Here is the Meezer Monday Miles report for today:
The foods report - eggs, sausage, ham. it was fair.
The What Did Billy Do - well, he's back to old tricks - he ranned out 4 times this week. SIGH
The What did Nicky do report - do someone haf some prozak for him? He's OUT OF CONTROL.
The why we did not visit our furriends on the holiday weekend report - THE MOM had a furry furry bad my-grane and twitchy eyes. She prolly got it from Billy running out in the cold.
Well, i guess it's time for the whacko report. Here's cottage cheese brain..............
Thank you ricotta hips. Well, we have yet ANOTHER alien out back - this one is golden and shaggy and named Maggie. She seems nice. We had somefing weerd happen this weekend though. the dood that lives akrost the street from us called the COPS on the guy next to him - 'acuase his alien pooped in his yard, right near his rose bush. The cop hollered at him and told him if he called them again 'acuase of alien poop, he would put him in jail. I wonder if alien poop is toxic?
Back to you baconfat thighs.
Well, that's the Meezer Monday Miles report for today.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
No more toxikh than khat khrap ;-)
Wow! Aliens can poop anywhere I guess...
Does alien poop glow green?
Purrs for your mum that her head doesn't hurt so much. Tell Billy and Nicky they need to behave. Even Ducky behaves!
Your neighborhood sounds fun!
wow what an intersting week.
Hahahaha...alien poop. When da aliens, er, woofies in our nayborhood poop on someones lawn and der peepul don't clean it up we find da stoopid human and return da poop to dem. Most of da naybors don't even bother cuz dey haf woofies demselfs. Billy, stay in da house pleeze, it's danjerus out der.
Wow, it's never dull at your house, is it?
Lots of purrs and Light to your mom; our mom sympathizes!
We hope your Mom is feeling better! Does Billy know that Santa is watching? He better start being good!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We don't get alien poop by our rose bushes, we get horse poop!
Billy, you gotta stay inside!!
It sounds as though you had a very quiet weekend compared to some!!
good morning, buddies! sounds like it was a reg'lar ol' week fur youse guys. we's sorry yer mom had the achy-breaky head; we sends soft purrs that it's all gone an' stays that way!
That must be some toxic doodie to be throwed in jails fur OMC!
Best to keep away from any toxic poops!
Well, it's better the neighbor called the cops because the alien pooped on his lawn. Much better than the neighbor that shot the cat with an arrow for peeing on his lawn. Lots of crazy people out there. Billy should be glad he's inside and safe from them.
Shaggy and Maggie ... that rhymes.
Since turkey wasn't mentioned in your foods report, did the ham serve as the substitute?
Hi Kitties! We have missed visiting you since mom's computer at work got all dumb. We think this was a great report - the story about teh neighbors made us laugh so much! Especially since mom said that there are people who pay for poop for their flowers (we don't know if it is alien poop though).
Mom had "twitchy eyes" huh. We read about that. It comes from not givin the kitties enough treats. We have it on the BEST authority...
We got the Reyna dog alien living here and we know what she leaves is toxic 'cause she always leaves smells around.
The foods report was conspicuous by its absence of Turkey. What happened?
We laffed about the alien poop! We don't gets alien poop in our yard - Mom tends to find beer cans in the front yard. Since she knew its source, she putted it on the hood of our neighbor's car. We have not had a beer can since! Maybe they should do that with the poop?
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel,
(& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)
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