Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally Friday


ME is happy it's FRIDAY!! The Dad Lady Person is coming to bisit us tomorrow!!! YAY!!!!! ME loves him!!!

ME loves singing in the human bath box. The Mom Lady Person says the ME sounds "Freaking beautiful" at 3:30am!!! ME is happy about that!!!!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

3.30 huh? That's about the time I sing too. Maybe I should teleport over and sing a duet with you. Your Mom Lady Person is sure to think it is twice as good.
We are glad your Dad Lady Person is coming to visit. We know you will have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! We know you are all going to have a wonderful weekend for sure! Head butts to your Dad Lady Person!

Oh, and Billy... maybe you should try out for American Idol. We would totally text in our Vote for Billy!

Tuck said...

Hmm, I like Gandalf and Grayson's idea. I would totally vote for you dude!

The Island Cats said... got talent, that's for sure! Enjoy your visit with The Dad Lady Person!!!

The Creek Cats said...

LOL!!! Billy, you're a riot!

momsbusy said...

billy, maybe yu cood be the new king of pop. why not hafs a big concert in yur human bath box. all of the cat blogosphere cood come ofer and sing bakup. yu cood make a squillion green papers. ans yu wood be gifen lots of gifts like hams, chikhen, and temptations.


Noll's Nip said...

Why Billy, what song were you singing?

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi my Sweetfeets Billy! What song were you singing at 3:30 a.m.?? I'm sure that it was beautiful! Teleport over here and sing for me!!! I hope that you all have a fabulous weekend with the DAD LADY PERSON!!! I'm sure that your Mommy will be very happy if you SING TO HIM instead! :)

::HI MILES!!!::
::HI SAMMY!!!::

Love, Auntie Deb

p.s. Go to KC & Charlie Cat's birthday party today....THEY HAVE HAM!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

way to go billy! have fun with the dad lady person! maybe you will have some chick-hen!

smiles, auntie bee

JC said...

I sing too
I tell Mom it's just my way of telling her that it's time to feed me
She pretends not to hear me
I keep doing it though ...
Riley ^,,^

Hansel said...

Awww! i neffur tried singin in dere, but i shure will now! -hansel

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow... that's way nicer than anything my human would say if she woke up to hear me singing at 3:30 AM. You are one lucky cat.

Have a good weekend with your Dad person!!!

Daisy said...

It's funny how moms love everything we do. For example, when I throwed up last night at about midnight, my Mommie said "That's just great."

Max said...

I, too, enjoy singing at 3 am. There's something about the acoustics at that time of night that makes the music that much more joyous. You should sing for the Dad Lady, too!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Congratulations on being praised for your singing! "Freaking beautiful" is quite the compliment.

Hooray for the Dad Lady Person coming to visit. Is he bringing his futon?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Yep, Meowm loves it when I sing too! No matter what time it is. She starts singing with me, but she doesn't have a complete understanding of the songs I sing, but she tries. Your Mom Lady Person should start singing with you too!

We are glad you get to have Dad Lady Person come visit!


The Furry Kids said...

That's about the time I was singing this morning, too. heh heh I love singing, don't you?

Have a great weekend with your Dad Lady Person!

Motor Home Cats said...

Gracie sings sometimes when she can't find mom, but as far as we know, it hasn't happened at 3:30 am. We hope you have a fun time with your Dad Lady Person.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

PS - we love your background

Karen Jo said...

Singing in the human bath box is the greatest. The acoustics are so perfect in there. I am glad that your Dad Lady Person is coming for the weekend. You should sing for him, too.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Want to see some baby pictures of Spats & Sassy...come on over!

Love, uSSSSS

Zeus said...

Don't worry, Billy. You're not alone in your pursuit of vocal excellence in the shower. Perhaps your mom and dad should sign you up to audition for America's Got Talent!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Billy, we have a family story when our Gramma was a young bride in the 1945.... she & Grampa had a cat who's name was Damn Cat. He got his name because he would go into the shower and sing just like you do and Grandpa would say:"What's that damn cat doing now?"

Just Ducky said...

Happy weekend with the DadBean. Singing in the human bath box is the bestest, beans sing there too. They think they sound goood.

Cliff and Olivia said...

You go Billy! We like the sound of our voices in the "bath box" too.

The Devil Dog said...

Mom says that while you might not be freaking dead for singing in the bathroom at 3:30 am, you would be stuck in the freaking cellar until she felt like letting you out. Even I do not mess with mom's sleep routine.


Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...