Sunday, November 29, 2015

Meezer Monday Post Turkey day report


I was afraid there for a while that there would be no turkey for us.  The mom and Auntie Ellen went out to dinner with Grammie to a restaurant.  The mom had PRIME RIB.  what kind of TURKEY day dinner is that? SHEESH.  

BUT, we DID get home made turkey later in the weekend and it was furry dee-lish-us. 


Yes, so you stopped moaning and complaining about not getting any - FINALLY. 


Well, how is she ever going to know that she's not being a good the mom if I doesn't tell her - nine thousand four hundred and elebenty eight times a day? 


we could prolly do without nine thousand, four hundred and elebenty six of those times a day.  


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

At did get some of the coveted BURD!
Did it really take that many times to get the required rations?? MOL!

Mickey's Musings said...

Well Miles, you have a point.
You did get the turkey!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Florida Furkids said...

Whew....we got scared that you didn't get any turkey....glad you finally did!!
Mom gave us some and we turned our noses up at it!

The Florida Furkids

The Menagerie Mom said...

Whew. At least you finally got that turkey. Better late than never!

Have a lovely week!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness your Mom had a change of heart and gave you some turkey Miles!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cats Herd You said...

We were worried there for a minute that you wouldn't get any turkey! What was she thinking, not making a whole one just for you for Thanksgiving?

The Island Cats said...

We didn't get turkey on Thanksgiving either because the peeps went somewhere else for dinner. So the mom made turkey yesterday...and it was yummy!

Fur Everywhere said...

The Mom tried to feed us turkey canned cat food, and Carmine didn't want it! So he ended up eating Chicken and Green Pea instead. What a silly mancat.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Whew, I am so glad that you had some real turkey - my mom brought some home and shared with me. However, I did get canned turkey in gravy for my breakfast meat.

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

da tabbies o trout towne said...


sorree for shoutin..... but we had two......♥♥♥

pilch92 said...

This Auntie Ellen made a 23 pound turkey for 4 people so there were lots of leftovers for the kitties- wish you could visit us :)

Ivan from WMD said...

I agree with Miles! You gotta be persistent!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You have to have turkey!
Lily & Edward

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

More proof that complaining counts!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Of course, the only thing that counts is that you did actually get some turkey!!!

The Chans

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...