Thursday, December 12, 2013

We're sorry Santy Paws


um, why does MY name haf to be on this post?? It's NOT MINE FAULT.  
(The Mom whispers something to Miles)
what? Oh, ok.  

Deer Santy Paws

We is furry sorry that we lied, um, fibbed, er may haf embellished the trooth to our baby brofur Nicky, when we told him that he was not going to get any chrissymouse purresents 'acause he was a bad boy. We was just trying to make him stop tossing stuff off tables for a while, 'acause the mom has been sick and she's tired when she gets home from visiting jahb, and she gets cranky when she has to pick stuff up off the floor all the time.  
We did not mean to make him so sad and werried that you would not leave him purresents. Please forgive us? 


Sammy Meezer

(The Mom whispers something to Miles)

and Signed 
Billy SweetFeets 


Pee Ess - since I was a good boy this year, can I please haf a pet pig?  


Two French Bulldogs said...

Just don't mention a peep to Santa

CatInTheFridge said...

a pet pig?!?! that's at all order! i hope you get one. And then take lots of pics because then I'd have a precedent to show my FODs and maybe I could have a pet pig, too! - Crepes.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oboy a pet pig!

smiles, auntie bee

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We totally think you should get a pet pig! HahaMeow!

Mickey's Musings said...

We think Santa will understand Miles ;)
A pet pig? You know you will have to feed it and the green papers might come out of YOUR food budget!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure,Tiger and JJ

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Pigs make ham and bacon Miles, but of course I bet you knew that when you asked for one.

The Island Cats said...

Seriously? You want a pig? They do make good pets, y'know.

A few Good Cats said...

We hope your sincere apology will get the consideration it deserves from Santy Paws. We fear, though, that the only way you'll get that pig is if it flies through your window. :-(

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Wait. Could that be a pig like a ginnie pig????

meowmeowmans said...

That's a very nice apology. We bet you're gonna get that pet pig for sure!

The Crew said...

We think Santy Paws loves ALL kitties and we know he will bring presents, even for kitties who might have been just a little bit naughty!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Buy a lump of coal at Amazon... Not that we've checked, but we but they sell it...

Anonymous said... outta meow with Nacon to learn where you can get one...good choice

The Florida Furkids said...

That was a sweet letter...we know Santa will understand. Um....about the pig..............

The Florida Furkids

Ms. Phoebe said...

Santy Paws will forgive mew as he loves all kitties, besides he knows as older fursibs it's normal for is to tease our younger fursibs. I tell my beastie little brofur Kaspars I'm going to 'make' his present and wrap it right after I'm done in the litter box, and Santy Paws is bringing me all the stuff I want. At least some of it or he will find a gift in his boot. MOL!

Ms. Phoebe said...

Santy Paws will forgive mew as he loves all kitties, besides he knows as older fursibs it's normal for is to tease our younger fursibs. I tell my beastie little brofur Kaspars I'm going to 'make' his present and wrap it right after I'm done in the litter box, and Santy Paws is bringing me all the stuff I want. At least some of it or he will find a gift in his boot. MOL!

Ms. Phoebe said...

Don't worry Santy Paws loves kitties so he will forgive mew- unless he wants a 'gift' left in his boot that is!

Anonymous said...

I KNOW Santa Paws will understand what a very good kitty you are that little piggy squeaks at you Chrissymouse Day

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...