Dear Woman who lives here and throws food in our bowls:
Know what I would be thankful for? I would be thankful if you would not shove me off the back of the couch with your giant, macy's like balloon of a head. I would also be thankful if you would look before sitting your pasty fat butt down on the human litterbox. You KNOW that I use that as a launching pad to the windowsill/shelf/dormer thing in the litterbox room. I would also be thankful if you didn't breathe or drool your nasty drool on my wonderfully soft furs while I'm in snuggle posishun. While I enjoy the heat of your body in the sub-zero morgue you call a sleeping room, I spend the rest of the day getting that nasty human mouth stink out of my furs. Speaking of body heat, I am thankful that your cheapness and fanatical desire to not heat the house over 64 degrees has not lowered your body temperachur to that of a corpse on a permanent basis. HOWEVER, please do something about those slabs of ice you call feet. Sheesh woman, I've never felt anything so cold in my entire life.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
mommees likes to sleep wif the temp at 62 degrees! you would like to sleep wif our daddees. he thinks 68 or 70 degrees is best fur sleepin. since mommees is ushualy the last one to go to bed guess what the temp is set at. snuggle time!!!
We are lucky, Mom doesn't like to be too cold when she sleeps, so our room is a nice, comfortable 70. We hope that your mom shapes up.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You poor things!
Hahahhaha, you tell 'em!!
Oh Sammy, keepit up and maybe da mom lady won't throw food in yoor dish anymore...but da ice blocks on da end of her legs, we get dat. Dad has da coldest feet ever!
Good luck, doood. I've registered similar complaints here with no luck. And what is it with the feet? The Woman is like FRIGID or something. That means cold, right? I think it means cold. Or whatever. Even her butt was too cold to lean against when she was sleeping until she got that heated mattress pad. At least she did something right.
Maybe you should give her the bitey?
Abby & Stygia
Oh Sammy, you suffer so much! And it's not like you ask for a lot...
Sending purrs in sympathy
Gypsy & Tasha
How do you survive Sammy? I just don't know...
Cold people feets are the worst!
Sammy what your woman needs is a kitty like Isis, she's permanently on My Mummy's feet and as a result of this they are nicely warm - rather than repulsive and icy cold as they were before Isis arrived here! :)
Our Grampy likes the house at 72, so we're good, kthx.
Our beans do this too! The heat never goes above 65 and it fall to 62 at night!! They are insane. If they did not have the magical electric blanket on the bed we would have to kill them in their sleep!!
Haaaaaa haaaaaa Sammy! You should teleport to St. Louis, Momma and Daddy are always cold so the temperature is always getting turned up, although at night it does go back down to 68! That is when our meezer piles come in so handy!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
um sammy that is not so um, nice?
smiles, auntie bee
It could be worse. Anybody who has spent a couple of weeks in a steel cage at the animals shelter hopping for adoption would have no sympathy for you!
Cats are SO ungratefull!
It could be worse. Anybody who has spent a couple of weeks in a steel cage at the animals shelter hopping for adoption would have no sympathy for you!
Cats are SO ungratefull!
Our mom is leaky eyed from laughing so hard!
Holy keerap Sammy! That is a lot to put up with....maybe you should come hang out with us. Meowm keeps it purrty warm here, her feets are purrty warm and we haven't had to deal with too much drool.
At the least you need extra treats for dealing with all this!
The beans think that just because we have furs we should be warm...boy, are they wrong....
The Furry Kids are unhappy with their woman/mom as well. Maybe you should have a Mom Swap, like the show Wife Swap. It would be funny to see what happens.
I'm with you, Sammy. Ma says why have the heat up, we have cats? Like we're just gonna go snuggle her just 'cuz SHE'S cold. Hrmph. I sleep on the couch, turn the dang heat up, woman. I'm old, remember?
ah, 62! thats a heat wave in our house. Mother dearest has it at 52 during the day (when we's alone) and 50 at night! But I looooves sinking into her big feather bed at night, talk about toasty! Love Rosey at XO
Sammy, I think the cold is making you a little crabby. You guys got some great Secret Paws gifts. Yaffa and Sebastian were one of our first Secret Paws and they give good stuff!
You know, Roxy The Pug suggested we do a The Mom swap with you guys (because our The Mom sux). But I'm starting to re-think it. Can you deal with non-scrubbed litterboxes and a conspicuous lack of stinky goodness and a house so dry that every time she goes to pet you she zaps you? If so, I can deal with the freezy toes your mom has.
Ya know Sammy, if you took some words out of Miss Daisys book you would not need the hooman heaters :)
Clothes work just as well!!
Mine Momma is just like yours, she will put on two jumpers before wasting heating :)
A good rousing game of Thundering Herd of Elephants in the night might get your blood pumping & warm you 3 right up.
I can't even tell you how many times I was rudly knocked off the bisitor's lap last night. RUDE.
Oh, dear, dis is furry funny but surely your Mommy isn't dat bad?!
You should come over to our house because our beans keep the temperature at a balmy 78 degrees all winter long!
Oh Sammy {{{hugs}}}
How do you bear it?
None of us has a lot of furs (including the beans) so the temperature's pretty warm all the time. If I get cold, my furs stand straight up!
Yoo can comes ofur and stays wif me I will keep yoo warms.......
*wavin paws*
Bye Miles
Bye Billy
Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezer man
purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
You think you got problems. Our mum has to have the small window open at night cuz she sez she can't breathe when it's closed. Tuesday night was 14f and she still had it open. Then she wonders why we all get unner the covers with her. She has ice blocks for feet too, but she sez that's what dads are for, warming your feet on them. When she gets in bed and put her ice blocks on his nice warm legs, he sez bad words.
My mom keeps the temp at 68 at night, thank goodness.
Poor Sammy, the stuffs yoo haff to put up wiff! Maybe yoo shood teleport heer to Hah-why-eee to warm up fur awhile. It's 78 owtside rite now.
Drool!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! It's not exactly hot here either!!! No wonder there is a big puffy comforter on the bed!! It is cozy though,heehee
You guys really did well with your secret paws!!!!!!! Pawsome :)
Purrs Mickey
My mom keeps the house at 72. You can come visit me and get warm.
You wouldn't like it at our house at all, Sammy. We turn the temperature down to 58 at night. We do have lots of blankets, though. I am really sorry that your Mom drools on you. That must take a lot of work to get out of your fur.
Oh man Sammy that sounds terrible. However those are good things to say you would be thankful for if they happened. It's always good to be positive...
Oh good heavens! Maw would FREEZE at those temps. We keep things fairly warm here and we aren't telling you the temp!
Luf, Us
Our Woman also has cold feet... so cold she wears socks to bed, especially when the heater isn't working.
Fortunately, she likes the place to be warmer than the North Pole because she doesn't like the cold.
You're welcome to come stay with us, but just to warn you, our people are vegans, which means their food tastes are questionable.
Ms. P and Cinza
Oh, you poor abused kitty ;-)
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