I am going to be doing the ranting today.
Dear The Mom
Do you haf ANY idea what it does to me when you break my ofurnight routine? Lissen, here is how it's 'posed to go:
You go to bed at 11
You get up at 1 to go to the human litterbox room
You pick me up from the foot of the bed, contort yourself so that I am in a comfortable snuggling posishun, and then we goes to sleep. no breathing your stinky breaf on my neck, ears or Bast forbid, in my face.
You get up at 3am to go to the human litterbox room
You come back to bed, contort yourself into anofur comfortable posishun for me and go back to sleep, again, not breafing your stinky dragon breaf on my furs.
at 4:58 I gets up and sits on the table waiting to whap the beepy thing when it beeps.
For the last 2 nights you haf goned to bed at 11 and then the beepy fing goes off at 5 and there was NO snuggling posishuns, NO getting up, no NOFING!! What's going on woman??? COME ON!! You should start drinking more water after dinner or somefing. I cannot tolerate this change in routine.
Fank you
Your adoable floofy meezerbaby Sammy
Pee Ess: Ok, so we posted on the cb yesterday that the people where daddy innerviewed wants him to werk there! YAY! We still need to purr that all of the pre-werk stuffs and papers and other fings that haf to be done gets done and is all ok so that daddy can start werk on April 10.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Yay, yay, the job worked out! That's cause of St. Pat's Day. Concatulations!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs, Halloween and her People
Concatulations on Meezer Dad getting the jobbie!
Pee Ess: The new game should be to see who can whap the beepy thing the furtherest.
We are so sorry your routine has been screwed up! But...we are SO happy your dad gotted a jobby!!! Woohoo!!! Great news!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
horray for daddy meezer!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Hooray for a new job for Daddy! Woot!
Mom would never be able to wait on us properly with only 6 interupted hours of sleep. She needs 9 hours, or she's not fit to be around. How does your Mom do it, Sammy?
We think you need to make sure your Mom knows the rules!
We're still purraying and purring for your Daddy and his new job.
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow, your mom sleeps a lot. Our mom only gets about 4 or 5 hours of sleep at most. It just means more time of us bugging her. We think you need to take some lessons from Max and start poking her in the eye, or stick your nose up hers.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
PS - we are sooooooo happy that your daddy got the jobbie. Purrs and hugs that everything goes well between now and when he starts.
Your mom doesn't get much sleep, does she? And she doesn't have much consideration for you, you poor meezer, lying there waiting for her to get up, so you can finally get comfortable. Maybe she should sleep on the couch and let you have more room to stretch out?
Sounds like there is an awful lot of prework stuff for your dad to do. We have our paws crossed that all will go well for your dad.
YEAH for your Daddy! That's almost (but not quite) worth the whole not snuggling thing...
Go Sammy!! You Tell 'em!
Congrats to your daddy for getting the job. Hooray!!!
We hate when our routine gets frazzled up too, sorry yours did Sammy.
DOOODS!!! YAY FOR YOUR DAD!!! Everybody, get up and do the Snoopy dance!!!
Oh, and poke you mom's bladder at night, that'll get her up.
I think your mom finally had a good night's sleep because the daddy has good news. I will continue to purray that everything goes well and he starts on April 10! Just think of the Temptations and stinky goodness then.
Yer Daddy gots the werk? Oh yay, all our purrs werked right!
But we agree that the Beins shouldnt go jus changin the night rootine wifiut some discussion... Sometimes The Big Thing sleeps through the WHOLE night an its annoying cause we dont get the extra chin scritchies!
Max is right, Sammy. If your Mom doesn't get up to go to the human litterbox room, then you need to poke her bladder to remind her. Yay for Meezerdad getting the jobbie. I will pray very hard that all the pre-work stuff goes right.
If your mommy sleeps on her back, sit on her bladder. If not, then squish right up close to it. That's what we do. ;)
We are so happy about your Dad getting a job! But we're sorry about the change in sleep arrangements!
Don't the beans know that routine is our lives????
Yay for your dad! We hope everything goes well!
Hooray for Meezerdad. We'll keep purring that everything gets sorted for when he starts his new job.
Yay for your dad getting the job!
Maybe your mom will drink more water now before she goes to bed so you can get into your comfy positions!
Congratulations on finding a job, Meezer Dad! All that hard work paid off - literally!
You're right for telling your human pet how it's going to be, Sammy. I hope she listens to you. Snuggling is very important!
Purrs for your daddy because he succeed!
The Mom types should not mess around with sleeping arrangements!
PS - We're super duper glad about your dad's big news. We're still purring and purraying!
Our mom is glad to know there is another mom out there who gets broken sleep like she does.We start to work earlier on her though. 1am, around 3:30, then again about 5. Ours has Sahara Mouth though. So she drinks more water. Oh, and she likes 9 hours of sleep, she's be major cranky with just 6.
We hate it when Meowm changes how she does things!!!!!! We hope yours gets back to normal!
Poor Sammy. It's awful when the beans start doin weird stuff!
YAY for MeezerDad! We'll send lotsa purrrrrrrrs for all the dee-tales to werk out fastest.
*nosekissies to my handsum boyfriendcat Miles*
Oh man, broken routines is bad fur kitties! Maybe yoor mom is sleeping straight thru cuz yoor dad gots a jobbie? Dat's a good thing and might make yoor mommy relax a little bit more. Our mom started a new routine and it took us a couple weeks to get used to it. Yoor mom should be getting more sleep, how do yoo guys feel if yoo don't get yoor 18-19 hours?
Yaaaahooooooooooo we is happee furr yur Daddee and glad dat dem hoomans were smart and offered him dat jobbie!
I udderstands bout dem nite time rooteens. I got sum too and I expecte dem to be followed to da letter.
I did make it out alive frum da V.E.T...and dey stole bloods and *gasp* pee too. Momma is werried bout my drinkin...don't tell no bodies but I drinks.
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy and Miles
Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
*bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman...
purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess who is missin some blood and pee and furr
Congratulations on the Daddy Work thing! That is great!!!!
Hmm...maybe your Mommy needs more fluids???
Hi Sammy, Miles and my adorable Sweetfeets!!!
Smoochies....Auntie Deb
Congratulations on the job!
Also, Mum and Dad would REALLY like to thank you guys for showing us how to whap stuff. I do it all the time. Now since Toby sees me getting away with it, he whaps stuff too.
When we whap stuff onto Dad's head, we can't hear what he's saying, but we're sure he's expressing gratitude....
Continuing purrs for your Dad, he starts work on Friday??
Your mum needs to drink more so she makes her overnight litterbox breaks.
Oh Sammy I would be a little crabilated too if my routeen were messed up like yours is!
I am purrrring for your daddy to get his jobbie nice and tightly wrapped up around his little finger! How is that...good? Good!
your adoring Miss Peach
Yay!! For Dad Meezer!! Purrrrs, purrrrs, purrrrs and more purrrs!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
We're so glad to hear the great news about your human dad and his new green-papers provider. Purrrrrr....
Oh, we are so happy about your daddy's news. That is just wonderful. As for your mom and the other stuff, suck it up, Sammy, daddy's got a job! Yippieeeee
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