::blink blink:: oh, the mom, does you haf to get up and go to werk today? See, i'm laying on my back wif my tummy showing and all i wants is some snuggles and cuddles and then we can go back to sleep. i doesn't want to wait till tomorrow. i's feeling snuggly NOW. Tomorrow I will prolly feel bitey at 3am and then you will get mad at me. No? You can't stay home? ::sigh:: the mom, you stink.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, October 09, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Keep your hopes up!!! Weekend's around the corner!!
I will wish for your electicity to go out. Then the weekend will be more suggly without the computer.
Hello! I thought I would try and visit all of my friends before my surgery on Monday! It is so good to see everyone!
Hi Sammy!!! Hi Miles!!! Hi Billy Sweetfeets, my darlin'!!!!! Hi MLP!!
I miss you all!!!
Love, Auntie Deb
Oh how unfair to go to werk and leave yoo ...
I hate it when the Woman has to go to work. I wish she could stay in bed but just the male leaves...
My Purr Gang likes to wake me up so I can feed them. After that, they kind of ignore me til it's Brunch, Lunch, Mid Afternoon Snack, Dinner, After Dinner Snack ...
We couldn't convince our mom to stay home either! Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday!
That's the best trap a kitty can do! The tummy temptation as the person goes out the door. If she makes it out the door it must be because she's got her eyes closed.
Do no -- repeat, do NOT bite the Mom at 3 am or you will not get any cuddles and snuggles tomorrow. Just one more day, Sammy.
We gots da same problemo at our howse. ::sigh:: Nina an I bof wanted to play blanket monster wif Mom, but she hadded to go.
You said it Sammy!
Sometimes I just wish the Woman *would* go get a real job instead of staying home making chit up... It's not like she gives us any real attention. EVER.
But she can't get mad at your for feeling bitey tomorrow. That's your devine feline RIGHT...
Oh Sammy...the mom lady person hasta go to work so she can earn enough green papers to keep you living the life that you love!
It will be OK, you just keep tempting her with that tummy...ya never know, you might win one morning!
You had a very good strategy to keep your Mom at home, Sammy, but she has to go to work to get the green papers to keep all of you fed and warm. I hope you don't feel bitey at 3am; that could put a real damper on your Saturday morning snuggle time.
Do woo want her to have green papers fur stinky goodness or not?
Oh Sammy, give Mom a break. She will snuggle ya tomorrow, an you'll be happy!
poor sammy! i wish you could snuggle with sarge right now, he'd rub your tummy real good!
smiles, auntie bee
I'll come ofur and snuggles wif yoo!
purrs and nosekisses
to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman
your adorin tiny tuxie princess
We know how you feel - it's just not fair how us kitties can't get our snuggles exactly when we want,
Purrs in sympathy,
Gypsy & Tasha
Yeah, no matter how cute I look, mum goes off day hunting. It will be snuggle time this weekend and we will need each other to stay warm.
We'll bet your mom doesn't want to go to work either. We think she would give you super special scrinches and treats if you DON'T wake her up at 3am!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Cheer up....Saturday is coming!
I do dat effury morning wif my mom...she don't get up and go to work anymore so I get to haf a snuggle effury morning if I want to. Oh, Zippy sez dat bragging is mean, so, sorry (but not really).~Speedy
Haaaa haaaa Sammy, you are too funny!
Ours is goin' back to work tomorrow after a two week vacation. Hmmm ... Maybe bitey at 3 AM is the way to go?
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