Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Rant


Lissen up "the Mom". I'm barfy. I know I'm barfy. You following me around the house with the stoopid spot bot, or jumping up efurry time I cough and hollering "Miles baby? are you ok? are you barfing again? oh poor baby" does not make me barf less. The next thing you know, you're gonna be tying a barf bag around my neck or something. ::SIGH:: Also, please don't menshun the v-e-t around me. You saw last night how just even saying that I had to "go" somewhere made me nervous.

oh, and I'm STARVING because I'm barfing. Pony up the people food woman.


The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dear Sweet Miles,
Maybe a little jar of baby food would stay in your tummy...poor sweet boy...we are all sayin' prayers for you.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i hope you feel better honey, what about some ham???

smiles, auntie bee

momsbusy said...

oh no miles, it is terrible to be barfy. miss empress bee gots the right idea. HAM! we thinks yu should get a whole ham fur yurself. yur mom should cut it up into nice bite size peeces too. maybe efen hand feed yu at the kitchen table. yep thats the ticket!


The Devil Dog said...

Oh, poor, Miles, nothig is worse than being hungry and being barfy at the same time.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Miles, you may be barfy but you are still spunky!

Anonymous said...

We can't blame you for being a mite cranky, Miles, under the circumstances. Still purring here and sending tummy-easing vibes up your way...

Jans Funny Farm said...

Miles, your mom is concerned, therefore, as a human, she is a pest. Just like when she is sleeping, you guys like to be a pest. So suck it up, man! And use it to your advantage. She'll wait on you hand and foot -- or is that paw -- if you milk it for all it's worth. You've got a gold mine here. Enjoy it. Even it it requires a trip to -- somewhere.

Sweet Purrfections said...

My poor Miles! I really hope you stop with the barfy stuff soon! Believe me, I feel for you! Special headbutts and purrayers for you!

Lux said...

Oh, Miles, I hope your tummy feels better very soon!

Just Ducky said...

Maybe some plain cooked chickhen, no spices, all chopped up. Or baby food of some sort?

Ivan from WMD said...

I vote for baby food! (Has your mom tried Pepcid? That might help.)

Country Cats said...

Hope you feel better soon! Mom's are a little bit annoying sometimes when we are sick.

WCTs said...

Miles - Go to the vet & get shot of B12 & antibotics. Check for things in your tummy. Ribbons & hairballs. Drink water.

I know bout this stuff ... Miss Simba.

I only eat baby food & non chunky stuff now!

Miss Simba Kitty

Us4 Cats said...

oh no! we hope you feel better soon and can keep your nom noms down.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, if ya barf, ya need ta eat. Cruel trick...

Karen Jo said...

Poor Miles, nothing's worse than being barfy and hungry at the same time. I know your Mom is being a pest, but it's because she's worried about you. I hope you feel better soon and don't have to visit anyone you don't want to.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yeah, we vote fur turkey baby food! Even Speedy can keep dat down when he is haffing his tummy troubles.

Black Cat said...

Poor Miles, it's no wonder you're feeling cranky, being barfy is nasty horrid. I hope you feel better soon without having to go to the... erm... anywhere you don't want to go. You haven't swallowed an Evil Coffee Stirrer or a rubber band or anything have you? Just a thought. Get well soon sweet boy :) xxx

Parker said...

Aw Miles, I am so sorry you are still barfy. I am purring and purring that you feel better!

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope you get better soon, being barfy isn't fun.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring for you to feel better Miles. Yup when I was barfy last year and didn't want to eat, the only thing I could keep down wuz chick-hen baby food.

Kaz's Cats said...

Miles, we're so sorry that you feel yukky - maybe baby food might be alright for you to eat like some other cats have suggested. We're gonna keep on purring and purraying for you and your family dude,


Gypsy & Tasha

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Miles...not only are you gotta put up with the woman! We hope you feel better soon!

Zeus said...

Miles, I'm beginning to think you need some hair of the dog to kick this massive more stealing carbonated kitty water when your pet is not looking!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Miles, we are so sorry that you are still barfy! We think that you should be fed anything that will stay in your tummy. Baby food was a great idea!


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Aw, poor Miles. I will sneek some hams ofur to yoo rite now. I just hafta go nab some from the cold box at home. (Good fing Mommy is a hams freek hehehe) Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

The Creek Cats said...

Oh Miles, we so dislike to hear that you are barfy!! We are purring very hard for you and hope you start feeling better very soon!

iamfelix said...

Another vote for baby food - My first Meezer was recommended this by our vet when he got barfy (particularly at this time of year, with the end-of-winter coat shedding). He liked all meat flavors, particularly ham & lamb. Also, check for constipation - he had a big problem with it, and got barfy with that as well.

Purrs to Miles! (Sammy 'n' Billy, too).

Mickey's Musings said...

That's it Miles!! You tell her!!!!
Hope your tummy settles down though ;)
Purrs Mickey

Motor Home Cats said...

We are sorry you are still all barfy. But, we think your mama is being a pest because she is concerned about you. We agree with the other - some baby food, or boiled chicken. Your mama can even mix in a little rice or baby rice cereal to give you a little filler. We are purring that you will feel better soon. Remember to keep drinking water.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Chesney Cats said...

Poor Miles! We hope you feel better soon & don't have to go back to that place you don't like. Purrs to all of you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Miles, we are so sorry that you still feel bad. We are amping up our purrs for you!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

::::shivers:::: I hope you do not have to go to the torture place.
stop barfing!

<3 and purr

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Poor Miles. I really really want you to feel better. That sounds horrible. We will purr that you get all better and get lots of foods.

The Furry Kids said...

Oh, Miles! We hope you feel better soon. and get something to eat!

Anonymous said...

Barfy and starvin. You got it bad, Miles. We hope you get some good ham. Or ham and chicken.

Chrissie said...

Dood, I just heard you've been purty sick-I'm sure sorry about the barfin' and the flyin' of the poo-none of those are good things, to say the least. I'm sure hopin' all yer tiltin' and flyin' and barfin' and pooin' gets better real soon.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Barfy?? Oh no! How do you feel now? Baby food is good, Tommy says. We send a lot of purrs to you!

Noir in Texas

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, miles! we hopes you is feeling better, at least good enuf to go to "the place that shall remain nameless" an' acquit yerself nobly in the peein'-or-poopin'-on-people arena. if ya gots ta go, then do it in style! we hopes to hear a good report soon!!

love & purrs--the meowers & mom


miles sweetie

we is all sprree yoo is still feelin barfee...we finks it may be reelated to yur dizzies. but we is purrin furry hard furr yoo!

purrs and nosekisses

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...