Monday, August 10, 2009

Meezer Monday Miles Report


HEY! Someone turn off the farkin weather radio! It's been bleeping all farkin day!!! SHEESH!! I can SEE that it's raining and I can HEAR the boomies. AHHHHH

Oh, HAI! Welcome to the Meezer Monday Miles Report for today

The Weather report - so, we had such a big boomie today that the mom thought somefing 'asploded outside. We hadded LOTS of rain Sunday. and LOTS of boomies. And the HOTS.

The Foods Report - thank you all for your concern that our the mom is a horrible the mom and trying to starve us. Really, I heard her tell the orange menace that he's too fat and needs to lose weight. I think she's trying to kill us. BUT, I gotted some chick-hen and some pork. and Sammy gotted his crunchies.

The What Did Bill do to get in trouble this week report: Lets see, he escaped about eleventy nine squillion times. The Mom now calls him Who-dee-knee. I haf NO idea why. Oh, and he almost broked the mom's new glasses the ferst day she hadded them.

The Alien Report. by Sammy "Whacko" Meezer - the junior alien was next door almost all week. He doesn't haf to wear a collar and leash. The big alien next door does. OH, and one of the aliens on the other side of us runned away wif a leash attached and the mom saided that the alien warden finded him about 1/4 mile away stuck in the swamp. he hadded to haf been stuck there for about 2 days. He's a furry nasty alien but we feeled bad for him 'acuase he must haf been really scairt for all that time. and his mom and dad were 500 miles away on bay-k-shun. He was a bad alien and ran away from the alien sitter. There's a job I doesn't want - alien sitter. And the alien 'ahind us spented most of the week bouncing. up and down. up and down. up and down. all day long. I think it's some sort of alien ritual dance.
Back to you pork-pot.

Uh, thank you loony toons.

That it the meezer monday miles report for today.

::SIGH:: - more bad weather? HEY! THE MOM!!! Watch out for flooding when you're driving to werk!!!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

We really need rain here. Our poor plants, but you can have the boomies. I am glad you all didn't starve. I was worried about. I considered going on a hunger strike but didn't want to ruin my figure...

Reese =^..^= said...

I think boomies stink. I'm sorry they were at your house.

Anonymous said...

pork-pot. hehehe. We may have to borrow that one. Gandalf's new food helps not have crystals so he can pee right, but he is getting a bit of a belleh.

Parker said...

Poor alien! I feel awful for him!
You guys can send some rain to us!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh no, we hope the boomies go away quick! They are scary!

Deb Cushman said...

What an interesting report. We are sorry the alien got stuck in the swamp for 2 days. You're right, Sammy, that must have been scary!

Hope your bad weather goes away.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hi boys! sammy don't you ever whap stuff any more? i was thinking i should whap sarge a bit, what do you think? he's been a bit grouchy lately...

smiles, auntie bee

Ariel said...

Lol...I love you two and your reports.

The Island Cats said...

We got the hots here...and the humids...but we gots no a pot or not...RATS!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We could use some rain.
I am so happy to know all of you are doing well. Please try to be good today while your mom is working


Anonymous said...

No rain fer us, fankfully, we is sorry yoo had da boomies though, dat sucks!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

You always have such exciting news reporting. We don't have exciting news except we need lots and lots more rains to come!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh gosh. Does alla us needta go wif yore Mommy to werk to poosh tha car iffn it gits stuk? Well, if not, how bout yoo n me snuggles, Miles? Dat sounds more funs anyways.
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

Anonymous said...

If yoo means Jakes bed, mom and dad gots it at Target (online). Its called a PetMate Burrow Bed. try dis link

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, we hadded no rain fur like a mumf den yesserday we gots it all! And we gots terrible hots too...thank Mr Carrier fur air conditioning. Oh, we hadded a boom so loud last nite dat mom jumped right outta her chair and fell on da floor. It was purrty funny.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm below woo in Pawsylvania and it sukhks sukhks sukhks...

I'm khamped out on the floor under my A/C vent!

Furry nice AND indept report woo purrrrrred today!


Meowers from Missouri said...

we's glad that youse din't starve ofur the weekend!! we's haffin' some serious boomers right now--mom's puter at work got temporarily kilt earlier this mornin' by a flashie-boom. we allus enjoy readin' yer monday mornin' review; nuthin' acitin' EFUR happens at OUR house *sigh*, so we lives vikareously through youse guys.

Max said...

Dooods...I think maybe your Mom needs some of those inflatable arm thingies to wear on her way to work, just in case she winds up swimming...

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Rain and boomies AND hot? Strange!

We don't htink any of you need to lose weight! What in the world is the Mom Lady Person thinking?

Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, must not door dash!!! You can't get severely hurted out there!


We finally were able to git off da ark -- it stopped rainin and boomiey here! I keep chekin furr dem aliens in our old cubboards....while I still has em...Daddy is pullin dem out day after tomorrow...

purrs and nosekisses
your adorin tiny tuxie princess

The Furry Kids said...

I just love your reports. You guys always have a way more exciting weekend than we do. We had boomies and the hots yesterday and just the hots today. The Mom camed home at lunch today and said that the house smelled like hot animals. Um, yeah, could you turn up the AC?


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, it been busy at your place! Ya can keep the boomies but we could use some rain. The ground is as hard as the deck...

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, watch out for flooding. Wear earmuffs for the boomies. Have lots of snacks and games on hand for bad weather. And be safe.

We feel for the poor alien who was stuck in the swamp for 2 days. That would be really scary.

Just Ducky said...

Yeah our weather sqwauker radio was going off too. Mum trys to get it set so it only does out area, but we still keep getting the Lake Michigan boater warnings! By then the storms are past us!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We had lots of rain too, but no boomies or hots.

Hansel said...

Oh no alien sitter! we wouldn't want that job either. Can i just tell you that we love the meezer monday report?

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...