Dear Diary
Sometimes I just doesn't know what to do. I try and try and try to get mommy to love me, and she goes and pets that other meezer in the hosue, and coos all over him, and then she picks up that orange rat and kisses him all ofur his face. But ME? Well, when I walk all over her lap while she's on the couch, she pushes me off. She doesn't allow me to put my paws all ofur her foods. She doesn't want me to breathe on her or try and lick her tongue while she's eating. She DOESN'T LOVE ME.
Oh shur, after dinner she picks me up and snuggles me and kissies me all ofur my face and lets me lick her all ofur her face, and she lets me pet her face wif my paws. and she lets me lay on her shoulder in bed. and she gifs me really nice windowsill kissies when I get up on the big windowsill in the human litterbox room. And when I frow up she doesn't yell at me or complain, but she will pick me up and huggle me. And some days when my head is really bad tilty, she will pick me up and leak tears all ofur my furs and tells me that she wishes that she could make all my prollems go away. But, she DOESN'T LOVE ME. Why doesn't she just let me step all ofur her foods and eat whatefur I want from her plate? That's TRUE love. Oh Diary, I just doesn't know what to do. Should I find a new mom, Diary?
Sadly yours
The Un-loved Miles
(sheesh, what a drama queen - Sammy)
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, March 20, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh Miles,
She does love you...she just doesn't show it in ways that you notice right awaw. Maybe in time she will let you walk all over her foods, and breathe on her, and lick her tongue. Beans just need time to adjust to these things.
Dear Miles,
Da mommy does luv you. Anyone who leaks tears ofur you and huggles you gots to luv you. Your mombean does love you.
Miles, you just made us (and our mom!) cry... Your mommy loves you huge!!!! Huger than huge! HUGEST Huger than HUGEST! GIGANTOR LOVE! Sometimes these moms just won't feed us what we want and we don't know why either. Harrumph. But let me tell you, you are soooooooo loved!!!!
Miles, With all you do get away with ... and you think you aren't loved? Could she compromise? Maybe give you your own plate at the table?
We're on your side. But humans are weird.
Miles, from one bro to another, I have to tell you...
You're acting like an in-heat dam.
C'mon man! Snap out of it! You run the show, remember? If you want to step all over the food, DO IT! If you want more love, GO GET IT!
Miles, I think we need to get some carbonated kitty litter. That's just what you need to pick yourself up out of this slump.
Uh, Miles, you have it all backwards. Your mom loves you tons. As for the food, if she won't give it to you, take it. How so you think I learned to open the cabinet and the dog food tin? From mom? No, from me!
miles honey we all love you! now stop that whining and be a good boy. mommie is giving you foods that are good for you, okay?
hugs, auntie bee
I think you have a purrfect mom! I think someone may be having a little temper tantrum!
Miles: she loves you. She's just human--and well, you can't hold THAT against her. They're not as smart as us...and well, they ARE human. Don't need to find another home. Love the one you're in. She'll see the light. Just remember...HUMAN.
Miles my furiend, she loves you. Even if she won't let you do everything you want, she loves you HUGE.
Humans have silly ways of showing their love...but we're sure she loves you tons!
Oh Miles, your mommy does love you lots and lots. But we agree, we'd like to try to eat off the plates too.
No need to get a new home, it sounds like you are very loved. We know it is hard to get them to see things our way.
Yeah...I think your Mom loves you. You know how much you protect your food?? Well,beans feel the same way about their food. They do not share well :O
That's why you have to be super sneaky ;) heh,heh,heh
You do not want to be a drama queen,heheehee( are ya going to whap Sammy?)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I think I agree with Sammy, Miles. Your Mom loves you great bunches. She is feeding you the food you need to get better and maybe get your head un-tilty. We humans just don't like our food walked over.
Maybe Sammy this time (and this time only) got a point. Sounds like plenty of loving to us. Can be too much with all the smooching too.
Oh I know she loves you to the moon and back again!
Oh Miles I know that your mommy loves you lots. Those humans are just weird about their food. My mom doesn't let me eat off her plate either.
Dude, knock it off! We don't even *get* human foods. Well, some measly morsel of chicken once in a blue moon. You've got it made in the shade compared to us.
Miles, we think you are perhaps missing something here -- Love comes in many different ways.
Oh Miles! I luvs yoo. And yore Mommy luvs yoo too. I seed her. I knowses. Beans are just weird! So pleez don't cry pleez!
Yoo's rite to wanna stand in her foods tho. Meezers should be able to stand in foods if they wants. Specially MILES Meezer!
I will come ofur and bring some foods for yoo to stand in.
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Miles . . . it sounds like your mommy DOES love you lots, but I think she could always love you even more. I agree that being allowed to walk on food is very important in a kitty and mommy relationship. I know I always insist on pawing at anything my mommy eats. (I will admit that she doesn't like that, though.) Maybe you should just sit down and have a serious talk with your mommy about these issues? I have always found that sitting on them and screaming in their face at 3 in the morning is the best way to get those types of conversations started. (However, my sister Holly prefers the "patting the face with all claws extended in the wee hours of the morning" method. Whichever you are most comfortable with.) Good luck!
*disco wiggle butt*
We fink yur Mommie lubs yoo lots and lots and LOTS. We is all soooo luckee to have da Mom's we got...
*wavin paws*
Hi Miles and Billy
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Miles, we think you need a minor (major?(re-arrangement of synapses so they connect in the right place to realise that your mommy ADORES you! Trust us, we know.
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
We think she love you!
Thank you for coming by our blog and your nice words about our KittyBoy. We miss him so much.
~ The Bunch and Momma Bobbie
Oh Miles, Georgia knows exactly how you feel. She also wants to walk all over food and eat whatever the Woman is eating. It is so not fair. I do not know what you can do to change that (however if you want to be held I will gladly send my human there is none of us like to be picked up). I cannot get her to allow you to walk on her food. We did send you some of mine though and it should be there by middle of next week I'd expect!
Miles, you hafta read your 2nd paragraph...if that ain't love, we don't know what is...your mom loves you so much...and we think she's got so much love inside her that she can share it with Sammy and Billy too....
Even if she won't let you walk in her foods it seems like she does love you. Beans are weird and don't seem to like us trying to lick their tongues. My mum doesn't let me push my nose in her mouth when she is eating. I only want to sniff her foods. She sez something like,'No thank you very much. Not after you just been washing your butt'.
Oh gosh Miles, we'z afraid we hafta agree wif Sammy...yoor kinda being just a tiny bit whiney. Yoor mom really loves yoo lots, but, being a bean she thinks paws in her food is icky. We don't get it either, but dat's what they think!
I think she loves you. Just not enough. Like if she super duper loved you, she'd let your lick her tongue and put your feets on her plate. Keep your chin up, dude.
Miles, I just read a great big paragraph of her loving you, so whats up. I don't think you need to walk on her food and eat off her plate, that is called being sanitary.
Your Mommy loves you, no doubt about that!
Thanks for your comment. I love you all (but your Mommy loves you most of all)! :) xxx
Dear Miles, Your Mommy loves you furry much. We think you should give her etra huggles and kisses.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh, Miles ... I gotta agree with Sammy on this one: You're stirrin' up a whole lotta drama.
Doood, you just gotta be more direct. Jump in and TAKE the food. She'll get over it.Perhaps a few times of this will bring her around to your way of thinking and let you do whatever you want when you want and STILL cuddle you.
oh no..the leaky tears part made my pet human cry...we hope you are Ok.... we are so sorry we have not been visiting much... our pet human has hindreds of excuses why...none are acceptable to us.
we love you.
Auntie Deb
Sammy: Please don't call your brother need to let him get his feelings out! We all need to rant now and then!
Love you too!
Auntie Deb
Billy: My Sweetfeets!!! I could use some of your very special cuddles! Come on over!!!
Love, Auntie Deb
Wow, we think yer Mom loves you TONS, Miles!
Oh Miles I thinks she loves you very much from the sounds of it! My momma won't lets me eat her food either but I don't lets it bother me. I still gets the kisses, hugs, and special treats. I thinks you should love your mom and not even thinks about finding a new one!
Have a Saturday Smoochie!
Happy Spring, Miles. I know your Mom loves you.
Sorry I don't visit often enough.
This acknowledgement is way overdue. You were so kind to leave a comforting comment upon my beloved Jake’s passing last month. The cat blogosphere is a wonderfully caring community, and I am honored to be a part of it. Thank you for your support during this difficult time for me. Jake’s memory will forever live in my heart and mind.
Congratulations to the Meezer Dad. I hope that he enjoys the new job.
~J&B’s Mom Nancy
Sammy sweetie your mom loves you.
Your so sweet and adorable how could she not.
Miles, you mom does love you, meaning she loves you enough to do what is right for YOU. She figures her food isn't good for you, soooo, you jest have to be sneaky about it if you wants to have some of hers. The 'in her face' method is just not gonna work.
Hope things continue to go well for your dad.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
I thinks you should tell your momma your concerns and give her a chance to reply....personally I thinks you should stick with the momma you got.. she aint all that bad :))
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