I has a prollem with mommy. She is werried about me and I doesn't want her to be. You see, I knows I has a tippy head and I knows that it prolly will nefur be fixed. But mommy thinks I am getting werse. Efurry morning when we get up, mommy goes into the human litterbox room and we all follow her. Efurry morning I stop in the hallway and spin around in circles - I can't help it. It seems that mine balance gets off when I gets 'acited and I has to just spin. My head gets all tippy to mine left side and I start following it around in circles. Usually it's just a few spins and then I am ok. But lately I seem to just spin for a long time, and when mommy calls mine name it doesn't stop me like 'afore. This morning instead of spinning in just one area, I spinned all ofur the hallway, unner the bench and into a wall. Mommy ranned out of the human litterbox room and picked me up and I was fine. I gotted down and was ok. Mommy started taking a video of it to post, but she says it's "too heartbreaking" to show efurryone. I doesn't want mommy to feel sad and leak water from her eyes. I's sorry. I doesn't know how to stop mine spinning and tippy head. Mommy wants to take me to the v-e-t, but I doesn't want her to waste her green papers on me 'acause I know that they are just going to say that they need to to a M-R-I thing and that costs hundreds of green papers, and 'asides, I knows that it's not going to get better., but it's not like I's gonna run off to the Bridge or anything like that! I just has a tippy head!! I think I gotted kicked in the head by a horse 'afore I camed to live with mommy and that was ofur 2 years ago. I doesn't think I can be fixed, but I don't mind. I am happy and I love mine life and brofurs and mommy so I don't think I haf to go to the v-e-t. How can I convince mommy to not take me?
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Nicky, we bet spinning could be fun sometimes! But not alla the time, OK? Mommas get kinda worried sometimes.
We think if you are still spinning and tilty after 2 years it's prolly not gonna stop.
We say so long as you is happy and healthy, a LITTLE spinning is ok. Just not too much to freak out the mommy...they worry like that.
Oh Nicky... your Mom just worries because she loves you. Please try not to run into walls as you spin - you might hurt yourself.
Purrs... Myst, Jade, & Blackie
we dunno if you can convince her or not; moms are stubborn when their babies' health is a concern. we knows she luffs you just like you are, an' you is happy just like you are an' don't mind spinnin', but izzer maybe a cat-oriented clinic wiffin drivin' distance that could giff yer tilty-ness a closer look than just yer reg'lar v-e-t can?
Oh Nicky--we know how sad your Momma is. Our Georgia kitty had a tippy head although she didn't spin but it is very hard to see kitties who are just doing what they do even if it can't be fixed. We had some good luck with homeopathics but do not know if you have a homeopathic vet in your area.
Honey, see if there is a second opinion. At least a second opinion maybe ask your Vet if he will access the VIN...the Veterniary Information Network..for and by Vets and present your symptoms.
We know how worried Moms get and we know your Mom is no exception. She loves you a lot and worries about you. We're wondering if a second opinion might make her feel better. As much as she doesn't like to see you spinning, she might feel better if she knows for sure it's nothing bad.
The Florida Furkids
That's a hard one, Nicky. We asked #1 and she says that when our Moms love us as much ours do, they want to do everything to protect us and make us well. So you might have to just go along with her.
The Chans
Oh, poor baby! I wish we could cuddle you and spoil you with lots of treats!
Mum had a kitty many years ago who had a similar problem. He had been hit by a car when he was little and was a little odd ever after.
Even with his problems, some mental and some physical (when he walked he had a goose step!) he lived a long happy kitty life.
We understand that sometimes kitties have health issues that can't be fixed. This makes good kitty parents sad because they want all kitties to be healthy, but as long as your doing OK we'll all love you and enjoy life. And if you get worse and run off to the Bridge we will be very sad for a while, but then we will remember the joy you gave and be happy.
That's what kitties do best.
We're sorry that you spin, though. Try not to hurt yourself!
Toby and Cupcake
Dood...she's gonna worry because she's a person and a female person at that, and they are champion worriers. If she wants to take you to get seen, suck it up, because that might be the only way SHE feels better.
The main thing is that you're happy, you're healthy, you can eat, drink, and poop just fine. But you also don't want to spend your whole life spinning, and if there's a way to lessen that, she needs to know.
After all this time you're not gonna stop...but if you're spinning more than usual it might be time to get looked at. It might be something really easy, like maybe you cat gunk in your ears that are messing up your equilibrium a little more than usual...look at it as a chance to poop on a stabby person.
Nicky, we are sorry you are spinning more. It probably doesn't bother you too much but the Beans get upset when there is something wrong with us. We agree that a second opinion might help because a different vet might have other ideas which could help.
Well since it seems to be worse, we are thinking maybe you should go get checked out, just to make sure there isn't something else going on. And believe us, we don't say this lightly, seeing as how we hate the v-e-t and our Meowm knows all about alot of green papers going there.
We will be purring for you to not get any worse, and maybe you can get something to make you a bit better.
Oh Nicky, my Mommeh would worry, too That's just what moms do.
Nicky, we know how moms worry. Our mom takes us to the vet for the stupidest stuff. She's just afraid that you might be hurting or something when you're spinning like that. Maybe you should let her take you to get a second opinion, just so she'll feel better about it.
Oh Nicky this story makes us sad. Max gave good advice. So did the others actually so we can't add anything. Maybe because you've been spinning all your life you don't know any different, but it's alarming that its getting worse. We are glad you are with your mom, that she took you in and has given you a good, understanding and patient home.
Nicky, are you sure that the vet might not have some suggestions about improving the quality of your life without needing an MRI? Maybe if your human showed them the video they might have some ideas.
Nicky, your mom lady loves you and wishes she could fix whatever makes you spin.
Oh Nicky. We wants you and your mum to be happy. Maybe try to spin a bit less. Go slower, less spinning?
Poor Nicky! We know you are a tippy cat but we are sorry to hear it is worse. Maybe the VET can do something without an MRI??? We think it is heartbreaking without seeing the video. You are such a sweet guy, we hate to think you are spinning into things. Maybe the other kitties in CB would help with the cost of the MRI. Then maybe the VET could fix the spinning.
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