The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
MILES LA LA LA LA Oh Danny Boy.............. I am a great singer!! HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!!!
Feeling comfy, Nicky?
Nicky is the cutest. EVen when you can't quite tell where his face is (it took me a minute to figure out exactly what was going on there!)
We biggified and then we could see the paw over the eye sleeping pose. Our human always thinks that's so adorable. :-)
Looking super cozy today Nicky!
The Meezer colors earrings arrived! Our Mom loves them! Thanks friends!
Why yoo covering yore eyes Nicky?
Do you think we can't see you if you can't see us Nicky?
Wow! You look really really comfy!
you look so innocent... what deception is underway?
Sweet dreams Nicky!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde give you 10 out of 10!!
That is great napping form--you're quite the pro!
Aww, Nicky's all cute and curly.
At least he's not running and meezing at da same time...heehee
Nicky, our Meowm said "awwwww" when she saw you all curled up and comfy!
We're so glad we are getting to see photos of you guys now!...You are such an adorable baby, Nicky; happy dreams handsome boy!...kisses friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a cutie! Nicky sure has a long tail!
Awww! So cute. Thought we would drop you a note. We don't always comment but we are reading about your adventures nearly efurry day. Howdy from all of us at the Castle.
What a cutie-patootie!!!
Oh you are such a cutie Nicky! You look so comfy too! that flashy box disrupting your nap??
Hmmm wonderful napping place Nicky
You look so comfortable!
It's been hot lately, so we do that a lot too(not that we need an excuse)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Nicky you look very comfy!
We sees your fuzzypants.
Nicky, you're so cute - you look so comfy-cozy!!
Have a happy day!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
Nap time!
Oh so cozy!! adorable!
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