Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tsk Tsk Tsk


so yesterdaywas "National Answer your cats questions" day, and our mommy HID this from us, so we all sat on her and told her that she can't get out of it that easily. So, she has to answer our questions today.

Question 1: Can we has our own blogs?
Answer: Uh, no.

Question 2: WHY?
Answer: Because it would cut down on your time to visit your friends blogs if I had to help each of you blog every day.

Question 3: Well that sux.
Answer: That's not really a question

Question 4: ok, why do you suk?
Answer: Well, that's not a nice question Sammy

Question 5: Sorry, ok, Can we each haf our own private spaces where our girlfriendcats can visit us?
Answer: well, you have 4 tents, isn't that enough?

Question 6: HEY, WE are asking the questions here.
Answer: Again, not really a question Miles.

Question 7: Can we has stinky goodness twice a day?
Answer: um, no.

Question 8: WHY?
Answer: because you all are kind of squishy now, I don't want you to be any squishier and not healthy.

Question 9: Well, that sux. This isn't going as well as we had planned.
Answer: hey hey hey, you're pushing it with your language there......

Question 10: ok, we will be nice. Here's a good question: CAN ME HAF A PARTY FOR MINE GOTCHA DAY?
Answer: of course you can Billy.

Question 11: HEY, how come WE doesn't haf gotcha day parties.
Answer: well Sammy, I'm kind of embarassed to admit that I didn't write down your gotcha days because I was more concerned with making sure that you were both ok and that you both got along with each other and Trixie and Norton. But this year we can "guesstimate" your gotcha days.

Question 12: Can we has a sisfur?
Answer: oh boy, well not at this time honeys. But if there's ever a time that I find a girlcat who lives outside here and really really needs to live inside, then you will has a sisfur. Just like how Sammy and Billy got to live here.

Question 13: Can we has our own blogs.
Answer: This question seems vaguely familiar. How about this, when you all get green papers enough to buy your own 'puters, you can have your own blogs.

Question 14: Are we good boys?
Answer: of course you are. and I love you all very much.
Answer: I love you too Mommy - Miles
Answer: I love you too The Mom - Sammy
Answer: ME thinks you're OK Mom Lady Person. - Billy


Mo and The Purries said...

that was a great q & a session!
thanks for the LOL!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i enjoyed da kweschun an anser post today. yer mom iz grate.
i wunder if u will get yer own blog if u ask anudder squillion timez!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo guys can haf one of mine sisfurs...Sadie's up dis week cuz she stole my sleeping spot and whapped me fur no reason. Not to mention her poops make my eyes water and clears da beans outta da house...Oh man, hope she don't see dis.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Great question and answer session. Maybe I should try that with my mom.

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

aawww that was so cute!!!
I will have to do one for PB soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh those were great well thought out questions. Wonder if you will get a sisfurr and separate blogs. Mum sez we haf to share ours. It's that or nothing so looks like we go on sharing.

Ramses said...

Well at least you're getting a party for Billy's Gottcha Day! But I tend to fink that your Mom got away with a lot and that you should have demanded more or a second opinion or something! ;)

Parker said...

Love is really all we need - right boys?

Tybalt said...

Awwwwww. The last part was the best!





Tybalt said...



Your bestest doggie friend,


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

very nice questions boys!

smiles, auntie bee

LZ said...

Those were all very good questions! Speaking from experience, you don't all want your own blogs- it takes away from snuggle/play time. Its much easier to share.


The Furry Kids said...

We didn't know about National Answer Your Cats Question Day either. Grrrrrr. Your mom seems pretty strict about the whole different blogs thing. Ours is, too. It sux.


Kaltsas Kats said...

We like the idea of parties. Hope we get invited. We like to teleport other places and see the sites.
-Patches and Nemo

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I am not sure I like the responses on your own blogs.. however if you all get to have parties, I need to go buy hams to celebrate!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We remember meeting you on the day you came to live with the Mom Lady Person, Billy. We are excited to help you cellybrate.

The Devil Dog said...

My goodness, you guys are pushy. You are lucky you were not talking to my mom with that potty mouth. She doesn't stand for it at all! As for your party, Billy, let us know when it is and we will be there with bells on.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Q & A day and we didn't even know it!!

Those were great questions....we can't wait for all your Gotcha Day parties!

The Island Cats said...

Well, that was fun...and at least those questions ended on a good note!

Daisy said...

You boys crack me up!

castle diva said...

You two are funny!!

Ms. P and Cinza

Anonymous said...

Squishy... hehehe. That's what Gandalf is! -Grayson

The Crew said...

Very good questions, guys! And yes, green papers is something we cats don't come by easily.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Thanks for visiting! Yes, I'm excited about that stupid 'cat' scan... you have to drink that icky junk and it upsets my tummy, and then they stick you with iodine, too. I always enjoy you boys!!!

Deb Cushman said...

Good job with the questions! You guys rock!

Just Ducky said...

Good Q&A, can't wait for Billy's party!


gud q&a session!

*wavin paws
bye billy and miles

boo,,and gracie

*blowin kisses

bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman

purrs and nosekisses

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those are a lot of good questions. And of course your mommy loves you. Hope you all get your own blogs one day!

Cory said...

That was awesome. I'm afraid if we all quesioned our mom and dad, they might feel like they are being interrogated...with so many of us. Could be interested though.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Superb Q&A
You boys are just so adorable.
((((hughughug))))) now be nice to your mom.

ps: I get stinky goodness 3x a day nyaa nyaa


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Furry informative!

Country Cats said...

That was a good interview. We do not each get our own blogs either, Mom says there are not enough hours in the day! We don't know our exact "gotcha" days either except for Rosie because she was adopted at the shelter.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

you boys made our day!!

Um yeah and you can borrow Sally whenever you want a sisfur!! *ouch* Hey Sally stop whaping!!

YAYAYAYAYAY! Billy you gots a GOTCHA DAY PARTAY??? wowie kazowie!!!
hey wanna come PLAY PLAY PLAY IN THE BAFTUBE? ::spin:: DANCE DANCE DANCE ~ Sally

Hey it's me Kashim I am hosting WCB this weekend at mommas bloggie (, wanna join in?

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed that question and answer session. You boys really pressed your Mom on the personal blog topic! Good work!

Chrissie said...

Is that how you get a sisfur? Huh. Feature that. I learned somethin' new today.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

I like snuggling in the tent wif yoo Miles!
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

Sweet Purrfections said...

Thank you for dropping by with well wishes for my mom. Her shoulder is still hurting, but we are trying to visit a little bit at a time.

I think my mom hurt her shoulder dancing to that song the other day with all of those weird arm motions. Hee! Hee!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Can we trade you Billy fer Iza? You would haf a girlkitty an we would haf a boykitty.

LC and Ayla

Karen Jo said...

I like your question and answer session, boys. I think you should stay sharing a blog. That way I can catch up will all of you together. It would take away from your visiting time, too.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Those were very good questions guys! You know, you could claim every day as a potential gotcha day since your mom isn't sure...hehehehehe;)

Watch out for askin' about gettting a sister! Could be trouble.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...