Wednesday, November 19, 2014

baby it's cold in here


Well I think that I really need those fuzzy pants now.  It's COLD in here.  Mommy, can you PLEASE turn up the furnace? It's like nothing degrees outside with this wind and you haf the furnace set at like nothing + 5.  It needs to be set at something+200.  Or turn on the elektrik heater so I can lay in front of it.  Poor Miles has bloo lips 'acause his furs are so short he is EXTRA cold.  


The Swiss Cats said...
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Two French Bulldogs said...

Get under the covers quick
Lily & Edward

The Swiss Cats said...

Hide under the blankies !
Pee-Esse : we had to delete the previous comment 'cause silly autocorrect doesn't know "blankies"! Pfffffff

Meowers from Missouri said...

Tellyport ofur here, guys! Mommer's home frum werk today an' she's got the sparky black box goin' even though it's not as cold as it has been fur the last 6 days!!

does you haf lotsa snows?

how is yer momladypersonthatwoman feelin'?


Oh guys it's even cold down here in Florida

purrs and whiskerkisses
your Angel

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Your snow made the news out here! We are glad you are not stuck in Buffalo on the road! I hope you have food too to help you keep warm

Ivan from WMD said...

We know how you feel, Nicky. Our mom seems to think that just because we have coats it's OK to keep the house all freezy. We all need electric blankets!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Mommy said the last partment was really cold in the winter. We have nice heat here, and all windows on one side, which means when the sun shines in the morning it is extra toasty in the sunpuddles!
Makes Mommy turn on her fan sometimes! Mommies are weird!

Random Felines said...

we feel your pain....and chills

pilch92 said...

Sorry you are so cold. It is cold here too so I have a heating pad on low for the kitties and a heated throw.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mum just saw on the news about all the snow in West New York state. You all snuggle together and keep warm.

Mickey's Musings said...

We hear ya Nicky!
Mom only turns up the heat when SHE is cold or wants a shower :/
She goes to work and we freeze!
Your mom and ours treat us mean !
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Just Ducky said...

Are you buried in snow?

meowmeowmans said...

It's cold here, too. Brrrrr. Let's all pile under the covers!

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...