Monday, September 23, 2013

Meezer Monday Miles report


Here is the Meezer Monday Miles report for today

The foods report - pumpkin pancakes.  they were.... interesting.

The what did Billy do report - he stole some of the mom's stuffed pepper stuff which was in a hot pepper, and he did not like it.  he spent a while drinking water and pawing his tongue. The mom was out of the room and came in and tried to get it out of his mouth but he swallowed it.  as of bed time Sunday, flames were NOT shooting out of his butt. 

The what did Nicky do report - when Billy was drinking water after the spicy food, Nicky shoved Billy's face into the water.  The mom almost snorted milk out of her nose.

The whacko syko by psycho Sam - the mom tells me that Billy's alien furriend Maxx is going to be moving into our nayborhood soon.  Great, one more loud mouthed alien.  Just what we need.  My head already hurts from all the noise.  I think I need ear plugs.  back to you fudgesicle thighs

hahaha, I can't wait for Maxx to move into the nayborhood! Sammy may never come out from unner the bed.

that concldes the meezer Monday miles report for today


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hilarious report, Miles!
Our Mommy snorted just thinking about Billy's head bein shoved into the water. Bwhahahaha!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hmmmm, sounds like lots happeneb this week. We giggled at Billy shoving Billy's head in the water :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh poor sammie pie! give him a whap honey.

smiles, auntie bee

Meowers from Missouri said...

wow! acitin' times, dudes!! pumkin pannycakes sounds good--did they haff lotsa butter? an' no flames? heck; our mommer's been lyin' to us all this time! nicky shovin' billy's face inna watter is priceless--our uncle eeker useta put his paw on the hed of a cat who was eatin' an' hold it away frum the bowl while he horned in.


You boys always have such fun over at your house!

purrs and nosekisses to my cocoapuff floofy meezerman
from your adorin teeny tiny angel at the Bridge

Anonymous said...

Poor Billy, but then again, you stole it! Busy weekend, huh? Purrs...

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh how we would love to be a fly on the wall
Benny & Lily

The Island Cats said...

Miles, we hear pumpkin makes you poop. So be careful with those pancakes, okay??

Katnip Lounge said...

SEE--hot foods do NOT make flames shoot out your bum. Your Mom LIES.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Bwahaha! I wish I saw Nicky push Billy's face in the water.

Just Ducky said...

If flames start shooting out of Billy's backside we hope your mum gets pictures.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

When Mommy was through laughing she did say "Oh, Billie, I'm sorry". Bet your household is still MOL, though.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Heh, Heh, Billy deserved that. Sort of. Mebbe, Well, stick to chickhen or cheese next time...

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...