Thursday, July 02, 2009

Excuse me


ME has a strange prollem that ME wonders if anyofurcat has. When ME gets really happy and purry when the mom lady person (or dad man lady person, whatefur me is 'posed to call him) pets me, ME, um, poots. Lots. And ME gets 'barassed about it. And Sammy and Miles laff and laff and the MLP (and potenshully DMLP) gag.

is this a common prollem or is ME a freak like Sammy and Miles say ME is?


PDX pride said...

One of our friends on Catster, Ollie Pop, does that too. So you're not alone.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We don't know cuz neither of us poots. No, it's true, we really don't. You can ask our mum. Mum sed one of the CWCB used to poot every time she picked him up though.

Anonymous said...

Are eating broccoli and beans, Billy? We've seen the power of the bean!

Tuck said...

I've never done that Billy...but I have an equally embarrassing problem...I drool...

The Creek Cats said...

Our Maggie May does that, her nickname is Tootie-Toot! Don't be 'barassed!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Billy, my Sweetfeets, it's okay! It happens to everyone once in a while!!! You are not a freak! You are a Sweetfeets! Tell them I said so!!!

Love, Auntie Deb

Noll's Nip said...

You're OK Billy Pootfeets, er's just nature ;) None of us does that though but we had a husky who pooted bad whenever he got real turkey meat.

Zeus said...

I've never heard of such a thing before, Billy. When I become excited, I simply purr and headbutt my human pet nonstop. To be honest, though, it's hard to tell my excitement from my neverending hunger.

I wonder if you could do a Google search to find your answers. Surely, someone on Yahoo Answers has asked this. I always find good starting points for curious matters like this on there.

The Island Cats said...

Hmmm...Billy, we don't do that so we don't know what to tell you. We're with Gandalf and Grayson, maybe it's something you eat??? But whatever you do, Billy, you are not a freak...don't listen to Miles and Sammy...

Neo Meezer said...

My bruther Cicero had this acuz he had IBS when he was little kittie...he tooks medikashun for it an yo-gurt. V-E-T lady said he was "gassy". Fixed him right up.

Meowers from Missouri said...

well, billy n. sweetfeets, i don't know for sure, 'acause i am a refined ladykitty an' ladykitties don't poot. ever. but My Mama sez that one of the cats who came before would do that when he fighted wif the other kitty. she said they squared off inna bean litterbox room one time an' it smelled like the litterbox had ofurflowed!

but i AM pretty sure you're not a freak; brofurs tell you lotsa things that are mean an' hurty, but not true!!

your furriend,
xing xing

Jans Funny Farm said...

We don't think you're a freak, Billy. But we do think some plain yogurt or digestant for cats is in order. We think when you relax you just let loose.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The Woman says you are probably relaxing your muscles and so you are pooting all the time. Maybe you need to do it more when you are not being petted? Also you may not react well to the food you are on and may do better on a different food... sigh.

The Devil Dog said...

You are NOT a freak! You are a creative and individual kitty with an interesting super power. Sammy and Miles are just jealous.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...




Motor Home Cats said...

We think you are a very normal kitty (not a freak) and are just showing your love in a unique way. But then we didn't expect anything different because you are unique.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

LZ said...

I do it too!! But I don't get embarassed. I just purr louder.


Daisy said...

I do not poot, so I do not know the answer. But I think it probably means you are very relaxed and happy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sadie does dat! Oh man, she would freak if she knew I was telling yoo dis...hehehe. I drool, a lot!~Speedy

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WE don't think you are weird Billy.....and don't let your brothers convince you that you are.

I just purr alot.~Orion

I don't purr or talk much at all.~Junior

Reese =^..^= said...

Nope, I don't have that problem. Good luck and happy toots to you.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh I used to major 'clear the rooms' kind of POOOOT when I was a kitten and got lots of loving from Blizzie... then I grew out of that.
Pierro will not admit it but he has a tiny poot now and then... not so bad, but nevertheless noticable

purrrs Billykins

Freya's Staff said...

What's a poot?



who wouda thunk it?? said...

My boy dog ,Roscoe, does that, not so much now that he is getting bigger, but still he poots sometimes (jus not ALL THE TIME, like before) but he has got a new name now.... Pootie-Boy

Sweet Purrfections said...

I refuse to answer that on the grounds it might incriminate me. A lady doesn't poot, especially in public. Hee! Hee!

Billy, I've got a song for you on my blog today. Come by and listen. You can't dance to it, but you can sure harmonize!

Cory said...

No matter what you do, you are not a freak Billy! You are sweet.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Billy!! You are not a freak, brothers just love to tease!! Mr. Tigger and I don't poot, but Maverick does once in awhile!!
Your FL furiends,

Billy!! You is not freak!! You is my furiend!!

Hansel said...

Hansel used to do that when he was younger! It smelled really bad because he had worms! Have you done a fecal check recently?

hahaha that's probably not it- but that's really really funny!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...