Patches and Mittens wanted to know what is in our Forbidden Room. Our Forbidden Room was not always Forbidden to us. Until I caused trouble in there. There is a nice bed wif a fluffy feather top on it that me and Trixie liked to sleep on. And a big window sill like in the people's litterbox room, wif a printer on it. And a 'puter desk, wif no 'puter on it (Mommy uses a laptop now, so she loaned the 'puter to a friend of hers, but then he went to the People's Rainbow Bridge on christmas eve, and she doesn't know what happened to it). There's a dresser wif a basket for coins, which we liked to knock over, and daddy's antique chair that needs to be restored. But that's not where I caused trouble. Mommy has a green house in the forbidden room, and it hadded some plants in it that she was growing to put outside this spring, and they looked furry delicious and smelled good, so I finded a way to get under the plastic cover and get to the ones on the bottom. And I ated them. And then I barfed on the rug. So, now it's a Forbidden Room again. Oh, and because Mommy is not such a good plant person, all the rest of the little plants died. Oh, shur, she says it's 'acause the heater that was keeping the greenhouse warm and steamy stopped werking one day and the plants got cold and died, but I think it's 'acuase she doesn't know what she's doing.
We have one of those rooms, too. It used to be MY room when it was just me and Mom and Eddie. Then Olivia came and then Caroline and now none of us can be in there unless Mom is in there. I think none of us should be in there except for me. Because it's MY room.
We also have a forbidden room. It's Mom and Dad's room, the reason it is forbidden to us 'cuz Ping kept going in and puttin his scent all over Momma's bed. So now Momma takes me and Boo in there by ourselves. Boo came a'fore me and she gets to go nappy at night in there. 'Cuz if we both wuz in there together at nappy time we would argue wif each other. Well, I would argue wif Boo. So, I don't get to naps with Momma like I wants to. But, someday if me and Boo gets along Momma promised me that I could naps in there.
Hi Sammy sweetie..you look sooo very handsome in your pixfur.
Yes, I agrees with Abby, most handsome.
Our Forbidden Room is the Guesty Bedroom. Sometimes, when we have guests and they dont close the door all the way we sneak in and have tons of fun.......we searched through all their stuffs!! (please don't tell Mom)
You should never eat plants if you don't know what they are. Those kinds make you sick. I already spend enough time throwing up.
Our forbidden place is "The Attic". I plan to write about it soon.
My human pet doesn't have any plants inside because Isis proved long ago she couldn't have any plants. Curses.
The Forbidden Room does sound really interesting though. Perhaps you could sneak back in sometime just to have a look around!
Wow what a tidy forbidden room. Our forbidden room in the old house had lots of stuff in it, with boxes and things to hide behind because it was called a room store or something like that.
Aww Sammy thats too bad the room is off limits. all the best ones are.
oohh! little and poor cat! my dad don´t like it that come in in your room! =^^=
I require all doors to be open at all times in my house, though I do let them close the bathroom door. When I was staying with Devon Grandma lately, she has a mania for keeping doors closed, I had to do some very loud SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH stuff outside some doors before she got the message about leaving doors open for me!
Hmmm, I don't have any forbidden rooms upstairs. But part of the dungeon is off limits, that is where Grampie keeps his tools.
i can go anywhere i want in our house. i have my own bedroom too. my Mom says i'm very spoiled. i think i smell pretty good, tho.
OUr Mum is a plant killer too - she forgets to water the plants on the balcony. She can't keep plants in the house because Knightly thinks that they are for eating.
In the old apartment, we weren't allowed in a couple of rooms unless Mum was there, but now we can go anywhere we want except the closets. I like the front closet since that's where Mum keeps her shoes.
PS. you sure look cute in your picture!
Isn't it aweful when Our 'beans blame the death throes of their plants on either us or something else? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
We killed so many plants, that Mom refuses to keep any in the house anymore.
She occasionally puts fresh-cut flowers on top of the entertainment center (where we can not climb) and it drives us both insane as we strategize how to get up there.
That is such a pretty picture, you look so comfy!
That is a great picture, Sammy! It's kinda like we're takin' a nap with ya . . . zzzzzzzzzz
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