WHEW. It's finally Friday. Doesn't it seem like there was 3 Mondays this week? Oh, wait, I just sleeped through the week, what would I know.
About Billy being tossed in the air by the alien that lives next door - The Mom is always there to snoopervise their playing, so the little brat nefur goes flying too far.
Last night we hadded 'citement in the nay-bore-hood - there were lots and lots of big big trucks wif flashy lights on them in front of the house. then they tooked big fans in the house two houses down while the mom and the nay-bores maded jokes about burnt dinners.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, May 01, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
hi sammy! where are the whapping reports? i need new fodder for sarge!
smiles, auntie bee
Flashy lights? We're glad they didn't come to your house.
I think it's been a week of Mondays!
Isn't excitement fun?
At least it wasn't the gang from the funny farm to take you guys away. Happy weekend.
Happy Friday and happy weekend too...
Oh my! I bet the neighbor who had to have that done wasn't too happy!
Oh, we're so glad you helped Beau's mom get a new computer! It will be nice to have them back again. We've missed them too.
Your neighbors must not know that when the ceiling thingy goes eeee eeee eeee that dinner is dine and you can quit cooking at that point.
That sounds exciting and kind of scary. We're glad they didn't have to come to your house.
Max beat me to the comment I was going to make, but I was stealing it from him, anyway. I'm glad that the excitement was nothing too serious. I am also very happy that MeezerMom supervises the next door alien and Billy at play.
You have a very interesting neighborhood - tossing and flashing lights and all.
We hope the flashy light trucks were there for something as simple as a burned dinner. We are glad that Billy doesn't get tossed far.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Sleeping sounds like a good way to get through Monday, but we think you may have overslept just a little bit, Sammy.
We're glad to hear the burnt dinners weren't at your house...
It has been quite a week indeed! Glad that the flashy lights were only for a burnt dinner!!
::Hi Sammy!! Hi Miles!! Hi My SweetFeets!!!::
Auntie Deb sends lots of love!
Those trucks with flashy lights sound scary. I'm glad to hear that everything was OK...
Sure duzn't sound like ur nay-bore-hood is boring at all! Where we lives we has nayPURRhoods cuz deres lotsa purring dat goes on arownd here.
we's so glad you made it through the week!! it's nice to haf a furriend, ain't it? we hopes cujo don't play quite as rough wif you as dambrowndog does wif nitro! (you should thank yer momladyperson fur refereein' yer playtime, even though we figgers you has 'nuff sense to smack him wif yer shivs if he don't back off when he should. nitro doesn't.)
there was one of them flashy-light parties a few houses down from ours last sunday morning. we finks it was lots more lively than the one by you--there's a great big trash bin outside the house an' they're throwin' all the innards (even the WALLS) into it!
Big fans? Weeeeerd.
Is yoo still mad bout Stinky Goodness Miles? Come ofur heer and we'll give yoo some of our stash. If Mini fusses I'll make her shush cuz I nefur eats my share and so's it's okies for yoo to haf it.
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
OOOO flashee lites and sighrens? Scaree...r yoo sur dat it wuzn't moore aliens?
HALP Sammy I am being exiled. Momma is nefur making times furr us to blog and we is all mad as wet hens....wet kittie hens.
I needs a noo Momma.
Purrs and nosekisses
Your tuxie princess who misses her prince....
This week really went by quick. I'm glad your neighbors were OK.
Hooray for Friday! I hope you all have a happy weekend!
sumtims sumone in our neighborhoods burns dems dinners. Me can SMELL it alla tim.
billy- yoo still frowin ups?
Were the flashy lights purrty? Meowm called those flashy light people out one night. The bean next door likes to get tipsy and try to cook.....and it always ends up getting burnt!!!
And yes, it did seem like it was a week of Mondays!
it has been monday all week here too!
happy uno de mayo!
BILLY! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! don't get tossed toooooo high! be careful! hiiiiiiiiii!
I'm so glad those trucks with flashy lights didn't come to your house.
Billy, be careful with that tossing.
Huh ... Mom said that too 'cuz they were doin' something called "standardized testing" this week. Let's hope that NEXT week is much better.
Oh haha our gramma once burnt the dinners and made a big stink and got a remodeled kitchen out of it... hee.
I hope you two are having a marvy week-end
Wow! We hope that all is well at that house. We've had a third fire in the area in just under 3 months. Everyone is a little worried about it.
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