Grr, Midnight and Cocoa challenged me to write a song 'bout HAM to the tune of Jingle Bells. If I does a good job, they will donate $10 to Libby for her v-e-t bills!! So............
Here Goes!!!
Hammy Smells
Dashing frough the house
on my four furry feet
mommy's at the cold box
getting me a treat
On my feets I run
For a treat that is YUM YUM
I can't wait to get it
into my tum-tum
Hammy Smells
Hammy Smells
Hammy Smells so fine
and the taste
oh my gosh
it is so deeeeeeeeee-vine
City Ham
Country Ham
dices cubes and slices
salty good
piggy good
tastes better than mices
Well, didded I do a good job? Does Libby gets the money? We is going to fink of a challenge for someone - we will post it Monday.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Oh my gosh! That am a furry good song!! Makes me wants some ham...MOMMA....
Oh, Miles, that's a GREAT SONG!! It's so good that we are sending Libby a donation in your honor!
~Meepsie, Flumpy and Shep the Dog
Wow, that is great. Momma is singing Jingle Bells, all over the house now!
WOW! Great song! You are very talented! I like this idea of challenges!
It is just wonderful.
Hi to my bestest furriends...
You did excellent!!!
And all sooooo true!
Yu didded a furry gud job! An isunt that nice uf Grr, Midnight an Cocoa. Libby is a lukky kittie.
[applauding] Well done Mile!!
That? Is a super-good song! I likes it! You did a furry good job. Furry impressive, Miles!
Oh that's wonderful. Chey is boucing her tail to the tune and Georgia and I are clapping away! Miles you are so furry talented.
We loves your song, great job!
oh very good Miles...and I'm not even a kitty...but it made me get hungry.
here's a virtual ham for you
WhooHoo! That's totally EXCELLENT! Cocoa is drooling right now and adding HAM to the grocery list! We absolutely love your song!!!
(Since Libby is offering to light memory candles in exchange for donations, we'll send our money today and ask her to light them in memory of Norton and Trixie, if that's okay with you.)
Great song! I think you did a terrific job. :)
I need to find out what this "ham" stuff is! It sounds good.
Very good song. You are very talented Miles.
Good song, Miles? Have you and Sammy seen this story?
It's about a beautiful Meezer - I'll bet your mom could read it to you.
Felix & Fletcher (we're Meezers, too!) & Maxine
That was FABULOUS! It makes me want to take a trip to the deli for a few slices of my very own ...
"Hammy smells, hammy smells" ...
Look what you started! Now I can't get it out of my head!
Mmmm, ham ...
DaisyMae Maus
That was supposed to be
Good song, Miles!!!
NOT a question!
F, F & M
I absolutely love it.Great Job.
Very creative Miles!
Dat wuz a furry gud song Miles. Yoo are sooooooooo clefurr
Miles! I's so impurressed! You didded a GREAT songy for your challenge! *nuzzle* I knews you could do it!
Oh, it's great! I'm sure it will catch on an replace the original song.
Hammy Smells, Hammy Smells,
Hummm, humm, hummm, humm, hummmmmm!
Suddenly, I's furry hungry.
Miles that is so terrific. You did a slam dunk job. You have to be mighty proud of yourself.
We hope you don't mind, Meezers, but we loved your song so much we linked it on Carmen's blog for her Open Holiday Blogging Extravanganza so other people could listen to its goodness as well!
Well Done!
EXCELLENT SONG! I love it, and the Lady is singing it!
That is now stuck in the Woman's head. GOOD JOB!
i don't like hamm but i love your song!
Two paws up from ME!! Libby gets the $10.
DD liked your song so much, she had some ham for dinner! And then we sang it together.
Oh Miles
Boo has been runnin all ofur da house singin yur song and beggin Momma fur some ham!
We's want to help Libby out too...dat wuz a fuury gud fing yu did fur her Miles!
Hi to my sweet handsome Sammys!
purrsssss and headbutts
Hahahahahahahahahaahaa! Excellent song!
That's an exsillint song! Wow, now I just can't git it owt of my hed!
Great song ... makes me hungry ...
I'm too busy dancing to ask if Libby got the money!
Its a funny song, but what's ham?
That's me, Beezer, that made the last comment.
I don't like ham, but that's a very good song! It made my OTW mutter at the 'puter and go turn on some other music, 'cause she said she refuses to dream about ham all night. 'Specially since she doesn't like ham either.
Great Song Miles i luv it! and thinks for helping me out! Now mommy has jingle bells stuckin her head!
Furrytastic song Miles. You did great ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko kO
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