It's finally FRIDAY and this weekend we will be............. uh, hold on, the Mom Lady Person is yapping in my ear.
What does you want Mom Lady Person? ME is trying to blog!!!!
What? Did ME know about what? How the fan gotted tipped ofur? How our cat tree play thing gotted tipped ofur?
um. NO. ME doesn't know anyfing about that. Ask Sammy. He's the one that whaps stuff.
Oh, you DID ask Sammy and he saided to ask ME? Why that no good lying sneaky little meezer, he's just trying to get ME in t-r-o-u-b-l-e. He's mean and sneaky and a liar.
Oh, Hai Sammy! No, ME was not talking about YOU being sneaky and a liar. ME was talking about MILES being like that.
Oh, Hai Miles! No, ME was not talking about YOU being sneaky and a liar. ME was saying that The Mom Lady Person is stirring up trouble and trying to get us all to be mad at each other. She's nasty and a liar.
What? The fan and the cat tree play thing? oh yeah, 'amember when ME used the litterbox and then ran around the house hollering ME POOPED AND IT STINKS right 'afore the Mom Lady Person gotted home? ME prolly knocked those things ofur then. 'amember when the Mom Lady Person camed in the house and gagged from the smell coming from upstairs? that was funny right? yeah, it was. ME was laffin and laffin. ME forgotted about the fan and cat tree play thing.
What MLP? Crap, you hearded me? Sorry!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO put me down!! ME is big boy!!! STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP. NOOOOOOOOOO............ oooooooo ceiling fan cords! ::reaches out to whap cords:: ME loves these!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, August 14, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh Billy, you're in a bit of trouble. Better work on looking as cute as you can with the MLP, 'cos we think you're in a bit of trouble. Just saying...
Gypsy & Tasha
Okay Boys!
Play nice or I'll have to khome up and WHAP woo myself!
Oh Billy! What kind of trouble did you get yourself in now???!?!
We think that you were just bein' a kitty an' that your momma should understand sometimes when you are not purr-fect cuz kitties just wanna have fun☺
You are too FUNNY
(I'm keeping you away from Riley though ... he's my boy that runs around the house ... after ... well you know what ... you must be related)
You boys are so silly and we love it!!! We always enjoy your funny posts!
Have a grrrrreat weekend!
Lol...You boys are all so cute :)
Ohhhh ohhhhh. Someone's in TROUBLE! Deny everything :)
Billy yoo r so sweet!
purrs and nosekisses to my fabulously handsome cocoa puffs meezer man
your adorin tiny tuxie princess
Billy you are so darn funny we are laffin and laffin! At least you fessed up!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... tell your Mom Lady Person that will try an AT&T aircard because that is the service we get at the lake ... we had to cancel Verizon because there are no towers close.
Oh yeah, and tell her that HughesNet is the company that got the awful reviews!
Just do something cute, doood. She'll forget all about stuff then.
Billy, we didn't think there could be a more incorrigible cat than Sammy, but it sounds like you are getting there.
tee hee
Wanna come ofur to my house where it is lots quieter, Miles? teehee
purrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Hi, guys, it's so good to see you again! We just got back to blogging today after taking care of our sick mom the last 4 months, and we've missed you so much!
Rocky & staff
Haha Billy, you are a tearaway! You are like my brother Flynn. When he poops he runs off at 100 miles an hour like his tail is on fire.
Oh, Billy, what a tangled web you weaved.
What happened after you signed off so abruptly?
Bwhahahaha! Yoo crack us up Billy!
Billie, ya really need ta learn how ta lie wifout blamin others or bein specific. The rules is "keep it simple", "keep it vague", and keep it unprovable".
Like "The cat tree play thing fell over? I dint know that. Hear annythin; no cant say I did. That's terrible. I did hear a noise while I was nappin in the bedroom."
Billysweetiefeetkins, YOu really turned this around in your favor, nicely done!
Happy week-end boys!
Billy, you are as high-spirited as ever!
Keep it up little fellow!
You make us all laugh! Moe does the dash out of the box thing too!
Billy, even when you are in trouble, you are so funny!
Billy, we think you are so kyoot, you could get away with just about anything! Besides... we think it was the aliens.
Billy, you are one funny dude! I bet you convinced your mom lady person not to be mad at you for long!
You're a trip Billy!
Bob is laughing his butt off.
Way to go Billy!
Uh oh, Billy! We hopes that you and The Mom Lady Person kiss and make up!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
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