Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday Rant


I'm sure that my rant for today will sound familiar to some of you.

Hoomans, and especially YOU, The Mom, why can't you just lay in ONE posishun all night? Does you KNOW how annoying it is when someone jostles you around, kicks you, sticks toes in your ears or puts their stinky feets near your nose? We's trying to sleep!! Can't you just lay STILL? sheesh. I get so tired and cranky when you keep poking me all night.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

You are right, we get blankets and pillows tossed on us and everything.

Lone Star Purrs said...

We don't sleep wif them for that furry reason!! I (Meeko) snuggle while they are watchin' the TV or when sittin' on the couch. But...they STILL jostle around sumwhat...and sumfing keeps kickin' me when I lay on Momma's belly!!
~Meeko & Kiara

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hee! Hee! I don't sleep with my mom, either. She's all over the bed at night and I must get my beauty sleep.

Karen Jo said...

Sorry, Miles, but we humans just have to move around a little while we sleep. Otherwise, we wake up stiff and cranky. You wouldn't want a cranky Mom, now, would you?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

If you figure out how to get them to do that, let me know...

Motor Home Cats said...

she is pretty good now, but sometimes she still messes up.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Anonymous said...

Yes, and why must her legs always be right under where we want to sleep?

PDX pride said...

We pen Mommy in when she sleeps, so she can't turn. Skylar traps her legs, Rori curls up by her back, and Tabby curls up by her arms. When she wants to move, she has to ask us to move first. Sometimes we do; sometimes we don't.

With Daddy, it's tougher. There's not enough of us to trap him and Mommy at the same time. But Daddy always asks permission to turn over anyway.

Frostin said...

Monika moves around a lot too, but once Bob falls asleep he is like a log. Before he is sleeping he moves his legs a little some times, but once he is sleeping the only way he moves is if one of us tries to lay on his ankle or something like that.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

::sigh:: We know zackly what you mean. We never get a good nights sleep wiv the Beans moving all the time. Sometimes when a leg moves, we even get knocked onto the floor.

Cliff and Olivia said...

I know just what you mean. What's the problem... cats can stay in one position for a long time.

Cliff has a clever solution to this problem. He usually sleeps on a pillow between the Humans' heads and never gets disturbed. I prefer sleeping on top of them, so I have the problem every night :-(


Noll's Nip said...

Ha ha....poor Uncle Keaks has hit the floor like a sack of potatoes more than once....gotta stay clear of them human feets.

Zeus said...

Just do what Ares did last night, Miles: When the human pet rolled on top of him, he ended up puking on her. That was classic.

Anonymous said...

We gotz our momma trained. We all git on an' she can't move...sometimez she can't ebbin' breathe. Dats not so good, huh? ☺

Camille is doin' Wordless Wednesday ober at our place. Shez showin' her butt again. Why doez she thinkie her butt is purr-ty?

Zeus said...

Hey Meezers: Send us an email with your address so we can send you something as part of the paw it forward campaign!

BooBoo said...

They do that when they are just sitting too. They are always getting up to get something to eat or drink, or going to the bathroom, or whatever. It can get annoying.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, humans are rude! That's why we don't usually sleep with Jan. Well, the big woofies do and there isn't really room for the rest of us, but still, she won't let us sleep.

The Furry Kids said...

You said it, dude!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sheesh! Humans are the most restless sleepers! We cats sleep perfectly still and we get a good nights sleep because of it too! Humans could learn a thing or two from the feline.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe THAT is why I sleep on the floor?

PeeEssWoo: Mom used to watch the Rochester PF's but she has to keep her eyes on too many (blog) places SO she watches 'ours' - after all, they are only about 25 minutes as the Xterra flies!

Motor Home Cats said...

You asked about a pill and Cody. The V-E-T will not give him any medication because he hasn't seen Cody in 10 years. Cody is very feral and it took Mom almost 2 weeks to catch him last time. Mom thinks it might be easier this time because he is already confined in the room a lot. She is hoping to get him to the V-E-T for a check-up if she can catch him at a time when they are open.

Thanks for the concern.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We got mom to kinda lay still, but, yeah, she sometimes furgets and rolls over while we are laying in da way. She sez she's sorry but who's she kidding, if she meant it she would stop doing it.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We completely understand how you feel Miles!! Our Meowm does that AND she has the nerve to get irritated with us when we groom ourselves, on the bed, while she is trying to sleep. As a matter of fact, she kicks us off the bed sometimes when we are doing this!!! What are we going to do about these beans???!!!

LZ said...

Tell me about it!! I get SO frustrated.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

settle down now miles, she has to turn a bit. be a sweet boy, k?

smiles, auntie bee

Daisy said...

Sometimes my Mommie picks me up and MOVES me! Can you believe that?

The Island Cats said...

We agree! There's nothing worse than being kicked when you are sound asleep on someone's feet!

The Devil Dog said...

But they don't even know they move, Miles, that's the funny part!
Mom is fairly good about staying sort of still. It helps that I lay on her and don't move.


Isis said...

Those stupid hoomans. They're always rolling all over the place. i can't stand it!

You know, sister saw Chubby Checker (he was really old) in concert once at an amusement park.

Mickey's Musings said...

Yup!!!!!!!!!! Ditto!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Hmmm ... That sounds like a reasonable rant. Our complaint is that Mom didn't notice that the construction doods put cardboard over our cat-door to her bedroom an' we had to sleep on the COUCH! That sucked.

Just Ducky said...

Poke back! Sit on her face!

Cory said...

Make a cute sweet sound in her ear when she tries to move...stops our mom every time...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Miles, yer lucky ya aint sleepin onna waterybed! Every time The Big Thing turns over we get moved like inna boat. Iza is sneaky ta curl inna corner where it doesnt move much, but I like ta sleep against his legs and I get moved up an down a lot. So I sleep ON him a lot. Thats not so bouncy.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh yeah Miles. Mom does that to me all the time. I wish she'd stop.
Mrs. Othello

caspersmom said...

My Mom is pretty quiet during the night and doesn't move around a whole lot. But we have to be still too or she will kick us off the bed. Sometimes when she wakes up I have my face right in hers. Don't know if she likes that or not.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I knows ezactly how ya feel Miles! I curl up right on The Big Thing's legs, then he gets twitchy and rolls over. So I curl up against the crook of his knees an he mumbles an rolls over again. So I lay across his fat tummy an he moves AGAIN!

He efen gets disturbed when LC is lyin against one side, Iza on the other and I am sittin on his feets!


Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...