Tuesday, October 03, 2017

thoroughly DISGUSTED


we is losing all of our furriends and readers 'acuase the mom is a slacker.  

The mom says to tell you that since she changed our foods back to that crap, nasty vile crap, disgusting nasty vile crap, organic pea and duck crap, I has not been pooping soft poops all over the house.  You really didn't need to know that I was doing that in the first place, but i has stopped doing it.  That's no reason to NOT GIVE US THE GOOD FOODS THAT WE LIKE AND NOT THAT NASTY DISGUSTING VILE PEA AND DUCK CRAP THAT WE HATE. 

Also, she fell in a hole and did something bad to her foot.  

Then she gotted her arm stuck between the recliner and the wall and couldn't get it out, finally got out but now has a HUGE bruise all the way down her upper arm. 

She's really an idiot and I haf no idea how we have managed to stay alive as long as we have. 

Here is my disgusted look 


Meowers from Missouri said...

oh noes! how tiresome. sounds like yer mlp is on the fritz. has you got a "rent-a-mom" company where you liff? we will loan you the green papers. we gots lotsa them acause mommer washed her wallet, an' we gets our 'lowance from enny monies that gets laundered...::whazzat, iggy? there's a man in a black suit at the frunt door asking fur me?:: well, miles, gotta go........

Ivan from WMD said...

Sorry, Miles, but you did make us laugh. A much needed respite from terrible times.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh dear! It sounds like you've been through the wars! But fear not, you will not lose us! We are your friends for good!

The Chans

pilch92 said...

Nice to see your adorable face. I hope your Mom feels better soon. XO

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We eat dat crap, er, food too. It keeps Speedy from peeing poop outta his spot #13. Actually, it's not dat bad. Haf you hadded da mom lady person tested? Ours hadded her head scanned and dey said her brain is still der but sometimes we think da machine was broked.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

I hate to admit this, but I leave my phone in my pocket because we live in the country and my hubby 'drives' trains (so he has no regular schedule, and I'm home alone sometimes for a day or two) so if I fall (anywhere... inside or outside!!!) I can call somebody to get me right side up!!!!
Please eat the food that helps your insides work the best and maybe you'll get a 'treat' once in a while....

Jans Funny Farm said...

We feel for you having to eat "crap", but if it's good for you, perhaps you could keep trying to like it? You sound like a lot of humans, skip the healthy food and go for the good tasting unhealthy food. We want you all to be healthy!

Including your mom. Sure hope she is okay! You'd better take good care of her. She's the only mom you have. And even though you complain about her all the time, we think you actually love her. Right?

Summer said...

Sounds like things have been a little TOO exciting around your house! And I want to know something... if you hate that food and won't eat it... then how come you are pooping at all? Shouldn't that mean you'd have nothing to poop if you weren't eating it? BTW, it's kind of expensive, but my human has discovered that if a cat has digestive problems, sometimes switching them over to raw food really works wonders! It happened with my human's dad's cat - she had the ickiest poop you can imagine, and would get sick and throw up a lot. Getting raw really helped her lots. Also chicken doesn't seem to agree with her, so she is getting mainly turkey and duck food.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...if we had ta eat FOWL oh any kind.....letz just say ~~~~~~~~~


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well Miles, I have to admit I don't like peas either. If it makes your pooper work better it is worth putting up with though.
I hope your mum soon feels better. You need to keep a closer eye on her.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Better poops are a sign of better food. Not TOO solid like hard, but not soft like spreadibg out. You want them JUST RIGHT!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, That look, MOL!

I eat grain free, but not duck...I do not want to quack! MOL!

Those do-dos are getting better though, so that's a good thing:)

Just Ducky said...

Sorry you guys don't like your foods. I like mine, but I don't have any weight issues to deal with.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...