for the update! Now we feel caught up with the news. Those are some great resolutions...hope you can get the Lazy Woman/Mom Lady Person into shape -- but some habits are hard to break!
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