It has been sad around here for a few days. Wif Grampa Norton gone, Mommy has been furry sad. We all have been furry grateful and humbled by all the nice werds that poodins and people (and bunnies too!) have said about Grampa Norton.
Mommy gotted Sammy and me a new toy the ofer day, a Cat Dancer toy. She putted it up on the patio window for us, and we like playing wif it. We were playing wif it last night, and it maded Mommy laugh, and she tickled our bellies and we wiggled all over the place. We askded her if it was ok to laugh yet, and she said that it was ok. But Sammy felt kind of bad about having fun, and he gotted upset and barfed on the rug. Mommy gotted a new monster to clean the rugs last weekend, so she gotted it out. From what I can tell, the new monster pees on the rug, then swirls around in circles, then sucks efurryfing up and then it starts beeping like crazy. It's kind of gross. She says it's called a Spot Bot. All I know is that it leaves a wet spot on the rug, and we are not allowed to leave wet spots on the rug in our house. I fink it should have to move out.
After Sammy barfed, he ran upstairs to the people's littlebox room and jumped on the windowsill. Mommy tolded me to make shur he was ok, so I did. Mommy said I was a furry good boy, so she gived me some HAM. Then she tooked all of us into the bedroom and we had a nap pile for a little while.
I fink that we are gonna to go visit our daddy this weekend, so we has to go in the big metal monster for a LONG time - mommy says almost 5 hours. We plan on singing along to the radio at the top of our lungs for the whole time. Mommy should like that.
I just heard about Norton and I want to give my sympathies. It's sad to lose someone close.
Sending out purrs and hugs.
You are a very good boy to take care of your bro like that. And your mom, too, thinking about keeping her entertained on that long, long trip.
The Mom lighted a candle last night for Norton; and we know he is happy now at Rainbow Bridge.
Sounds like a citing trip! You have to tell us all about it!
Oh wow Sammy & Miles (hiya Trixie!) my Momma got a SpotBot also. She hasn't had to show me how it werks yet. I guess I am not gonna like it if he makes funny noises and leaves a wet spot.
Your trip to go see your Daddy sounds fun! Do you like goin in the big monster wif wheels? I bet you will be all smileys to see your Daddy doh.
Sammy I needs to come play wif your new toy. Now dat sounded like a LOTTA fun. WOO I loves to dance so da cat dancer sounded like my kinda toy. I hafta ask my Momma to find me one of dos.
Have a good time on your trip...time to start practicin' me me meow...meow meow meow!
Bye sweet Sammy!
My mama is currious about those spot bots. Do they really clean our oopsies??
I think it is completely unfair that the human pet can bring in something which makes wet spots on the floor, but you felines are not allowed to make any. What a double standard!
Have fun visiting your dad. That sounds like quite an adventure! You're such a good brofur, looking after Sammy. Tell Sammy it's OK, we all have oopsies how and again. And the spot bot thing sounds furry gross. Leaving wet spots all over the place.
I'm with Zeus! Why can the Spot-Bot pee on the floor, but you can not?!
What if you promised your urine would have cleaning properties that would leave the floor smelling fresh and uriny?
hmmm... I bet my momma would like a spot bot.. I'm not sure I would. She said to ask you to ask your momma more about it.
Have fun in the long visit. I did not like riding in that thing and my ride was shorter than yours.
Where are you Sammy? Catolympics 2006 mmm! are you scary? =^^=
thank you! I´m a girl and I dont know to fight!
A 5 hour trip in a carrier!!! Your Mom will need a tranquilizer after that.
The spot bot intruder sounds kinda scary too. How does it know just how much to clean? You are a good brother taking care of the Sammer. And thats a pretty picture of you lickin' his little head.
Sorry this is late. Our deepest sympathies on the passing of Norton. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
So sorry to hear about Grandpa Norton.
He was fortunate to have kitties like you and a sister like Trixie and a wonderful mom and dad.
You guys are so good for your mommy - keep her laffin'. We don't like the sound of that spotbot at all. Our mom really likes the picture you posted. Have a fun time on your road trip!
Mom gots sumfing like that spot bot. Bonnie leaves messes a lot, but I've been trying to help. Mom says it's gross, but I... clean up... Bonnie's messes. What's wrong with that? It's food... mostly.
Good luck on your car ride. I stay pretty quiet in the car, so I can hear the radio.
It looks like you had a really fun day! Isn't it great to hav these human mommy's to take care of us.
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