Forgib be, I fink I hab a cold. Toborrow is Nicky's purrfday and we is habing a party - I hopes that you all combe and celebrate wib us!!!
Now, I has to go and rest up and feel better toborrow
Oh and our Veteran's Day post is at The Mom's Blog
update: Hey efurryone, one of our oldest blogging furriends (well, furriends that haf been blogging for a long time -we doesn't want to call them old) are having a bit of a hard time right now. Frostin's (and Princess Ashlyn, King Obsidian, and Queen Munchkin) DadBob is out of werk and while he's looking for a job (he has a innerview today!!) they are short on funds for MomMonika to akshually GET to her job. We knows that money is tight and stuff but if some of you could donate a couple of green papers with us hopefully they will be back in business soon. They has a paypal donayshun button on their bloggie. Fank you so much
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
You got cooties!
:::backs away slowly:::
I hope you feel better soon!
So sorry to hear you have a cold. I hope Nicky has a great birthday and you don't give him your cold, thinking it would be a great gift. lol
Party! Umm, you will hand out mask so we don't all get sick, right?
Happy birthday! Sorry to hear about the cold.
I do NOT want khat khooties!!!
Feel better Sammy!
Oh man, haffing a cold is not good. We'll come to da party, don't be offended tho, we is bringing our paw sanitizer.
Will yoo be keeping yoor germs to yerself ... or sharing 'em? We'll bring nasal spray just in case!
Oh goodness me!
Poor Sammy!
We are so sad to hear that you have a cold!
But, if we might be so bold,
Maybe some chick-hen soup would be
a great remedy for thee!
We are sorry for the post above,
For we mispelled a word, but we send you love!
We hope you're better before the pawty! We'll be here.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
bless you!!! that's one present you prolly shouldn't gif nicky.
we hopes you feels mo' bettah by tomorrow!
We are hoping you will feel much better before the party starts.
Feel better soon. I hate being sick!
Hey Sammy! Please get better soon! We're planning to come to the party!
We stopped by to visit your friends. We hope things improve for them soon.
We hope you feel better in time for the party tomorrow, Sammy!
Feel better soon Sammy.
We are purring for Frostin's folks too !!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Oh Sammy I will be right ofur in my nurse uniform to help tend to your cold!
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet and handsome floofy cocoa puff meezerman
from your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Get well. We already read your mom's post. Evidently she did what Jan does sometimes, post on the wrong blog. :)
We stopped by Frostin's earlier today. We sure hope things get better for them soon!
Thank you for your post, and thank you to all our loving friends that have helped us.
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