Monday, January 26, 2009

Meezer Monday Miles Report

It's time for the Meezer Monday Miles Report.
I'm allowing my pikshur to be used 'acuase my head tilt in these pikshurs is not really bad. I's 'barassed about my head tilt and cry when mommy takes out the camera and holler at her to not take my pikshur. Then I run and hide.

The Foods Report
My flaming eyes of death are for the foods report for this weekend - lets see, NACHOS, OATMEAL, BARLEY SOUP and crackers. What the heck is that all about? SHEESH. Eat some real food woman.
The household repair report: Our hot water thingy is broked. Well, it werks but only for a little while. And it's new. We just gotted it last summer. Mommy called the manu-fak-chu-rer and they are sending out the replacement part for free. It seems that this par-tik-u-lar model of hot water thingy has this prollem ALOT so they is sending out the new parts free. Now we will haf to haf a STRANGER in our house to put it on.

The Alien Report, by Sammy - well, the outside aliens are invading. It seem that there is a pit bull- rotweiler- beagle-basset hound MUTT alien livng next door. Named CUJO. I saw that movie. Mommy think's he's really cute, but he's only 4 months old and when he stands up on his hind legs, he's almost up to mommy's shoulders. And he's a different color called "brindle". He's almost as big as that alien behind us. They sit out on their patios and talk to each other all the time.
I am not allowed in the dungeon while the hot water thingy is broken, so I cannot give a report there, except to say - the ghosts prolly broke it. - Back to you Miles

The Health Report: Billy is back on the steeriods and he is coffing less and peeing and eating more. I's still tilted but i gets around ok. efurryone once in a great while I fall.

The Sammy is weerd report - we looked up one night and saw sammy hanging off the balcony swinging back and forth. we don't think he akshually MEANT to do that, but he will nefur admit that. Mommy gotted up and rescued him.

That is the Meezer Monday Miles report for today . Monday.


The Devil Dog said...

Wow! What an action packed post. The hot water thingy being broken certainly stinks. Mom can't live without hot showers. What is up with that weird food. Barley? Excuse ME! And ghosts broke the hot water thingy? Look out Sammy. And what are you doing hanging up there for?


Chesney Cats said...

That was quite a report! We hope efurrything gets fixed & that you & Billy are all better soon!!

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Mickey's Musings said...

Jeepers!!! No real food,no hot water,brother hangin' off the balcony!
Things are pretty rough at your place huh, Miles!
The good news is your head is almost OK :) I hope it gets better too!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Mickey's Musings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meemsnyc said...

Oh no, sorry to hear about your hot water thingy not working. Yikes.

Dante likes your tent. Dante loves tents!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That tent makes you look like you are on a tv giving us your report!
We agree she needs some real food! Is she on one of those diet thingies that all the moms are into? Ours is, but nachos aren't a part of it.
We hate when strangers come too. They usually are late & mom says those bad words while she paces.
Hanging off the balcony??? Another alien???? Crappity crap crap crap!

WCTs said...

Wow ... The Mom's & the food ... Same here: Nachos, Chicken soup & oatmeal! The nachos were yucky ... Come read our post.

Lot going on at your place ... We love the reports! Best of luck with the stranger to fix the HWT.

The Whippy Curly Tails

Ps Full Moon - Explains the weird Mom food!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, dat was a full weekend. Well, da weerd foods, da aliens, da hot water thingy broked by ghosts, brofurs swinging offa balkonees! We sure hope Miles and Billy get better...

Mo and The Purries said...

Wow, this was like a sitcom!
Sending chin scritches,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

YIKES! You guys is having seereis problems! We hope they are get OK real soon...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Miles, what a lot is going on. I hope you get hot water back and get your head on straight and that Billy starts feeling better!

Max said...

Doood, don't worry about getting your picture taken with your head tilted. It'll just look like you're thinking "Hmmm...I bet if I stick my tongue up her nostril tonight, she'll scream, and that will be amusing." You know, contemplative. That's how a head tilt looks.

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that your head tilt is better, Miles. Your Mom is eating cold weather food, at least that's what we call it around here. It's a darn shame about your hot water heater. I hope that it gets fixed soon. The huge alien living next door sounds scary to me. He's going to be HUGE when he grows up. Sammy, I think you need to be a little more careful on the balcony.

Parker said...

I don't mind nachos, they have cheese on them!!!

Unknown said...

What's up with the food? My people devoured 2 bags of Pecan Sandies and a pizza in about 4 hours time. The Woman seems to think that is ok because she read an article in the newspaper about how common post-holiday behavior in beens is to eat a lot. Go figure. Thanks for making us all laugh!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! There's lots going on in your meezer world! Hope your head tilting continues to get better....

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Goodness guys, there has been a lot going of for you all! Not having hot water sux (whoops, sorry Meezer Mom, we shouldn't have used that word ... hee hee) and the hanging off the balcony incident, well Sammy, that really scared us when we read it! We hope your head tilt gets better Miles, because it makes us sad that you fall, and we are glad Billy is feeling better. Hopefully your hot water thingy will get fixed right away. Take care, furriends!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Tybalt said...

A lot of stuff going on at your house! I didn't do too much this weekend except nap, and mommy didn't cook, so no food at our place. Drat.


BILLY!!!!! Let's PARTY!!!!!!!



momsbusy said...

you guys hafs had a crummy weekend. yucky foods, broken water thingys, alien invashuns and yucky foods (so bad we said it twice). we shure hopes your mom starts eatin better. tell her ham and steak and shrimps. nothing less or the whapinator is gonna go into overtime!


The Creek Cats said...

Your reports are always so funny, we love reading them!!
We hope the head tilt keeps on getting better!!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

wow. all i doos this weekend was sits outside on the lay-down-nai and takes lots of naps. there was an incident on the stairs where mommy thought it would be fun to throw balled up socks at me.....
i did not find humor in that.

castle diva said...

Wow, have you ever got a lot going on. We hope you're feeling better soon and what's up with Sammy doing a circus act?

Ms. P and Cinza

The Furry Kids said...

Dudes! Nachos are awesome!!! Especially if they meats on them. Just take a little taste the next time. I promise you won't be disappointed. Oh, but watch out for the hot peppers. Those are no good.
We sure wish you guys would feel better. We're purring and purraying for you.


The Crew said...

Miles, there is no need to be embarassed about your head tilt or your photos. Remember, once a guy reaches handsome Mancat status (and you reached that point long ago!), he stays there forever. Believe me, your friends will not think less of you.

George & Max (your fellow handsome Mancats)

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my goodness!! It is busy at your house!! Your head doesn't look to tiltey and we hope it straightens back up soon! No fun about the food and hot water thingy and the Alien seems real big! Purrrs for Billy and you Miles! And we are glad Sammy got rescued by your Mom!
Your FL furiends,

Tuck said...

Wow you had a crazy weekend! Be very careful -- those aliens sound scary!!

Daisy said...

There is never a dull moment with you boys! Miles, you should not be 'barrassed about your head tilt. We love you no matter if your head is straight or tilted (even though we hope you get all better soon!).

I think nachos are a little bit delicious.


Miles we fink yoo look gud. We thought you were anglin yur head to show off yur gud side. We is glad yoo is doin better and Billy too.
Sammy we hadda the big lectric hot air maachine stop and Daddy hadda to go and git Momma a noo one. We wuz all skairt when Daddy took the old one out and put da noo one in. We wuz all hidin out til he got it back inside da lawdry room.

*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
Boo,Ping,Jinx, and Gracie

**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome alien chasing superhero....

purrs and nosekisses
your adorin tiny tuxie princess

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Holy Moley!! You guys have a lot of things happening!! Ghosts, broken things, food.... Wow! Things are starting to seem really, really boring out here!

jenianddean said...

Good report ... I'm sorry there has to be a stranger in the house. Maybe he can take some of the ghosts with him. I hope your head gets screwed back on straight soon. We worry about you and are sending purrs.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

A broked water thingy is no fun!

We are sorry you still have your head tilt....we are still purring for you.

I, Orion, have to stay on steroids. Hopefully these will help Billy breathe better!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Phew, we don't think we would have survived such a weekend! Nothing happened all weekend because the male human staid in bed - some fluensa-something. We enjoyed it. But today was awful as the humans got a new cooker and there were strangers banging around all morning. We were not amused!

Mr. Hendrix said...

whoa, you guys have a lot going on. It sounds to me like Sammy is practicing for the next birthday party!

That stinks you and Billy still aren't feeling perfect Miles. Bendrix and I are purrrrrrring.

We hope your water thingy gets fixed soon. My mommy would be really cheezed off if ours broke.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Don't worry about having your photo taken with your head tilt Miles. It will make you look like you are all serious and thinking.
Is Sammy practising for the circus?
We had chick-hen yesterday. Sounds much better than barley and stuff.

Unknown said...

That is a very informative report. I am glad that both you and Billy are doing better!

Fat Eric said...

Thank you for visiting me on my blogoversary!

It's all go at your house, isn't it? I am glad Billy's meds are working and hope the head tilt is not too bad.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Great uppie-date
You kitties are doing okay. I love yourMonday reports!

purrrs and hugs

Hansel said...

o mai gudness lots of stuff happens offur dere at dat castle of meezers an billy.

can billy come out an pway?

Just Ducky said...

What a busy house! I gots chickhen and ham this weekend. Mum thinks your head tilt makes you look cute but isn't really a good thing.

Sweet Purrfections said...

You Meezer kitties continue to amaze me! I am sure your mom is never bored.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

What a comprehensive report! That is very weird about Sammy; it would have made great video since he was okay and not really in danger.

Thanks for your concern about my health. I send well wishes to you guys too.


Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

You all certainly did have a lot going on this weekend! Our mom stayed out too late at the daughter's house, since her husband was fishing for trout (not that we got any) and we just layed around all Sunday.

I hope that your hot water is working again and that sounds like one scary dog!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Quill and Greyson said...

Lots going on over there, glad everyone sounds like they are better.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...