Here is the Meezer Monday Miles report for today:
The Foods Report: bacon, eggs, steak, ham. not bad.
The What Did Billy Do this week report: He ran right out in the rain and flopped in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. The mom was MAD MAD MAD. Then a couple of days later he ate pumpkin guts. Pumpkin is ok for kitties but, dude, GROSS
The What Did Nicky Do report: The one cat wrecking crew trashed the powder room one day. MOL.
The Holiday Whacko Report by Whack Job Sammy: Well, so, I gathered all the stuff to sit in the corn field and wait for the Great Mothership to come and give bones and stuff to all the good little aliens, and I was all set to go. But then I remembered that I don't like the outside, and it was cold out and it SNOWED so there was no freaking way I was going. But there were sticky little people running around the street last night in the freaking SNOW and the mom had a fire going in the driveway and they were making a lot of noise and they were all happy, and the aliens were all happy so I guess the great mothership showed up!
The Other Noos report: We is going to see mine FOO-TON and the foo-ton dude today! I can't wait - shrimps and ham on the foo-ton!!!
That is the meezer monday miles report for today
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Billy, you simply must stop running out and especially into the road!
Woo had SNOW and woo didn't paw me??????
Billy, why do you want to go outside? Dood, it's a jungle owt deer.
that's good reporting doods...
smiles, auntie bee
Billy--that was nasty to flop in the road. But at least you were caught!
Ham--lucky you!!!
You had a fire in your driveway? We love your neighborhood!
Billy, Billy, Billy, why must yoo tortchur yoor Mom Lady Person wif da running into da road? What happens if yoo scare her to death? Well, yoo end up wif no foods! Haf fun at da foo-ton doods and enjoy da shrimp, we'z neffur gonna get any again 'parently. Sheesh, if we maded a fire in our driveway da police and fire dapartment would show up and mommy would be in a lot of trouble!
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
Yoou had SNOW? We're so jealous! Have fun with the foo-ton dude and score lots of shrimps!
We've never had pumpkin guts.....must try some!
Billy, you are the silliest kitty I know! But what you done is a little bit Wrong!
billy, billy, billy--you are on the way to haffin' to wear leg shackles! yer poor mom-lady-person will be even MORE unhappy wif you then, acause the "clink-clink-clink-clinkity-clink" will keep her awake at night! please be a good boy, and knock off your solo road trips. just enjoy the fambly trip to see the futon dude/daddy!! hope you all score mega-shrimp!
Sounds like a prefectly normal weekend at your house. Except there was NO french toast!
A pretty quiet weekend you had. Have fun with the futon man!!
Wow, you guys gots snow?? It was 80 degrees here this weekend, so no snow. :(
Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe
Miles, I is so happy yoo gits to see yore foo-ton! I's gonna sneek along in yore PTU. teehee Don't tell tha humans tho.
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Man, we wanna come and spend one weekend with you guys! You sure know how to have fun!
Billy you have to stop scaring your Mom (and us) like that!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
First of all, Billy, you are a mush brain. Inside the house is safe and warm. Why on earth do you want to run outside in the cold! And why do you want to go in the road? Do you want to get runned over by a car and be squashed flat? You got a good thing going dude. Quit messing with it.
I can't believe you guys get all that nommy people food. I'm lucky if I get a piece of chicken once in a while. I guess I shouldn't complain. I get special food with no grain, and stinky goodness, and nommy shrimp treats.
Just checking to see if you all made it home safely from my Halloween party. Thanks so much for stopping by. We must do something like this again.
Boy, you all sure give your mom a run for the money over at your place. Please don't let her know you all snuck out and came to the party here or you all will be in more trouble.
As we've said before, you guys lead such exciting lives. But why did it snow there? Didn't the weather realize it's too early?
Futon! Wow, you must be excited to be going to see it again.
We still have to have the cool box on at night. We waiting on some cool air to come down from up north.
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezer man
from your adorin tiny tuxie princess
S-N-O-W?! Already? Yeck. have fun visiting the DadPerson.
Great report Miles...well,except for the snow part!! Yuck ;)'re bad :o
Have fun at the foo-ton dude's place!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Snow? Holy crap
Benny & Lily
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