um, HEY! The Mom!!! Whiner?? it's 'posed to be RANTING Wednesday!! i RANT, i doesn't WHINE. So now I will rant about the lack of consider-a-shun around here. How come you nefur consult me when you make the shopping list? If you did, you would not come home wif 8 pounds of broccoli (so what if Sammy and Billy like it, I doesn't) or 5 pouns of onions. also, if you had consulted wif me, we would not haf a garden wif hot peppers and kyukumbers or tomatoes, we would haf a pig in the back yard. oh, AND we would not haf a air condishuner AND a fan in the sleeping room at night. yeah yeah yeah, you've been hot hot hot all your life. We has FUR and we is freezing all night! Sheesh!!! and Oh, we're all sorry about laffin and laffin at you this morning when you walked into the wall and stubbed all of your toes. HAHAHAHA. oh, sorry.
So, I gotted way up on the china cabinet and whapped the stuff off of there the other day. oh it was PAWSOME!!!! and the mom was just a few feets away sitting there in her drunken,,,,,,,,,,, er............ tired stooper. She flew off the cowch and started yelling and then looked up and was shocked! She said somefing about me being too fat to get up there, but sheesh, I'm the LIGHTEST cat in the house. The china cabinet makes a great place to hide.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Only half a pig, Miles? We think if you're getting pig, get the whole pig! hahahaha!
Ut oh....laffin at the beans when they do hurty things doesn't go over well in this house.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sniff. The mistreatment at your house! The lack of consideration! Just unbelievable! (not that it's any better at OUR house, oh no...)
Haha! A pig in the backyard! That's just what you need, Miles!!
MOL! It's it funny when the beans stump their toes!!!
Cats are weird.
That's a lot of vege stuff getting brought home at your place Miles - we like your plan about the pig in the back yard. If you work out how to do this, let us know, 'cos we get use some tips. Hey Sammy, way to go with the supreme athletic feat - best way to distract the MLP from any er, 'damage'.
Gypsy & Tasha
well personally i think a pig in the back yard is a lovely idea, you could have ham whenever you wanted! what a thought!
and sammy, good job honey! i can't get up that high though, i have to whap lower stuff.
smiles, auntie bee
Geez, doods! What's with your momma? Hasn't she learned yet? Meezers an' Gingersnaps gotta do stuff like whapping an' ranting all the time! An' don't get me started 'bout those veggies!
WOWZA! Your momma thinks your is fat? Does that mean that she is gonna cut down on the stinky goodness and the Temptations☺
You just can't beat a high spot to hide and play and whap stuff. Do you have any nip growing in your garden?
Lol...Another great report you two are the cutest :)
Miles, maybe your mom bought the broccoli for me?
Sammy, I can't believe you got way up there! Wow, you are awesome.
My mom has been slacking on the commenting as well, so I know what you mean. Thanks for you congrats.
Miles, if you talk your human into a pig, let me know how you did it. I think that would be PAWSOME
Oh how I wish I wish I had khats too!
PeeEssWoo: YEP, whining!
Miles-She didn't even bring home some chick-hen? Is she becoming a vegetarian? We hope not!!!!
Sammy-did you whap breakable things?
The Mom-we hope your toes are okay.
Awesome whapping, Sammy!
Don't tell your mom but we all laughed hard about your mom walking into the wall and stubbing all her toes. We saw Jan walk into the bedroom one night, forget she had put a stepstool beside the bed for --- No, Buddy, it was not for you, it was for Jenny because she was elderly -- anyway, Jan tipped over it in the dark and lay there wondering what hit her.Wasn't us. We laughed at Jan, so we just have to laugh at your mom too.
Hey Miles, mebbe if ya took a hambone outside an planted it, it would grow! That would be awesome...
An Sammy, keep up the good whappin!
Yoo should half a pig and cow and chiken in yur back yard. *poophey* on dem veggies.
Sammy dat wuz pawsum dat yoo gots up on the china cabinet! I am missin my cabinets but Momma says noo ones r on dee way.
purrs and nosekisses
to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezer man
your adorin tiny tuxie princess
Miles-Who needs 8 pounds of broccoli, silly beans. Our Mamma keeps it cold in here too so we understand.We have pretty much gotten used to it.
Sammy-The whapping sounds like it was fun. We need more hard to reach stuff to whap around here.
You need to put your shopping list in Mommy's purse, works for me, most of the time anyways.
Hahahahaha!!!! Way to go Sammy !!!!
Miles,we hear ya!! We have a/c in the living room and a fan in the bedroom!!!!
We would love to see our Mom stub her toes.Sounds terribly funny for you to watch,heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Ohh, if you get a pig can I move in with you? I think that sounds pawsome!
You needs eleventy squillion pounds of ham, bacon, pork chops, chick-hen, soon to be roasted beast, not vegetables!
Way to whap Sammy. I haven't figured out to get on top of the china cabinet here.
It's always fun to make da mommy wonder how da heck yoo gots where yoo is...
Oh I don't know about the pig in the backyard...the way things go around my house, the pig would have a name and pretty soon it would be living in the house with us and it would be hogging all my attention! hahahaha
your mom's poor toe toes. it's always amazing how dem beans dun realize dat we defy gravities and can jus fly anywhere we wants. We iz majic really.
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