Here is the Meezer Monday Miles report for today:
The Foods report - turkey, chick-hen, a little ham and crappy crunchies that I now refuse to eat. I'm tired of barfing them up.
The What did Billy do to get in trouble this week report: Running ofur the moms head while she was sleeping. and tossing the crunchy bowl off the table. HAH.
The Whapping Report by our resident Whapinator, Sammy the insane clown posse psycho: Hey, I like their music! Ok, so on saturday the mom wented to the public market and she came back wif lots of yummy begetables. So while she was out I cleared off the table for her. I whapped all 5 candle sticks AND the silver bowl of fake grapes. When she broughted home the begetables, I dove right in and ate a whole leaf of swiss chard!!!
On to the alien report. Saturday night I was laying around he lifing room and I had a feeling that somefing was very very wrong outside, so I made the mom open the curtain. The alien Cujo from next door was on our patio wif his face pressed up against OUR slidy door. Efen Miles humped up and hissed. What did the Mom do? She gived him a TREAT and called him a good boy for not running off wifout his leash. Then she taked him home. ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH.
Well, seeing Cujo's big ugly face was a bit scairty. (the mom's note: boys, Cujo is ADORABLE)
See what we haf to live wif?
Just wait for your purrformance evaluation the mom!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Sounds like another exciting weekend at your house! And Billy must like those cruchies as much as you, Miles!
What an exciting weekend you had! Hopefully you'll get lots of rest during the week.
Crappy Crunchies. We haz dem, too. Ack!
Great report!!!!! Enjoyed hearing about your weekend.
Hello Meezers! We feel the same way about crunchies! Give us meat please!
Purrs, Busby and Raymond
oboy i loved this report! good whapping too sammy, you are da' man(cat)!! i think i'll what sarge when he naps today, it's been a while since i did it and he might have forgotten...
smiles, auntie bee
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You had an alien right at your door?! I wouldn't like that... no. Not at all. You deserve a ham too...
Maybe next time the alien khan whap some sense into woo!
Sounds like quite a weekend!
Wow, that was an exciting report. Lots going on there.
That alien sounds extra scary.
Billy, I run over both Bean's heads when they are sleeping. Mum yells that I am scalping her.
Swiss Chard????
Oh wow Sammy a big reel life alien at yur door and yoo took care of him!
Waytogo my sweet brave handsome meezerman!
purrs and nosekisses to my super duper brave alien beating meezerman
yur adorin tiny tuxie princess
I barf up every treat except Temptations crunchy works out because I really like them. But dang, not as much as Buddah--the nutcase passes up real live fresh dead chicken to have TREATS!
Cujo sounds scary. And rude. You don't press your face up against windows to look into someone else's house. Not until they have real live fresh dead shrimp and there's a chance they might share.
That's right Miles just say no to crappy crunchies.What your mom gave the alien a treat.Doesn't she know that just makes them come around more.
Holy crap, does yoor mom know dat Cujo is da name given to rabid woofies? Why are yoo eating bejabuls? Dem things is fur rabbits and beans! We got nothing dis weekend...nothing! Mom and dad ate salads all weekend and dat stuff is yucky...we din't even get any cereal milk because mom (stoopid as she is) made OATMEAL! yuck!
Fella's, mom helped me read alllll the way back to before she 'bandoned me and I laffed OUT LOUD when somebody got called "hefty bag". I'm killed now.
We would freak out if a Cujo was at our window slobbering all over it.
Whew, sounds like you got a real nosy neighbor there. Nervy, too! We sometimes see the yippy thing next door but mewmie keeps a squirtgun filled with vinegar to squirt him when he annoys us--he bit our petsitters kid and his owner said it was the kids fault...not!
Oh, we better get workin on our value form on our mewmie...she's all we got so we better give her a good value or we may be worse off...
Barfing is a sport at our house. We might try that swiss chard next time.
We believe you that Cujo is scairty!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Haaam? I never get ham. Oh wait, never mind. baby food ham. It's pretty good really.... no, it's delish.
Hey boys! behave and do not step on your mom's head while she is sleeping. Pierro does that to me and I find that really irritating
Haaam? I never get ham. Oh wait, never mind. baby food ham. It's pretty good really.... no, it's delish.
Hey boys! behave and do not step on your mom's head while she is sleeping. Pierro does that to me and I find that really irritating
All woofies are aliens, cute or not.
Oh mine goodness. I finks I woulda wet myself if I saw a big cujo at da window an yoo knows how big owr window is!
Your Mom thinks the alien Cujo is cute???????? Now that is scary !
Seems all Moms like to give us crappy crunchies! Humfff!!!! What's a cat to do?????
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Never a dull moment!
So you've got Cujo living next door, huh? You know, that's what Gloman calls me when I start flying up and down the steps, spinning out on the hardwoods. I'm just getting my exercise, but he thinks he's got to call me Cujo-Katie.
Oh my CATS! Cujo was at YOUR window? An Sammy, it was furry thotful fur you to clear the table so yur mom had room fur da begetables.
Mom was weedin once an da naybor's alien came ofur an nudged her. Ascared her half to deaf wif surprize. She's taked aliens back to their howses twice. Fank goodness she doesn't try to keep them!
Purrs, Victor
PS We helped Mom make a squillion more hammies to send away. I tried to steal one, but she gotted it back.
A big woofie face pressed against our window might spook us too!
Swiss chard? Was it good?
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