ME has been finking that ME LOVES woofie foods. When MY furriend Maxx bisits, ME loves to eat his woofie stinky goodness. ME wonders if the Mom Lady Person will buy ME my OWN woofie food. That would be PAWSOME. She gets these little containers of foods like FILET MIG-NON for the woofie and it is so yummy. Why doesn't KITTY foods makers make that kind of foods for us?
(oh and those of you wif readers will prolly notice that the MLP putted the wrong day in the title until ME reminded her of the right day).
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
We love woofie foods!! Mom never understands why we go to the woofie bowl before we go to our own!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
all our woofie gets is crunchies, but even so, sometimes a change is nice. but she gets all growly if we try!
Woo khritters are nevFUR happy with what woo have!
Woo always want US and OUR stuff!
We like to eat our woofie's foods too. But our mum says it's not good for us.
We don't think we have ever had woofie foods....but if you say it is good, we are certain it is. Maybe the Mom Lady Person would give you one of the woofie foods she buys once in awhile.
Dawg foods are pretty delicious, but I really prefer kitty foods. They just seem so exceptionally yummy. We always want what we can't have. :sigh:
Your pal,
We heard that woofie food doesn't have some of the important nutrients that kitties need in their diets.
But a little now & then surely can't hurt!
Monkey?? Chunky?? Billy, you are NOT a chunky monkey. Get that woman in to the eye doctor, pronto!
We've never experienced any woofie food, and it sounds like we're missing a real treat.
We've nefur smelt woofie foods.
WE lub our kitty stinky gudness doh.
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
your adorin tiny tuxie princess
We kitties agree with you. We eat out of the woofies' food bowls while Jan is fixing their dry food.
But Jan says kitty food and woofie food are not interchangeable. Woofie food is not nutritious enough for kitties and kitty food is too rich for dogs.
How about if you get the Mom to buy you your own roast chicken instead?
All this food talk has made us hungry. Jaaaaaaaaaan, when do we eat!
Dood, don't tell anyone, but Buddah and I like woofy treats. The Younger Human's woofy left some bacon treats here--they're supposed to trick woofies into thinking they're getting real bacon but it's fake--and one night we got into the bag...holy carp, that was good! We ate most of it and didn't get sick AND we didn't turn into woofies! They get some really tasty stuff!
We never had woofie food...we feel deprived....
Umm... woofie foods? Seriously? Doesn't that taste...yucky??
I don't think I would like the woofie's foods!
But woofie food is formulated for woofies and not for cats! It does not have enough fat content in it so it is not so good for you! You are a cat little one! Don't ever forget it and dance proudly as only a cat can dance!!!
It would be nice if dey could make our foods taste like some of ders. Or maybe da beans should just make us real filet minon alla time.
We have never tried woofie food, but we had some of the most lishus food ever brought back from Mericky for us.
Sometimes I sneak a bite of my woofies' food but usually it is gone by the time I get there. Mom says Sushi should have been named Miss Piggy.
No woofies around here, so no chance of getting any woofie food or treats. Although mum broke out some treats that Eric and Flynn sent a while back.
Billy, think of it this way -- no matter how good the woofie food may taste, how can anything made for a d*g be better than anything made for a cat? Anyway, we're sure you get plenty of your own good food.
Filet Mig Non sounds yummy! Are Filets hard ta catch?
You remind me of when I was living with a cat named Little Bit. My brother came to visit with his dog, Nicky. I knew that Little Bit wouldn't mind Nicky, as she was always playing with the little dog next door. When it was time for supper, I put Little Bit's food by the door and my brother put Nicky's food by the refrigerator. Nicky and Little Bit looked in their bowls, then looked at each other, then switched places. My brother and I laughed and laughed.
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