Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Rant


Ok, so when I drink water out of the bowl I stick my paws in and then lick the water off of them.  Is that REALLY something to make fun of me for? I doesn't think that calling me "prissy poosie" and saying that I'm afraid to get mine mouf wet is funny.  Really woman, I've seen you drink too.  You're lucky MORE doesn't dribble down your chin.  YOU are the one wif the drinking prollem, not me


SeaThreePeeO said...

Say it as you see it!

Millie said...

You tell 'em Miles! Beans do all kinds of stupid things and we never make fun of them. I mean we do, but that's different!

The Island Cats said...

You mean there's something wrong with what you did?? We think not!!

Anonymous said...

Pandora thinks that's the way you're SUPPOSED to drink!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's right Miles, you tell her.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Miles - don't you let anyone or anycat make out you were being silly - what other way is there to get a drink??!!

Kea said...

We don't think there's anything wrong with how you drink!

OKcats said...

Hey Miles, I do that too - only I do it to my mom's water glass. And then when I'm done, I shake my paw and get water all over her. It's especially fun to do in the middle of the night - waking your mom up with sprinkles of water is the best!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well i tried that one time but i didn't like licking my hands too much!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

You can drink water any way that you want, Miles!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You tell her Miles--she isn't expected to stick her head in a bowl and lap--she gets a a glass (and if you say how bad she is with that--imagine if she used a bowl?)

On a more serious note, we read somewhere (having a cat that did this) that cats do this because they lack good depth perception and a glass bowl (where you can see the level on the outside) is a good idea.

Mariodacat said...

He he - we think it's cute to drink water dat way - wouldn't do it myself, cuz I don't like getting wet. But if you enjoy it -go for it!!

Ariel said...

Ummm...I do that and mom calls me dainty diva.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Isn't it more a question of not getting your whiskers wet?

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I think the word is something like fas-tid-yuss. Gentlemanly manners? Or, hey, two jobs in one, drink, clean paws.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crew said...

Miles, I do exactly the same thing! It's the height of good manners and all sophisticated & worldly guys like us dip their paws.


Shaggy and Scout said...

She shouldn't be laffin at you!
Every cat approaches water differently, we all have our unique style. You is not prissy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Miles! Dino did that all the time, drinking water with his paw. Even Tuxie will occasionally drink water with his paw. So, it's a manly mancat thing to do.

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is how Kirzon usually drinks his water too. Other than the kinda gross stuff that ends up in the water, we don't really mind it - but if he drinks a lot the water starts to get all "footy" as mom calls it - we bet yours is the same way (and Kirzon would of course appreciate that!)

Forty Paws said...

In regards to our post: Baby powder on the 'tocks???? That is so weird!!!

Luf, Us

Katnip Lounge said...

Miles, 6 out of 12 Cats here prefer to drink like you do. We would say something about your Mom's drinking problem but Mommy says not to mention it. Rats.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Skeeter used ta drink his water that way, Miles. And no one ever called HIM a prissy poosie! So go ahead and do it your way...

The Big Thing

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm still wondering why that seemingly normal The Mom Lady Person keeps all of woo around...


Two French Bulldogs said...

momma is just jealous she can't do it
Happee Wednesday
Benny & Lily


Abby makes Mom get her a little cup of her own to drink out of and then she makes Mom hold it...uh oh I gotta go if Abby sees me telling you this she'll get mad.

Miss Boo

Don't believe anything that girl says!

purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Miles, we think that you drink just purrfectly!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I do that sometimes Miles...there is nothing wrong with it at all!


Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...