Friday, August 21, 2009

Finally Friday


I really really really think that the alien 'ahind our house ate the girlbean that lives there. we has not seen her all summer! She used to come out and play wif her alien and the alien next door, but she hasn't. I's furry scairt efurrytime our the mom goes ofur there to get bounced on by that alien. I haf nefur seen a alien bounce like that eifur - it just stands on it's back legs and bounces up and down and up and down and up and down for hours on end (the mom: maybe 2 or 3 minutes at a time).

In ofur noos, we had loud boomies last night but our the mom would not wake up, so I had to lay on her face to get her to wake up. When she waked up the boomies stopped. it was kind of like majik. Now I has to 'amember to lay on her face efurrytime there's boomies.

Oh, and I scored a great whap last night too, I managed to whap a magazine off my big windowsill in the human litterbox room - right into the human soaking box where the mom was soaking in the bubbles. SCORE!!!!!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Living with your The Mom is so much more interesting than living with our Jan.


None of dee offur cats like da boomies eiffur. Unless dey r relly LOUD dee don't bother me. Momma is amazed wif me sumtimes cuz fings dat bother dee offurs don't bother me. I may be small in size but I is a big gurl kitty!

purrs and nosekisses
to my handsome floofy cocoa puffs alien huntin meezerman

your adorin tiny tuxie princess

Shaggy and Scout said...

The alium could have turned the girl into a pod! Maybe your mom should investigate closer when she goes over.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I am a bit worried about your neighbor girl. How horrible to be eaten by aliens. That was a very good whap. I am impressed. Unfortunately there is nothing on the area by the bubble place that the Woman sits in to whap... sigh.

Freya's Staff said...

I think that when you do really good whaps, the beans shout for joy! so do it more often to make them shout for joy more often!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

good whapping sammy!!!

smiles, auntie bee

The Creek Cats said...

We no like da thumderboomies!!!

Have a great weekend, furiends!

Ariel said...

I'm scared of boomies I always hide under the bed.Gotta get your mom to show my mom her magic.I love to whap things into the tub too yet now I'm not allowed in the bathroom.Good work Sammy :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We hadded boomies da other night and da only reason mom even knew was dat when she woke up we were all in da bed wif her and it was wet outside. How do dem hoomans sleep thru dat noise? We is worried now dat maybe da alien is starting wif da fambly it lives with and den mite move on to da naybors! Keep yoor eye on dem Sammy...

Max said...

Man, it's been a very very long time since we had any boomies. They don't bother me but I bet Buddah has forgot about them and will freak next time they happen. Maybe I'll tell him about laying on a person's face to stop them.

Good job on landing stuff in the wet box. That'll teach her to get in there. Bad things happen when you're all wet.

Anonymous said...

We let Mom sleep until 4:07 this morning, Sammy. Is that good?

Daisy said...

Laying on the mom's face almost always has good results!

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome whapping! Did your the mom holler like a banshee? Ours would've. heh heh


The Island Cats said...

You have waaay too much fun at your house, Sammy!

The Whiskeratti said...

We always KNEW the Moms had majik. :)

Anonymous said...

It is your email address that gives you your face – the same email, the same face. Click to upload your own profile picture ->

Sweet Purrfections said...

There is a lot more excitement at your house than mine. We're kind of quiet around here lately.

Reese =^..^= said...

There is always lots of fun at your house!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wapping can be very rewarding, especially with an audience!!!

Just Ducky said...

No boomies here for a long time, not much rain either. Great job on the whapping, I am sure your mum needed something to read while she sat in the bubbles.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I dunno, Sammy ... Whappin' the magazine into the bubbles was kinda mean. I prefer to lay my lovely furs atop all magazines an' books 'cuz they're furry comfy. Perhaps???

Deb Cushman said...

You're pretty smart to figure out how to get rid of the boomies! Who would have thunk that laying on your mom's face would do the trick?

Karen Jo said...

You have made a great discovery that lying on your Mom's face makes the boomies stop. Great whapping. I'm worried about your aliens. If they have started eating the beans they are getting really dangerous.

Ikaika said...

He whaps!!! He scores!!!!

Halloween said...

Sammy, we don't have boomies in San Francisco, but if we ever get any, I will sit on the Food Dude's head to let him know. Thanks for the information.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just loved your whapping story! Score! Paw up for a high five!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

we have thunder boomies here and it was exhausting. I have to nap all day today!

Hansel said...

right in the bubbles huh?! that's great! we don't really mind boomies too much. We really love when it hails, because we like to try to whap it through the glass. :)

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...