Here is the Meezer Tuesday Miles report
The Foods Report: well, it was kind of a slow week until yesterday - then we gotted bacon and a little baloney and TURKEY FROM THE GRILL THING. YUMMY!!!!!
The What Did Billy do to get in trouble this week report: He only ranned out once. out the back door this time. But he stopped on the patio and camed back in. It was raining. MOL
The What did Nicky do to get in trouble this week report: He knockded ofur the floor lamp with the really 'spensive shade wif finges - Victoria's Lamp Shade. Or Victoran's lamp shade. The mom was not happy.
That's the Meezer Tuesday Miles Rep.............. ::SAMMY:: HEY CHOWDER BRAIN. THE MOM says that you HAS to let me give mine Report. I has fans you know.
::MILES:: - SIGH. Ok, here's grits for brains with the report of the psy-ko-lojikally disturbed:
::SAMMY:: - Thank you mr girly hips. So, I as I was sitting in the plant in the front window (you know, for cammo-flaj,) I counted the following aliens: The next door alien, the other next door alien, the alien on the other side next door, the backyard alien, the teeny white alien that I KNOWS I can kick the crap out of if necessary, the brown alien akrost the street, 4 spotted aliens, 5 short but very long aliens and a new black alien. I has also made contact with the cat across the street and we are in agreement - we seem to be in the center of an alien pod. We belive that the mother ship will be landing some time in october. Back to you scrambled egg brains.
::MILES:: - I think the mother ship already landed and left a baby psy-a-meeze in the garden and we are now under it's control .
That's the Meezer Tuesday Miles Rep.......... ::NICKY:: - Uh, Miles?? Can I say somefing??
::MILES:: - Sure Nicky
::NICKY:: - I doesn't think Sammy is crazy. I loves him.
::MILES:: - oh young grasshopper, you haf much to learn...........
That's the meezer tuesday Miles report for today.
::MILES:: - NO, it's THE END. NO MORE. You haf your OWN blog anyway.
::BILLY:: BUT.....
::MILES:: NO!!!!!!!!! it's THE END
::BILLY:: BUT MILES, there's a ham sammich on the table that the mom is not watching.........
::MILES:: ooooo ham. let's go
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Did you get the ham from the ham sandwich?
This is the best non-Monday report EVAR!
Is balony better than ham?
Miles, we always enjoy your fun reports!...We hope you guys got the ham sandwich while Mom wasn't looking :)...Happy week, handsome sweethearts...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oooh, a ham sammich. You guys need your strength after such an involved report.
Time fur my weekly khwestion:
TURKEY FROM THE GRILL!!!!! holy carp you're lucky! And did you get to the ham sandwich? Oh, I hope you got it. all of it!
Turkey from the grill sounds great and the ham sammich sounds even better. I have been getting some roast beef lately. Mom was surprised because the first time she offered me roast beef, I turned my nose up at it. Sammy, look out, you are completely surrounded by aliens. Mom says that I have an alien over the back fence and another one to the side, but I never see them, so they don't bother me.
Oh man, turkey from da grill! Yummy! Didja gets da ham off da sammich afore yoor mom came back?
Oh...where to start. Your reports are the best! Miles, great foods! Sammy....great counting of aliens! Nicky, good job defending your alien brother. Billy, wow, sharing the ham! Impressive.
Mommy can't stop laughing. She had a bad weekend, can you guys come over and play with her???
Sounds like you had good foods but we don't know what baloney is. Will the cat across the street help in the battle against the aliens?
I's glad yoo finally gotten sum good noms Miles. Did yoo git dat ham sammich too???
Purrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Love the report you guys are so cute and cool :)
Oh.... HAM!
Ham? Did somebuddy say HAM????
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow -- you eats GOOD!!
pfui! blogger eated our furst comment!
youse guys lead such interesting lifes! efurry monday meezer repurt leaves us wishin' we was yer brofurs! (mom sez, "now THERE'S a scary thought.")
mmmmmm, HAMMMMMMM. mmmmmm, turkey. baloney? feh!
Great report today!
We just love your reports! We can't wait to see that mother ship come in! Did you get the ham?
ooooh i bet you gotted that big ham sammich and sneaked the hams out of the breads quick as a flash! nice report today boys, even wif all the interruptions.
Miles we hope you and Billy got yur sammich!
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman
Oooh! We hopes you gots the ham sammich - WITHOUT the Mom finding out!!
Have a great day!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
I loves Sammy too!
smiles, auntie bee
Man, we wanna live at your house...we never gets foods like that!!
Everytime we think our lives is ecitin, we read yer reports. Bast, our lives is dull...
Hope ya got the whole ham sammich!
We lufs you guys! You always make us MOL! Sounds like you hads fun! Hope you got de ham sammich!
Da Kittys
Oh a very good report Miles! We kinda like it when you let your brofurs butts in... It was fun! (We so loves little Nicky.)
Hope you had some ham!
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