Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Rules - part elebenty twelve


Lissen Nicholas Crappypants, there are ROOLS about who sleeps where on the bed, and you are not following them.  It's simple:  I sleep unner the moms' right arm - so that the cold air blowy fan thing doesn't ruffle mine furs.  Billy sleeps on the mom's right foot.  Miles sleeps either unner the mom's left arm near the cold air blowy fan thing, OR on her left foot.  That leaves the following places for you to sleep:   the pillow, on top of the mom's head, on the mom's face or on the mom's bladder.   If you keep trying to wiggle your way between me and the mom unner her right arm, I will put the smack down on you again.  It's not MINE fault we gotted kicked out of the sleepy room, it's YOURS.  


Ivan from WMD said...

You tell him, Sammy. Little brothers need to get with the program!

Random Felines said...

Hey guys....mom says if you don't play nice, NO ONE gets to sleep on the bed....that has happened to us and it is no fun!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sounds like your Mom needs to do something about growing another am!!!

The Chans

Max said...

Little brothers always ruin it for everyone. Buddah does stuff like that and I'm all like, DOOD! Use your BRAINS. But then I remember he doesn't have any...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what? you gotted kicked owt? buggers...

smiles, auntie bee

Two French Bulldogs said...

Why can't every buddy just follow the rules!
Benny & Lily

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Maybe dis is why our mom keeps saying dat three of us is her limit. Yeah, maybe yoor mom could grow two more arms, but, it's more likely she'd just kick alla you outta da bed.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hee! Hee! And Mom Paula is worrying about how she is going to handle two of us in her bed . . .


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Curl up at her side, near the ribs Nicky!


Uh oh Nicky....
purrs and nosekisses to my sweet floofy cocoa puff meezerman
from you adoring tiny tuxie princess

Mickey's Musings said...

Sometimes,there are placement arguments here too,heehee They tend to not be as serious as yours :)
WE purr you get Nicky sorted out ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Just Ducky said...

We keep it even simpler, we rarely sleep with mum.

Oui Oui said...

Owwww... that's really BAD. We usually stick up for little Nicky, but this is crossing the line! Even sweet little Oui Oui will not tolerate ANYONE taking her special sleeping spot and will give them a might whap!

The Island Cats said...

Whoa, Sammy....Nicky better not mess with you!!

meowmeowmans said...

Yes, every cat has their spot on the big bed. That's how it works here, anyway! :)

A few Good Cats said...

Exactly, Sammy. What part of "mom's bladder" does he not understand?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mebbe you need a bigger bed. Or a bigger Mommy. xoxo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Priority spots go by age you guys!!! DUH!

At night, I sleep against TBT in the middle of the bed. Im, oldest. Iza sleeps in the bottom corner of the bed, she's next oldest. Marley sleeps on the floor next ta the bed.

But it IS allowed that that changes at dawn. It gets kinna cool then, so we all head unner the blankie. Iza can sleep on TBT's hip, I curl up behind the back of his knees, an Marley stretches out next ta Iza but not touchin TBT.

WE have rools here an you guys should agree of some of yer own.

I swear, if it wasnt that Marley is so good about the rools, I would think all you boycats are nuts.


Daisy said...

We has rules, too! I sleep close to Mommeh's face, Harley sleeps down by the feet!

The Crew said...

Oh yes, sleeping places rules are VERY important and we all have ours. I sleep curled up against Mom's chest, Max sleeps by Mom's right foot, Tipper sleeps in between the pillows and Misty sleeps curled up around Mom's head. And, despite all this coziness, Mom complains she doesn't get much sleep!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Uh-oh. Sounds like there was trouble in the sleeping room again.

Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

We believe in rules, too. Humans need constant training. You tell them!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Whoa Sammy! You are the dominant male around there aren't you?!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Seeing da werd "elebenty" brings back many memories for owr Mom from her Grampy cuz he used to say dat all da time - cept it wuz elebenty seven, not elebenty twelve. Must be smiles from Heaven.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...