Here is the Meezer Monday Miles Report for today
The Weekend party report- Lots of naps and foods was hadded by all this past weekend. What a great nap pile party!! WOOO HOOOO!!!
The Dad report - Daddy is going to meet with the Human Resources people at his new jobbie today - wish him lots of luck!
The Foods Report - this past week I hadded some HAM, and some chick-hen, and some roast pig, and a little egg. As far as the gluten free foods - well, Sammy is still not going near the bowl, Billy is still eating efurryfing, and I'm starting to nibble a little more on them.
The Outside Report- by Sammy Meezer - Thank you Miles. We are SURROUNDED by alien creachurs. The alien that lives behind us seems to haf spawned - now there is one NEXT to us and one across the street from us. Also, there are more two legged aliens that seem to like playing games with the four legged aliens. I think that the for legged ones are holding the two legged ones as servents or something. And YESTERDAY, there was a alien orange cat on MY patio looking in MY door and HISSING at me! And it wasn't the regular floofy orange cat that terrorizes me. He now has a minion. See, when that new orang cat was getting all hissy with me, I looked 'ahind him and the floofy orange one was sitting about 10 feet back egging him on. It's a conspiracy. They appear to haf been taken ofur by aliens. Back to you Miles.
Uh, right. Thank you Sammy. You are one weird cat. Maybe you should sniff some nip and take a nap.
That is all for the Meezer Monday Miles Report for this week.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
All this talk about aliens has us a little worried. We hope they don't want to study Sammy.
Hmmm, I think you are mistaking normal things for aliens. You might want to see a doctor about your paranoia, Sam. Glad you got some ham, Miles. Hope your dad's visit to HR goes well.
miles honey you are eating high off the hog these days!
smiles, auntie bee
You guys do a great report!
Miles an' Sammy ... Perhaps Billy should be the one to communicate with the terrorizing orinch fluffy cat an' his minion since Billy IS, afterall, orinch? Just a suggestion ...
The nap piles were great this weekend. Just what I needed.
Ham! I got ham today! Ya know what's funny? The Woman can't have ham and not think about you guys!
Wow, no der is two orinch kitties messing wif yoo. Didja hiss back? Zippy bangs on da window and stares 'em down. Alens huh, did dey happen to bark like a dog?
Wow. Those aliens are taking over...
What an exciting report. We can't wait to hear more about the orange cats. What if another one shows up? And then another. Scary stuff.
Those aliens aren't vishus deer in disguise, are they?
We're glad you had yummy foods and good naps this weekend.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You sure had a busy weekend! At least you got some good foods to eat! And we enjoyed the nap pile!
Excellent reporting Miles. My weekend was full of sounds like -
Not a lot of fun...
Wonderful report, Miles! Oh, and Sammy? If you need help sniffing the nip, we're all over that.
Hmm, that sounds scary. I don't think I'd like aliens...and there are so many of them around your house! I think that orange cat needs to be taught a lesson!
Did you guys move to Roswell or something while I was away? These aliens are concerning. Be careful, Miles, Sammy, and Billy.
Interesting report! Have a great day!
Good luck to your Dad!!!
Hope those aliens leave you alone. Spooky stuff!!!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
We had two alien cats come on our porch Saturday night! It must be an invasion!
Good luck to the dad!
Glad to hear the eating was good over the weekend! :)
Careful of those gingers. Never know what they are thinking!
Abby & Stygia
Good foods there, except for the gluten free ones...we sympathize with you.
It sounds like it is best to stay indoors with all the alien activity outside.
I's glad yoo got hams and ofur foodz, Miles! I'll be rite ofur to snuggle n watch the white stuff.
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Luigi, a.k.a. The Dawg, is a Baconator too. Loves his porky ;)
sound like that was a furry exciting weekend, guys! glad you gots some hammm--we did, too--hammm wif cheezy chewey macaronis!
an orinch minion? hmmmmm. does he do the fluffy one's typing? our mom's name at her day hunting job is "executive minion", an' typing is what she does.
best fishes to yer dad as he goes to meet them aychar beans!
Good luck to your dad. We are getting worried about all the aliens. What do they want with you? Maybe the alien orange cat had come to join the nap pile.
Those aliens sound askeery. And orange minions??? Yikes.
I'm glad you guys gotted some good snacks over the weekend.
Thanks for hosting the nap pile. We really needed it.
I hope your Dad has a good interview. We'll keep our paws crossed. And what's with the orange cat invading your space and then hissing at you ... you should have been hissing if there was any hissing going on.
Very good report Sammy and Miles! We hope you and your family has a very wonderful week to come!
BILLY!!! ME is here and we GOTS TO PLAYPLAYPLAY!! NOW!!! We HAVE to!! YAY!!!!!!!!
Sounds like some exciting times at your home!!!!
I'll come ofur and whap those orange aliens outta yur werld!
*woo hoo*
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
I don't know where to start. You guys are just too funny. I hope things went well with your dad's job today.
MEEZERS hai me came ta scare awayz yoor ALIENS
Hay, wuz one of them alien cats a calico? Cuz thare wuz one outside my window jes tonite and I growled and hissed and sang at it wile it jes stared at me. It mite be tha same one!
Meezers, stay out of danger and do not open your door when aliens are around. Go take another nap and they might disappear. They probably do not mean you any harm, they are just being aliens.
Wow! Lotsa stuff goin on at your place! Too bad about the alien cats. Mebbe yer Bein can help chase them away! Ours does...
Great blog, sounds like your neighbors are not very nice. That is too bad. We are not crazy about our neighbors either.
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