Things that chap my hiney
1. where the bleep did the unending bowl of crunchies go? I'm feeling kind of light lately and I needs to get more crunchies
2. the mom's knees are kind of uncomfortable to lay on
3. Nicky is making us all crazy - that baby never naps! he tires me out just watching him.
4. The mom says I haf cranky pants - well at least they're not FUZZY PANTS. MOL
5. the mom says I haf bad breaf. i'm surprised that people don't die when SHE breafs on them.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Wow! You do have it hard. The woman feels a rant of her own coming on but it's not like yours...
Oooh, you ARE in a mood, aren't you!?
What is it with people and our breaths? Supposedly mine stinks too but it doesn't bother me at all...
Mom says I have fish breath. -Scout
Where DID the unending bowl of crunchies go? Someone needs to launch an investigation.
We are also concerned about the crunchy disappearance. Time for CSI?
When my mom tells me I have cat breath, I tell her cat breath is better than no breath!
Did the aliens steal your crunchies?...Maybe Sammy knows something about it...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
we like that, cranky pants...BOL
Benny & Lily
Here's a khwarter...
We agree that Bein knees are seriously uncomfy. We avoid them...
Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Erm ... we're guessing yoo are in a BAD mood! Right? MOL!
Miles, take a nap and everything will be all better... But not on the mom's knees or anywhere near her bad breafs.
Your rant made our mom laugh...She's a meanine, what can we say? Heh heh.
MAN.....THAT IS A LOT OF "CHAPPING OF THE HINEY"! Mommy recommends Desitin for that particular problem!
Did you get out the wrong side of your mom's bed this morning Mr. Cranky Pants.
ah, miles. you haf such a wretched eggsiztence! if only someone would elect you emperor for life, you could be free of these petty annoyances. ;-)
Ya know...they may make a cream for that! MOL~!!!
Mister Kitten says, "Oh noes!! My mom tried putting me on a diet when I had trouble going through the cat door (I weighed 21# at the time). I just ate everyone else's food and they lost weight.
Mom feeds us Iams (because when the late Tanis DragonSlayer was living here he was allergic to Science Diet, besides Iams is sold at Krogers) and only puts out a quarter cup at a time.
Our breath smells pretty good. When it doesn't mom makes us eat a treat and checks our teef. I rarely get close enough to mom's mouth to smell her breath since she made me stop mugging her for apples."
Our crunchies disappeared mysteriously last month, too! Maybe you better stick GPS units on those aliens and see if it's them!
Oh dear. I a lot seems to be bothering you today.
It does sound as though you are being terribly ill-treated Miles..... We feel for you!
Oh man, all dat abuse and a chapped hiney too...maybe yoo need some Butt Paste.
Wow you have a lot to complain about this week Miles! Oh, and if it makes you feel better mom sometimes calls us (and yes, she uses it for more than one of us) crazy pants. And she complains about our breath sometimes too.
OMC - Yoo is starvin!
The failings of the Humans are many and varied. It is our duty to point them out.
Somebody must be stealing the never ending bowls of crunchies because ours disappeared a while back too.
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