I's a little hissed off today 'acuase we haf not been able to do the drawing for the wind chime. We will do it tonight - I promise. The mom has been having
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Hissed Off Friday
I's a little hissed off today 'acuase we haf not been able to do the drawing for the wind chime. We will do it tonight - I promise. The mom has been havingdrug pharmacy prollems 'acuase she has not been able to haf her insulin for almost a whole week and she has been whacked out. the prollem was finally fixed thursday night so she should be back to what passes for normal for her.
I's a little hissed off today 'acuase we haf not been able to do the drawing for the wind chime. We will do it tonight - I promise. The mom has been having
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Woohoo! I'm the first! I'm never first!
Anyhoosen, I'm glad you're feelin' better, Samster. And the aliens will be, too! And I'm REALLY glad your mom's supplier wised up and hooked her up-REAL glad.
I would watch what woo purr about the nice lady that gives woo foodables -
I'm just sayin'
PeeEssWoo: Maybe The Aliens will do the drawing fur woo!
Glad your Mom has her meds and will be feeling better soon...Khyra always cracks us up!!hehe...Happy weekend sweet boys...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We're glad yoor mom is Ok now ~ 'cos she needs to be able to look afta yoo prolly.
We are glad your mum has got her supplies again and hope she feels better.
Sammy, we are so happy that you are feeling better.
Meezer Mommy, our Mommy says it is ridiculous that you had to go without insulin! If that happens again, call our Mommy and she will help fix it!
We love you all!
I iz rill sorry for your mom, that iz not rite and that farmacee iz bad an mean.
Oh my - dat's not good dat your mummy had problems getting her insulin. Dat is not good at all. I'm happy the problem is cleared up tho.
Sounds like an excuse to us. we don't blame you being hissed off. we hope she is back to normal soon xxx
Yikes! We're sorry your mom has been having problems with the pharmacy and are glad her meds are sorted out now!
oh, yay! we is glad that yer momladyperson will be able to haff her meddysins. that is furry portant to her, an' YOU!! if she is whack-o, who will take care of you??? silly miles! :-D
Sorry you mom had to put up with shabby pharmacy treatment... that is rather despicable for the pharmacy to deprive your mom of her required medicine.
Good thing we don't live close by, mom would give them the what-for.
Hey kitties, I hope you have a marvelous happy snappy bonkful week-end!
We're please your mom has her meds now and hope she will soon feel better. Be good man cats this weekend and take care of her.
A week without insulin? No wonder she's "whacked out." Hope she's okay.
That's not good that your mom had to go without insulin--we're happy it's fixed up now! We're also happy that Sammy is feeling better. How's the poodle leg?
Hello boys...our Mommy is all mad at your Mom's pharmacy! That is total crap. Tell her next time hit an ER, they should be able to fix her up. And she could get some Rogaine for Sammy's poodle paw!
That wuz terribull. We hopes yur Mom is OK. Dat wuz not OK what da farm-ma-see did to her!
WE hope she is feelin better and don't be too hissed off Miles yur Mom hasn't been feelin gud.
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome cocoa puff meezerman
Aww we can all wait; is much more important that your mom gets better. Is very nice of her to helps you blog even when she not feels so well.
Get better soon Meezer (and Billy) mom!
We'z glad yoor mommy gots her medi-sin! We can always tell when dad haf not had his cuz he gets a little bit very much CRAZY! Mom hadda see a legal person yesserday about dad's stuff...*sigh* it's horribul when da beins hafta do stuff like dat. Haffing yoor mom helthy is furry importint so she can take good care of yoo guys.
Well, thank goodness the Mom got that all fixed up. Being without insulin is not a good thing.
Wow that stinks about the pharmacy problems but we are glad they are worked out now!!
Oh, my, that's not very good! We hope your mom starts feeling back to her old self soon. (Well, we didn't mean old old--you know.)
Ooh, beware of undrugged Moms. They get all fall-aparty... An then who is there wif the thumbs ta open the food cans? Remind her when she gets weerd...
Normal is good.
wind chime drawing?! We miss everything. :(
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